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The Triple Threat 3.13.11: The 227th Edition – Victory Road, NXT, Snooki On Raw, More

March 13, 2011 | Posted by David Martell


Topic # 1 TNA‘s Victory Road PPV is this Sunday. What are your thoughts on the card?

David Martell: I have to say that this PPV looks pretty awful. It seems that TNA just decided that since its Wrestlemania Season they just wouldn’t care about their PPV. Lets break down the card. First off we have Beer Money vs. Ink Inc for the Tag straps. This should be one of the better matches on the card. I really don’t see Beer Money losing the belts right now since they are a part of the main storyline going on right now. We get another Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan match, this time first blood. I think we have seen enough of this already. How long has this storyline been going on? Hopefully this will be the end of it. I am going for Hernandez. The Ultimate X match for the X division title will probably be the match of the night. Well, maybe not, after all Robbie E is in it. Either way, the Bucks and Kaz should be good enough to make thing something good. I think Kaz will retain. Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer should be awful. I am sorry but Ray cant really go anymore, definitely not in a singles match. This should have been at least a hardcore match, it would of made it somewhat entertaining. I think Bully Ray will win here. The Knockout tag team match really isn’t important at all since those titles basically mean nothing. I say Love and Winter will retain. Sting vs. Jeff Hardy for the TNA World Title should be interesting but I doubt it will be that good. I expect some kind of run in here. I think Sting will retain. Mr. Anderson vs. RVD for the number one contendership for the World Title should be good if given time. I think Anderson will win this one. Last but not least, Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles. I just don’t have faith in Matt Hardy anymore but I think this could be half decent if both men work hard. I am going to say Matt wins here with the help of Flair. Overall, this isn’t a PPV I recommend buying. Where is Kurt Angle or the Motor City Machine Guns? This PPV is just missing to many valuable players. Skip this one please.

Jacob San Antonio: Let’s run down this card, shall we? I’ve got horrible luck at accurately predicting the results of tag matches, so I’m going with Beer Money Inc. retaining their titles against Ink Inc. Hernandez already cost Matt Morgan his championship shot against Anderson, so I expect to see Morgan win the First Blood match. I don’t think that’ll be the end of the feud though, so hopefully there are some good matches between them still in the future. I’m expecting to see more titles retained at this PPV, so Kazarian will probably retain his X-Divison championship. Tommy Dreamer will beat Bully Ray, though I highly expect someone to run in. Rosita and Sarita will turn the tables and take the Knockout Tag Titles from Winter and Angelina Love. I don’t even want to think about who might run into this next match, but I’m going to say that Sting still retains his title against Jeff Hardy anyway. I can totally see RVD beating Anderson to be #1 contender, giving TNA another excuse to have an RVD/Sting matchup. Finally, if I have to choose between Matt Hardy and AJ Styles I will always choose Styles. Always. Not a bad card, but I just don’t see that many titles changing hands. I hope someone’s keeping count of how many times I’m wrong about this.

Zach Brown: This PPV has not had a very good build to it in my honest opinion. They stopped caring about the rest of their booking to concentrate on that stupid 3-3-11 storyline, and this PPV has suffered as a result of it. Most of these matches are thrown together, and a lot of stories that they have spent a lot of time developing are strangely absent. Case in point, Angle is the only person on the poster for this event and he is nowhere to be found on the card. That’s a problem. There are a few underdog matches that can steal the show, but it’s unfortunate when you are counting on those types of matches to make a show good. First of all, Matt Hardy vs. AJ Styles…it could be decent since it is AJ Styles after all. AJ is the bigger star in TNA, but I can expect they give the rub to Matt because they may want to make him a bigger deal. Mr. Anderson vs. RVD could be a solid match as well. That’s something that could easily main event a show if the booking were right, and I expect it to be the best match on the show. I’d like Mr. Anderson to win because if he doesn’t get his rematch, it’s a real shame. Hernandez vs. Matt Morgan is a match that should not even be happening because it has been awful each and every time. I expect Hernandez to win here, but it should be one of the worst matches on the card, with at least one guaranteed botch. They have had chance after chance to make their confrontations good, and it’s never happened so I gave up hope on that match ever being good. Bully Ray vs. Tommy Dreamer is yet another match that will be completely mediocre. I don’t want to see it whatsoever, and anyone who’s anyone knows that Devon will interfere and cost Ray the match. The Ultimate X match is something that could really bring up the overall quality of the show. The Bucks are awesome wrestlers and they could really turn that match into something special. Kazarian is a solid wrestler too, and Robbie E can sort of blend in and be protected in this match. It will probably be a spot fest, as most Ultimate X matches are, but it should be a lot of fun anyway. Angelina Love and Winter vs. Rosita and Sarita is pretty decent, but I wonder why the Knockouts championship isn’t on the card. I expect Angelina and Winter to retain. Beer Money vs. Ink Inc. is another match that can really steal the show if done correctly, and if you buy this PPV, it’s one of the few solid reasons to buy it. I expect Beer Money to retain. And finally, Sting vs. Jeff Hardy. I do not expect this match to be good in any way. Sting should not be in the main event, and I highly doubt that these men will have any sort of chemistry. Since TNA just gave him the belt, I expect Sting to retain. So what makes this card worth anyone’s money? Counting on only a few matches to be good when there is no guarantee that they will be? The main event is randomly thrown together, most of the booking makes no sense, and the chances of every champion retaining their title are extremely likely. This show is only for the diehard TNA fans that need to see everything they do. Everyone else needs to save their money because the odds are overwhelming that this show is not worth your hard earned cash.

