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411’s WWE Smackdown Report 10.30.09
> Welcome to this week’s Smackdown Recap. I’m the reviewer, Joseph Martinez, and tonight’s show is sure to be Halloween-related the holiday only a day away. Here’s some Woody Paige to add some Halloween spice to this column.
> Alright, it’s Showtime. Theodore Long makes his way towards the ring while Todd Grisham talks a little about the Rey Mysterio–Batista conflict. Grisham calls Smackdown the A-Show and we get introduced to new Smackdown Commentator, Matt Striker.
> Teddy gets on the stick and talks about Bragging Rights. He calls it the “superior A-show” before going onto a tangent about Batista and Rey Mysterio. Long informs us that Batista and Rey will have a “heart to heart” in the ring later in the program. He starts talking about the World Heavyweight Title situation but gets interrupted by Chris Jericho, who has his titles and the Bragging Rights Cup.
> After a highlight of the 7 on 7 tag team match, Teddy Long takes the trophy from Jericho. Chris Jericho says Smackdown won because of him. He shows disgust at the Big Show‘s title opportunity and puts himself over some more. Kane interrupts. Kane gets on the microphone and questions Jericho claim of winning the Bragging Rights tag match single handedly. Kane says he deserves a title opportunity more than Jericho and Show. Jericho brings up Kane’s weak record against the Undertaker and again says he’s the greatest. Kane teases a chokeslam but Teddy Long stops him. Long announces a number one contender match to name the second number one contender. The winner will compete in a three way at Survivor Series against the Undertaker and the Big Show.
> John Morrison time. He comes out with the Intercontinental Title and I just noticed there are some special Halloween Graphics.
> Dolph Ziggler is the opponent. He comes out with a mic. He says he likes his chances at winning because John Morrison is the only Smackdown Superstar to lose at Bragging Rights. Morrison fires back by making fun of Dolph Ziggler for losing his spot on the Smackdown team. Ziggler gets in the ring and the ref rings the bell.
John Morrison versus Dolph Ziggler
Opening grapple. Morrison gets Ziggler in the corner and Ziggler shoves him off. They tie up again. Morrison gets behind Ziggler and drags him down. Ziggler applies a headlock but Ziggler rolls out of it and applies a lock of his own. Morrison gets to his feet and sends Ziggler towards the ropes. He tries to attack but Ziggler shoves him down with a shoulder. Ziggler avoids an arm drag but Morrison hits him with a flap jack. Standing Shooting Star Press from John Morrison gets two.
Morrison takes Ziggler down. He goes into the corner but Ziggler props him over. Morrison hits himself on the turnbuckle. Pinfall gets two. Ziggler lands a flurry of punches until the ref gets him to stop. Mr. Ziggles brings Morrison up and takes him back down with a body slam. An elbow drop gets a two count. Chinlock from Ziggler to Morrison. Morrison punches out of the lock. Ziggler sends him into the turnbuckle and then takes Morrison down with a nice looking slam. Pinfall gets a two and sends the show to a commercial.
We return with Morrison trapped in a reverse chinlock. Morrison tries to punch out but Ziggler slams him to the ground. Ziggler hits a running Snapmare to John Morrison and gets a two count from the pin. Ziggler slams Morrison’s head to the ground. He follows that up with another chinlock. Morrison gets to his feet and tries to maneuver his way out. Ziggler prevents him but Morrison flips him over. Ziggler nails a punch but Morrison responds back. Ziggler fires back with a kick which is replied to with an uppercut. Clothesline takes Ziggler down. Flying clothesline from Morrison is followed up with a leg lariat. Pinfall gets two.
Morrison tries the Moonlight Drive but Ziggler avoids it. Dolph tries a reverse neck breaker but Morrison reverses that into a backslide for two. John Morrison tries to whip Ziggler into the corner but Ziggler reverses that into a power slam. Pinfall gets a two count. Ziggler almost hits the Zig-Zag but Morrison catches him and catapults him. Ziggler lands on his feet. Dolph tries a punch from the turnbuckle but Morrison gets a dropkick. Pinfall gets two when Ziggler gets his feet on the ropes. Morrison positions Ziggler for Starship Pain but Ziggler moves to the outside. Morrison tries a dive but Ziggler sweeps the leg of Morrison and the apron. Ref starts a count. Ziggler slams Morrison onto the announce table and gets back in the ring to see the referee complete the ten count.
