wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 11.23.10
Times…they are a-changing! Last night we crowned a NEW WWE Champion in The Miz and I’m interested in where they’re going with this. I love The Miz and his character, I see great things for him. However, that was Monday and tonight we’ve got the BEST WWE Show online…..right? WWE NXT’s season is coming to a close and we’re moving right along tonight with another elimination. We’ve got only one more episode after this one before NXT Season 3 rides off into the sun, will they go off with a bang or a whimper?
Yeah you told me that you were an angel, but I already know what you came for, you make the rain fall.
Pyro’s hit as the penultimate episode begins. Striker mid ring as per usual and out comes the remaining Divas. There’s airhorns in the ring, so I’m not sure I like what’s coming.
Rookie Challenge: WWE Trivia
Question’s are worth 100 pts in Round 1 and 200 in Round 2.
Round 1: All things NXT
1st Question: Who won Season 1 of NXT?
Naomi: Wade Barrett
2nd Question: Who were the first female NXT pros?
AJ: LayCool
3rd Question: What was the name of the immigration officer who tried to– (the girls interrupt Striker before he finishes)
AJ: Dickopopolis
4th Question: Who was Daniel Bryan’s pro?
AJ: The Miz
End of the 1st Round and AJ is in the lead with 300.
Round 2: All things WWE
1st Question: Which Arena was the First Wrestlemania held?
AJ: Madison Square Garden
2nd Question: Who defeated Shawn Michaels and ended his career?
AJ: The Undertaker
3rd Question: Which WWE Hall of Famer reigned as the WWE Women’s champion for over 20 years
AJ: The Fabulous Moolah
4th Question: What is the WWE’s annual holiday visit to our Brave service men and women?
AJ: Tribute to the Troops
5th Question: Which WWE Superstar is known as The Game
AJ: Triple H
AJ wins with 1300 points! Girl knows her stuff. haha.
Winner: AJ
Considering this is the second to last show, I won’t complain too much about the horn games but either these girls are simply not that smart or they are told beforehand to be actively immature, specifically Kaitlyn. Also of note, Cole and now Matthews are both treating the show like it’s nothing but a necessity to each one of them and it seemed like even Striker was getting annoyed.
Match 1: Kaitlyn vs. Nikki Bella
Kaitlyn is wearing a shirt that says “I
After the match, Vickie Guerrero screams at Kaitlyn.
The match wasn’t all that long, but I firmly believe that this mean streak Nikki has is making her a bit better in the ring. Kaitlyn sold well for the most part and I could say that although it was a bit different than AJ’s outing with Nikki, it was still very well done. It’s a shame this Nikki Bella movement will never leave past NXT.
Match 2: Naomi vs. AJ
I believe this is the first time I’ve seen them wrestle against each other, at least in terms of NXT. I’m excited about the prospect of action. Let’s hope they don’t move too quickly…haha. Before the match, they show the Octopus hold with cheers that sound extremely canned. Lockup? LLLLOOOOCCCCKKKUUUPPPP. Naomi with a quick twist of the arm and AJ reverses it. An rish whip is turned into a headlock takeover then a clothesline and a pin all by Naomi for a 2. AJ with a quick Hurricanrana. Naomi gives a swift kick then a booty bump straight to the face of AJ. AJ slides out of the ring and pulls at Naomi’s feet, goes up to the corner and gets a Flair Flop for her trouble. haha. AJ quickly runs out of the ring to recuperate as Naomi tries to coax her in the ring. AJ finally re-enters and they shake hands.
Naomi fakes a lockup but takes out AJ’s legs. A scoop slam then a huge leg drop on AJ. Pin for a 2. Naomi with a submission hold, driving her knee into AJ’s back. AJ uses the crowd to get out of it and gives Naomi a kick, then hits the ropes but Naomi catches her and revers it into a neckbreaker and a Step Up Enziguri for a CLOOOOOSE Pin. We now get a submission that look like an Indian Deathlock but AJ flips out of it for a pin for 2. Naomi goes for a headlock, reveresed by AJ then reveresed again into a modified camel clutch then finally a headlock until AJ revereses it with an elbow. Naomi with an uppercut and an elbow then AJ hits the ropes and reverses a lock up with a twilt a whirl DDT. AJ with a couple clotheslines and another pin for 2. Naomi reverses an irish whip and AJ gives her a kick to the face but Naomi hits a Spinning Heel Kick for 2!! Wow, great match and Cole and Matthews agree. Irish whip to the corner, AJ runs towards Naomi and gets in The Octopus again!! Naomi is fading. It’s over!!!
Winner: AJ
Gotta hand it to both ladies here as they did a great job with a fast paced match and an ending that was both out of nowhere and beautifully executed at the same time. There was a slew of submissions that looked a little sloppy near the ropes with Naomi, but seriously that’s just nitpicking as the match was nicely done.
Rookie Challenge: Last Sumo Standing
There is a yellow circle in the middle of the ring, sumo style. Striker introduces the girl in their Sumo Suits and Kaitlyn rolls down the ramp as Vickie looks on in disgust. AJ wonh the earlier contest so she gets a buy into the finals as this is tournament style. Whomever pushes the other outside of the circle in the ring wins.
Naomi vs. Kaitlyn
Kaitlyn wins the round in about 10 seconds.
Kaitlyn vs. AJ
This round takes a little longer and AJ surprisingly has control throughout most of it but it takes too long and they restart the match. This round doesn’t take as long and Kaitlyn wins it.
Winner: Kaitlyn
Boring. Gravy was mentioned and it kind of made me yearn for a Stacy Kiebler vs. Torrie Wilson Gravy Match
We get a recap of The Miz winning the title and I for one am a very happy fan. I’m especially loved the quick reversal of the RKO into the Skull Crushing Finale and quite possibly the BEST shot of an angry child I’ve seen in a long time, almost as great as the crying kids when Barrett beat Cena at NOC. Man, it was great.
In the backstage area, Striker asks each of the girls which diva should go home.
AJ says she loves both of the girls but she just beat Naomi and would love to see what would happen if Kaitlyn and her went head to head.
Kaitlyn says Aksana…..ummmm…what?!, She then says Naomi.
Naomi says Kaitlyn cannot wrestle and the winner of NXT should be a Diva that is well rounded and show her skill in the ring and Kaitlyn can’t do that.
Elimination Time
And it’s AJ……what the hell?!? WHOA! This is completely shocking and somewhere Steve Cook is spitting Jack Daniels on the screen. AJ says she is not a supermodel and didn’t get Prom Queen and nearly chokes up. She says it’s time for a new breed of Diva and has wanted this her entire life. She says that nothing will stop her and if you think it’s the last time we have seen AJ, we are sorely mistaken. She thanks us and says we will see her again. Kaitlyn and Naomi both hug her and I’m not sure I want to watch next week. :'(
Show is over.
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