Topic # 2 What are your thoughts on the newest season of NXT and the theme?

David Martell: I have to say that I am not to big of a fan of this seasons theme but I understand why they are doing it. WWE wants Tough Enough to be their main focus when it comes to up and comers and this season of NXT doesn’t need to steal any of its thunder. Not that it would since it is only online anyways. There is actually some good things for this season of NXT. Darren Young actually looks very motivated this time around and I am liking his change of character. He is the guy to root for. I always thought he was a decent in ring competitor anyways. I just didn’t care for his party boy gimmick. Bryan Saxton is always fun to watch, so I have no complaints there. I have to said that I am even half impressed with Lucky Cannon with trying something new. I like heel Lucky better than bland face Lucky. So half the roster of this season of NXT is at least watchable. I would have to say that the weakest person this time around is Jacob Novak. This guy has no charisma and he is still wearing those bland all white tights. He is hopeless. If he couldn’t learn anything about his character last season he has no chance to win. At least Conner dropped the whole rat thing. Titus O’Neil is still athletic but very green. He looks a little better I just hope he never talks. Overall, this is a filler season of NXT but I wouldn’t say its completely lost.

Jacob San Antonio: With Tough Enough not too far away, the WWE is deciding to go with a filler season of NXT. It involves past participants from earlier NXT seasons competing for a spot on season six. I realize they don’t want to do anything too radical to take viewers away from Tough Enough, but this season’s premise is just plain bad. I’ve got no interest in watching the likes of Lucky Cannon or Titus O’Niel bore me again. The only two contestants who I care even the slightest for are Byron Saxton and Darren Young. Even so, after watching Johnny Curtis win NXT season 4 I’ve got no hope that the right wrestler will win the competition. The premise is bad, the participants are bad, and this is a filler season coming off a bad season 4. I guess that’s what the WWE was aiming for, though, since I don’t know a single person who’s interested in watching any of the next NXT webcasts.

Zach Brown: Meh. Honestly, I’m conflicted because I think that this is a worthwhile way to create a new star and to give these guys good second chances, but I also think sometimes that NXT should end completely. No one cared when it was an all Divas show, and it went to the web halfway through that season. Then they had a season with all male wrestlers again, and that was completely on the web. Now barely any of the crowd knows who was on that season of NXT, even though there was some decent talent in that season. So now they are putting on another web season of NXT with all of the past wrestlers that lost…it’s an interesting concept. I mean I can like this type of show every once in a while. The 4th Season of The Ultimate Fighter was awesome because it consisted of good MMA fighters that for one reason or another did not get a chance to shine the way they should have in the UFC. This version of NXT is a little like that concept, except that there is no way to know if they can turn one of these wrestlers around and make them a bigger deal.That being said, the first episode was hit and miss as the matches weren’t all that great, but it was interesting to see these guys again. Titus O’ Neil has good athletic ability but is still so green in the ring. Lucky Cannon’s change of character is somewhat interesting and could help him make it in WWE, but I don’t think that he will win NXT, and it was downright embarrassing to see him say “stupider.” That was the definition of irony and is bound to end up on Botchamania. Conor O‘Brian is decent enough but he just doesn’t stand out to me. Jacob Novak still has nothing special in my eyes. Byron Saxton is good and I expect him to make it far with his personality. And I think Darren Young is decent and wants it more than anyone at this point. Darren is my pick to win this season because his attitude of working harder than the rest and never taking a day off is probably going to be favorable in WWE’s eyes. This season could be decent, most definitely, but the majority of the WWE crowd is going to be presented with the winner of NXT Redemption, not even knowing that a season had been going on in the first place. The webcast format is just not helping things, and a TV deal should be found or I think it should just be ended after this season.

Topic # 3 How do you feel about Snooki hosting RAW this Monday?