> After some highlights of the Ziggler-Morrison bout, we get the rundown on the Batista-Rey Mysterio conflict.
> Plug for WWE.com. Apparently they have a ton of Halloween themed items there.
> Backstage with Teddy Long admiring the Bragging Rights Trophy. Vince McMahon enters. He lets Teddy know the probation could end with Teddy continuing his recent success. CM Punk enters the room and berates Teddy Long for granting a Raw Superstar a World Heavyweight Title shot. He then talks down the decision to give Kane and Chris Jericho a number one contender match. Punk blames Scott Armstrong for his loss and Vince McMahon makes a match between Punk and Armstrong. Teddy Long approves the match, CM Punk thanks Vince McMahon and the segment ends.
> Beth Phoenix is out for the next match. A jobber already in the ring named Jenny Brooks is Beth’s opponent. Matt Striker lets us know that Jenny Brooks is the only person that beat Beth in their amateur careers.
Beth Phoenix versus Jenny Brooks.
Beth slams Brooks to the ground. Phoenix stomps on Brooks and follows that up with some punches. Striker professes his love for Beth Phoenix while she kicks Brooks out of the ring. Jenny Brooks gets back in before the ref reaches ten but Beth catches her by her hair. Stalling Suplex from Beth to Jenny. Beth Phoenix delivers a backbreaker to Brooks and then sends her to the corner, all with one hand. Brooks tries to power out of Beth’s grasp but Phoenix just takes her out with a clothesline. Beth Phoenix delivers an Implant Buster that ends the match.
> After the match, we get a graphic for a Cryme Tyme Diva Halloween Costume Contest.
> Divide the Day (the band that wrote the Smackdown Theme Song) is in attendance.
> Tony Chimel asks us to welcome the lovely Vickie Guerrero to the stage. She’s wearing a wonderful Halloween costume, although I’m not sure what she’s supposed to be. She wants us to call her Princess Vickie Guerrero and I will do nothing but oblige her request.
> Princess Guerrero introduces us to her boyfriend, Eric Escobar. Princess Guerrero and Eric Escobar share a small dance before they make their way to the ring. Todd Grisham is obviously jealous of Princess Guerrero as he questions the legitimacy of the relationship. Matt Hardy is the opponent.
Matt Hardy versus Eric Escobar
Matt Hardy attacks from behind. He ducks an Escobar clothesline and replies with some punches. Hardy whips Escobar but the momentum is reversed and Escobar takes Hardy down with a shoulder block. Escobar misses an elbow drop which allows Matt Hardy to deliver a dropkick. Hardy works over Escobar in the corner until the ref forces him to stop. Escobar takes advantage and attacks with various punches. Escobar sends Hardy to the opposite corner and rushes him. Hardy moves out of the way and attacks with a clothesline-bulldog combination. Hardy goes upstairs but Escobar follows and tries to slam him down. Hardy shrugs him off and nails a moonsault. Princess Guerrero stares in concern from the outside as Escobar kicks out after two.
Striker points out that the knee of Hardy is damaged and Escobar quickly attacks it. Modified Toe Hook is applied and it even gets a one count from the ref. Escobar applies some elbows to the knee and then applies his weight to it. Hardy gets to his feet and attacks Escobar with his legs. Escobar takes Hardy down with a body slam. Hardy’s knee hits the ropes in the process. Escobar brings Hardy to his feet but Hardy hits the Twist of Fate out of nowhere. Pinfall gets Hardy the victory.
> Princess Guerrero yells at Matt Hardy and then attends to her fallen boyfriend. We get a graphic for the Jericho-Kane match shortly after.
