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Jeff Jarrett’s GFW Announces New Working Relationships in Australia and New Zealand
– Global Force Wrestling sent out the following today, confirming new working relationships with promotions in Australia and New Zealand…
Global Force Wrestling: Join The Force!NASHVILLE — Global Force Wrestling has extended its borders again, this time reaching Australia and New Zealand.
PWA Australia out of Sydney (www.pwaaustralia.com), WrestleClash out of Melbourne (www.wrestleclash.com.au), Riot City Wrestling out of Adelaide (www.riotcitywrestling.com), Explosive Pro Wrestling out of Perth (www.epwperth.com) and Impact Pro out of Auckland (www.impactprowrestling.co.nz) are the latest promotions worldwide to agree to partner with GFW.
GFW now has partnerships in Mexico, Japan, England, Ireland, Germany, Australia and New Zealand.
“It seemed like a natural progression to reach out Down Under,” GFW founder and CEO Jeff Jarrett said. “Professional wrestling has a solid fan base throughout Australia and New Zealand, and we’re pleased to have an opportunity to bring that product to America.
“All of our agreements just go to show the popularity of wrestling around the world. Wherever you go you can find athletes putting on great shows for their dedicated fans.”
Australian native and international TV star Rove McManus is excited to see his mates #JointheForce.
“I have witnessed firsthand some of the fantastic talent we have Down Under, and I believe the time is right to start showing the world why they breed us Aussies tough” McManus said. “Some of the best entertainers in the world have learned their craft in Australia and I have no doubt we have some of the best professional wrestlers in the world right at our doorstep.”
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