David Martell: Well it seems that WWE even has to outdo TNA in the stupidest of things. I guess maybe they are trying to get more women viewers to pay attention to their show but honest, what is the real point here? This is the road the Wrestlemania, there should be no guest hosts what so ever. Right now people are into the storylines not into random celebrity guest hosts. I just think this is bad timing. Snooki after Wrestlemania would be fine, but right now she is just going to take valuable tv time away from the wrestlers who are trying to build up their Wrestlemania match. I much rather see another via satellite promo from the Rock. Hell, there are still matches that need to be built up. You could give more time to Daniel Bryan and Sheamus, or have Cody Rhodes make an appearance. Just a plain waste of good tv time to build up the biggest PPV of the year.

Jacob San Antonio: Is anyone excited about this? Wrestlemania is right around the corner, I’d like to see a better build up to the matches instead of wasting time with Snooki. That being said, there is one way to salvage her being on the show. Zack Ryder’s obnoxious character is already a Jersey Shore parody, so any interaction between him and Snooki should prove pretty entertaining. This is the WWE we’re talking about, though, so don’t be surprised if they decide the best way to use Snooki is to have her dance with Hornswaggle for no reason. Being the terrible pessimist that I am, I find the second scenario far more likely, unfortunately. Oh well. If we can get through Snooki week we’re one week closer to ‘Mania.

Zach Brown: Embarrassing and terrible. Jersey Shore is disgustingly watchable at times, I admit, but I don’t want Snooki setting foot into aWWE ring. TNA has already had J-Woww and Angelina. Does WWE really have to follow suit? What is the point? There is none. It’s all just for publicity. The only way this can be saved is if Orton delivers a thunderous RKO to this chick. Now that would be quality television. Whatever they have planned for Snooki during Raw, I plan to make an amazing sandwich while it’s happening, and you should too.

Topic # 4 Stone Cold Steve Austin is not officially the guest ref for the Jerry Lawler vs. Michael Cole match. Your thoughts?

David Martell: It seems that the WWE is trying to pull all the stops here to get people buying Wrestlemania. Having Stone Cold as a guest ref is fine with me, we all know he will call the match right down the middle. Give Cole a few Stunners and I will be happy with the turn out. One thing I am more looking forward to is the fact that we could see some type of interaction between the Rock and Stone Cold. That alone could give a great Wrestlemania moment and I think it is something that needs to happen. The WWE is playing their cards well. Bringing in big stars from the past always lends a helping hand and its hard not to want to watch when you have two of the most popular wrestlers of all time on your biggest show of the year. Should be nothing less than awesome.

Jacob San Antonio: Stone Cold doing anything with the WWE is cause for celebration. He could be a commentator, a time keeper, or even a pyro guy and I’d still cheer. I’m certain he’ll be fun to watch as a guest referee. Looking back at the Attitude Era, though, I’m kinda confused to see him take up Lawler’s side before the match. I realize faces have to help faces, and all that jazz, but back when Austin was champ Jerry Lawler was a heel commentator. While JR would cheer for each reign of the Rattlesnake, Lawler would cry foul and criticize. This isn’t that big a deal, I suppose, since the WWE’s pretty bad with continuity most of the time. I was already excited to see this match before Stone Cold got involved. His attachment just makes the match more attractive. With the ‘Mania card developing how it is, it’s sad for me to admit that this is the match I’m looking forward to the most. It’s the best built match so far, with Cole’s year long heel turn finally culminating in a beatdown with his partner at the commentary table. Will it be a well-wrestled match? Absolutely not. Will it be one of the highlights of the night to see Michael Cole finally get what’s been coming to him? You better believe it.

Zach Brown: This was a much more pleasant surprise than JBL. Stone Cold being a guest referee is nothing new in WWE, but this was awesome as you could tell that Stone Cold was having fun. When he poured the beers over Cole’s head, it really was an awesome and hilarious moment. I predicted last week that Stone Cold was just there to advertise Tough Enough and not get involved with Wrestlemania. Of course I was wrong, but it’s definitely a pleasant surprise as you can never have enough Stone Cold Steve Austin. It’s looking to be a star studded Wrestlemania, and even the worst match on the card is going to be fun and exciting with Austin involved. I’m really looking forward to it.

Topic # 5 How do you feel about Sunny being inducted into this year’s Hall of Fame?

David Martell: It is good to see another women make it into the WWE Hall of Fame. Hopefully this will end up a trend and some of the other well know women wrestlers and divas who have made an impact on the industry will get their chance at eternal glory. Sunny is basically one of the first ever divas who brought in sex appeal. I think she will be a great addition to the Hall of Fame but she wouldn’t be my first choice when choosing women. I think Miss Elizabeth would be my number one but I guess it makes sense why she isn’t in there yet. Hopefully with this induction, people like Sable, Chyna and Trish will get their names into the Hall of Fame.