> The theme of Rey Mysterio rings throughout the arena which means it’s time for a heart to heart. Rey Mysterio talks about what happened at Bragging Rights, which if you missed it, there was a video package. Big Dave turned on Rey Mysterio. Rey says the mental anguish was greater than any physical damage done. He says despite what happened, he still considers Batista his best friend. Mysterio says he gets angry sometimes but Batista being family is more important. Rey believes he owns Batista the benefit of the doubt. Mysterio says he won’t leave the ring until Batista comes down.
> Big Dave Batista is out. Sounds like there are more cheers than boos. Batista finally arrives in the ring and says Rey doesn’t realize how bad it’ll get for him. He gets angry at Rey for calling him out which prompts Rey to defend himself. Batista says he’s going to be the bigger man and let Rey walk out of the ring. Rey takes a few steps but turns back and tells Batista he isn’t leaving. He tells Batista that it was a Fatal Four Way Match and that Batista should let it go. Mysterio calls Batista his big brother and says their friendship will last longer than their wrestling careers. Batista gets angry and talks about how easy it was for him to beat Rey up. Batista says Rey stabbed him in the back and again threatens Mysterio. Mysterio asks if Batista is serious which Batista assures him he is. Rey Mysterio says he wouldn’t have done what he did if he knew it was going to ruin their friendship. He calls his decision to accept the invitation to the four way a mistake. Batista says he’ll give Rey one last chance to leave. Mysterio takes some time to ponder the move and again tells Batista he won’t leave. Rey again says they’ve been through a lot and even brings up Eddie Guerrero. Batista says Eddie is dead and say he isn’t thinking of any of that. He is just thinking about himself. Batista throws his mic to the ground and leaves the ring with a smirk.
> We’re backstage with Batista. Matt Hardy comes up and says he knows about brothers and conflicts. Hardy says he regrets some of the things he did to Jeff and just wants to help Batista. Batista scoffs at Matt Hardy and walks away. Hardy gets on a cell phone but Batista returns to the scene and attacks Matt Hardy. Batista walks away again with Hardy on the ground in pain.
> After the WWE Smack of the Night, Drew McIntyre is out. McIntyre gets on a microphone and sings some sarcastic praises for Team Smackdown. He says he didn’t want to be on Team Smackdown because he can make an impact on his own. I don’t know if he’s trying to make this his catchphrase, but he again says the party is over for his opponent (who happens to be Finlay).
Finlay versus Drew McIntyre
McIntyre strikes Finlay before the bell can ring. Outside of the squared-circle, he sends Finlay into the steel steps. He asks Finlay if he enjoyed his victory party as he just kills him with a series of punches. McIntyre kicks Finlay in the shoulder area and stares at his accomplishment. The referee instructs McIntyre to leave and he does.
> Up next, according to the Smackdown graphic, is the Diva Costume Contest
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> Shad Gaspard and JTG are both in the ring. They welcome us to the 2009 Halloween Diva Costume Contest where we, the WWE Universe, get to decide who has the “illest” costume!
> The divas in the competition are Mickie James, Natalya Neidhart, some girl in a Michael Jackson costume and Michelle McCool. Natalya is a Matador. The girl in the Michael Jackson costume turns out to be Layla El who does some Michael Jackson-esque dance moves. Michelle McCool is a devil and Mickie James is some superhero or something. Mickie James wins but I think Layla had a louder pop. The four women fight after the match with Michelle McCool standing tall at the end of it all.
> CM Punk v THE WORST REF EVER, Scott Armstrong is next. I normally don’t really care for matches like these but I’ve never liked Scott Armstrong. He counts too slow.
> CM Punk is out first while Matt Striker and Todd Grisham go over the situation Scott Armstrong and Punk are in. Scott Armstrong comes out to a plain entrance. No music, pyro or lights. A CM Punk chant gets going before the match starts.
Scott Armstrong versus CM Punk
Punk gets Armstrong in the corner and yells at him . He says he’d be a four time world champion if it wasn’t for Armstrong. Punk slaps Armstrong around until Armstrong fights back. Armstrong lands three punches until CM Punk gets Armstrong with some low kicks. Punk stomps on Armstrong and lifts him up. A GTS from CM Punk is eaten by Scott Armstrong. Punk nonchalantly pins Scott Armstrong for the victory.
