Fightful Select has status updates for Brock Lesnar and Michael Hayes following their names being noted in this week’s amended...
Topic: Brock Lesnar

On a recent episode of his podcast, “Grilling JR, ” Jim Ross discussed Brock Lesnar’s WWE exit in 2004 to...

Cody Rhodes speaks...

Brock Lesnar has been absent from WWE TV since Summerslam 2023 and it doesn’t appear that will be changing anytime...

A photo of Lesnar and Sable...

Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar both had successful runs in MMA, and Lashley thinks a fight between them would have...

Bobby Lashley wishes he had been able to do more with Brock Lesnar on WWE TV...

In an interview with CBS Sports (via Fightful), Paul Heyman was asked about if he’s talked with Brock Lesnar about...

Bret Hart believes his father, the legendary Stu Hart, would have enjoyed working with Brock Lesnar and Steve Austin...

Fightful Select has an update on the status of Brock Lesnar amid rumors that he could return to WWE in...