Jacob San Antonio: It’s better than Koko B. Ware, right? Sunny getting into the Hall of Fame doesn’t bother me, really. I think it’s important to induct more women into the Hall of Fame, especially if they represent a different aspect of the business. The Great Moolah was a tough female wrestler, and she embodied the physicality of professional wrestling. To me, Sunny’s induction is to pay tribute to the sexier side of women’s wrestling. The modern day Diva is supposed to be a combination of those two aspects, and it really shows. As an aside, I do find it somewhat amusing that she makes it into the Hall of Fame after Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. In any case, I don’t see Sunny’s induction as a bad thing. She made things interesting on occasion, and looked good doing it. She was one of the first Divas the WWE had in that regard, whether or not they used that moniker.

Zach Brown: This was a nice surprise. For one reason or another, I never expect when it is announced that female wrestler is being inducted into the Hall of Fame. Like Bret said, it’s ironic that HBK is getting inducted into the same Hall of Fame ceremony since he said the infamous line,” even though lately you’ve had some Sunny days, my friend.” Harhar. Oh Shawn. Anyway, Sunny was a great part of WWF back in the day. That video package they aired on Raw really reminded me that Sunny was one of the best women in WWF, and most definitely one of the hottest of all time. And if you had seen her recently in ROH and Shimmer, she’s still hot! It’s crazy. I’m very glad that Sunny is being inducted into the HOF because she really deserves it, and it will be nice to see her on a WWE screen again.



Our thoughts on Zack Ryder.

David Martell: Zack Ryder is something special. Yeah, he is a pretty good wrestler and he has a character that is very entertaining but the thing that makes him special is that he loves what he does. To him, this is his dream and he wont let things like jobbing or not being on RAW upset him. That takes a lot of heart and there are plenty of guys who would have folded by now. He is content with his place but I know that eventually he will get his time to prove himself. He has a decent sized following online and from reading twitter, it seems like a lot of wrestlers dig what he is doing. If you haven’t checked out his Youtube videos I am going to post them at the bottom of this topic. They are must see! Ryder is still a hardcore wrestling fan at heart and its good to see that there are people out there who aren’t complaining about their spot in the company.

Jacob San Antonio: I’d just like to point out that Ryder has his own Youtube channel, and if you haven’t seen any of LongIslandIcedZ’s videos you’re missing out. Ryder just wants to entertain, and he doesn’t care how he does it. Be it jobbing, living as a parody of Jersey Shore, or getting kissed by William Regal, he will go to any lengths to keep you happy. It’s a great attitude to have, and that’s one of the reasons I enjoy watching Zack Ryder in the ring. You hear so many stories of backstage politics and less than friendly attitudes with some of the biggest superstars, so it’s refreshing to see another man on the roster who just wants to wrestle for the WWE in any capacity. Everybody wants to be the face of the company, I’m sure, but some guys just get so caught up in trying to reach that point that they just don’t have fun anymore. That’s no way to live in a job as demanding as that of a wrestler’s. Zack Ryder is a talented guy; if you haven’t seen any of his stuff near the end of ECW’s run, you’re seriously missing out. He could be a solid midcarder if given the chance. He has exciting matches in the ring, he makes for a decent promo when he’s able, but overall he just wants to make the fans happy. Any wrestler that positive about things deserves some respect in my eyes. It’s guys like Ryder that’ll change the way wrestling is perceived, I think. Not by himself, mind you, but if you bring in more guys who respect the company and just want to enjoy their time there, I think you’ll have less of the horror stories that old school wrestlers talk so much about.

Zach Brown: Ever seen a sign held by a wrestling fan that says “Push _______ or we riot?” Well chances are, they were probably talking about Zach Ryder. Zach Ryder is a great talent. He is a great wrestler, hilarious on the mic, and completely underutilized. The guy is on Superstars all the time, which basically means he is not doing much. I just wish WWE would do something for the guy, just to see if he can get anywhere on his own. Give the guy the US Title! Daniel Bryan doesn’t even need it at this point because he’s so over with the awesome matches he has, it’s not even funny. Put the belt on a guy like Zach Ryder, who can cut hilarious promos week after week after week, and defend the title in solid matches. Who cares, make the guy like The Miz where he just barely squeaks by with the title in every defense he has. The crowd would love to hate this guy, I know it. He really is a talented guy, and I think WWE would be pleasantly surprised if they just give the guy a solid shot at SOMETHING. Zach Ryder is a great wrestler and I just hope he gets his chance to shine. WWWYKI!

That is all for this week. Fell free to comment at the bottom of the page and have a great week in wrestling. CYA!


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David Martell

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