> After the match, CM Punk tells Scott Armstrong to not forget the attack. I don’t know if the boos are piped in but they’re pretty loud.
> Next Week: Matt Hardy takes on Batista.
> Chris Jericho is out first. Sadly, he doesn’t have his trophy.
Kane versus Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho leaves the ring before Kane can strike. He returns and points at Kane. Jericho delivers a slap to Kane. Kane tries to punch Jericho but Y2J ducks. Jericho attacks Kane with kicks and punches. He tries a cross body attack but Kane catches him and brings him down. Pinfall gets two.
Dropkick from Kane to Jericho. Kane goes for another pin and gets the same result as the previous one. Kane kicks Jericho in the head but Jericho fires back with a slap. Jericho lands two kicks and takes Kane into the corner. Jericho lands a ton of kicks and the ref eventually gets him off. Kane kicks Jericho down and misses an elbow drop. Chris Jericho delivers a dropkick and gets a two count out of it.
Kane gets up to his feet and Jericho lands a couple of punches. Kane goes for the Chokeslam but Jericho gets out of it. Jericho tries to get Kane in the Walls of Jericho but Kane shoves him out of the ring. Kane follows Jericho outside and throws him back inside. Kane tries to get back in but Jericho hits him with a kick. Jericho sends Kane flying out of the ring and into the barricade with a shoulder block.
Back from commercial, we see Chris Jericho stomping on a downed Kane. Jericho chokes Kane in the corner and goes back to punches after the ref stops him. Jericho catapults Kane into the ropes and pins him for two. Chris Jericho applies a chinlock to the downed Kane. Kane gets to his feet and sends Jericho into the turnbuckle. Kane rushes Jericho but Jericho replies with a boot to the face. Jericho tries a bulldog but Kane brings Jericho down with a sideslam. Kane takes Jericho down with a punch and sends Jericho to the corner. Clothesline from Kane to Jericho is followed up by a sidewalk slam that gets a two count.
Kane whips Jericho but Jericho ducks a punch from the Big Red Machine. Enziguri sends Kane out of the ring. Jericho tries a springboard dropkick but Kane catches him. Inside the ring, Jericho elbows out of Kane’s grasp. He tries an attack but Kane takes him down with a big boot. Pinfall gets a two count. Kane sends Jericho into the corner, tries a sideslam but Jericho gets out of it. Codebreaker is delivered. Jericho slowly makes his way to Kane for a pinfall and it gets a two count.
Kane gets to his feet and Jericho lands some kicks. Bulldog from Jericho. Jericho hits a beautiful Lionsault but Kane catches him by the throat. Kane chokeslams Jericho but Y2J rolls out of the ring to avoid a pinfall. Kane staggers out of the ring in frustration and lifts Jericho back into the ring. Kane pins Jericho but only gets a two count. Kane lifts Jericho up but Kane squirms out of it and sends Kane into the corner. Jericho delivers a chop block and locks in the Walls of Jericho. Kane eventually grabs the ropes. Jericho rushes Kane but Kane answers with a knife edge thrust. Kane goes upstairs but Jericho stops him. Jericho tries to superplex Kane but the Big Red Machine takes Jericho down. Kane goes for his flying clothesline but Jericho counters with a Codebreaker. Pinfall gets Chris Jericho the victory.
> The show ends with Chris Jericho celebrating. Striker and Grisham go over the Jericho-Taker-Big Show match and the program ends.
• Dolph Ziggler def. John Morrison via countout
• Beth Phoenix def. Jenny Brooks via pinfall
• Matt Hardy def. Eric Escobar via pinfall
• No Contest : Finlay versus Drew McIntyre
• CM Punk def. Scott Armstrong via pinfall
• Chris Jericho def. Kane via pinfall
> Good show. I really enjoyed listening to Matt Striker . CM Punk also looked like a great bad guy tonight. The story between Batista and Rey Mysterio is also in progress but it’s too early to mean anything. Thanks for reading. Someone else will be filling in for me next week but I’ll be back after.
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