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411’s LIVE TNA Sacrifice Coverage: TNA TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Team 3D © (Ray and Devon) vs. Scott Steiner & Tomko vs. LAX (Homicide y Hernandez) w/Konnan

May 13, 2007 | Posted by Larry Csonka

-Leticia is with Tomko. He can’t do business with Steiner because he is stupid. Don’t question him, because he has business to take care of. He’ll be there tonight, will Scott?

TNA TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Team 3D © (Ray and Devon) vs. Scott Steiner & Tomko vs. LAX (Homicide y Hernandez) w/Konnan

Now they are referring to them as “NWA” Champions, they are confusing me…

They all face off to begin. Cide and Steiner to begin. Lock up and knees by Steiner. A slam and off the ropes, tilt a whirl by Steiner gets 2. Chops to Cide, off the ropes and a tag to Ray, Steiner nails Cide and Ray gets a SICK German on Steiner. T BONE by Steiner on Ray! They clothesline each other, Cide in with a dual dropkick and they all three stand off. Cide wants to work with Steiner, and they attack Ray. Cide whipped into ray with a forearm shot. Shots to Ray, he fights back but they keep control. Off the ropes, Ray gets a boot to Cide and elbows to Steiner. More elbows, tag to Devon and off the ropes, shoulder blocks to Steiner and a cover for 2 as Tomko makes a save. Steiner tags him in and Tomko and Devon kill each other with forearms, no-sell and a powerslam by Devon. Clothesline by Tomko, off the ropes and Hernandez in with a flying shoulder block on Tomko. Off the ropes and a spinning elbow by Devon for 2. Thesz press by Devon and rights follow. Knees by Hernandez, off the ropes and Steiner and Tomko hold him, and crotch him on the post. Ray in and beats on Hernandez, Catapult into a clothesline by Cide, and then the running senton by Cide. Steiner tags in and chops to Devon. Off the ropes and clothesline and elbow drop, followed by pushups by Steiner. Ray in and nails him, Tomko in and they beat down Devon. Boots by Steiner to Devon, sets him in the corner and Hernandez chokes him out. Cide and Ray fight, Hernandez tags in and Devon with a clothesline. Boots by Hernandez, skims up top and Devon with elbows. Up top with him, Hernandez knocks him off and gets a BIG splash for 2 as Tomko makes the save. Tomko tags himself in and slams Devon to the corner. Sets Devon up top, but Devon gets a tornado DDT! Cide in now, but Devon gets a rolling tag and fires up and rights for LAX. Nails Steiner and Tomko. Tosses Hernandez. Hip toss to Cide. DDT to Tomko! 1…2…no. Cide off the top with a clothesline to Ray. Devon levels Cide, Steiner in with an overhead belly to belly on Devon. It totally breaks down and Ray slams Cide, wassup head butt by Devon. DEVON…GET THE TABLES~! Crowd chants SAME OLD SHIT. Hernandez with a HUGE plancha on Devon! Ray grabs him and they brawl. Tomko and Steiner kill Cide with forearms and they get the STEINER DOOMSDAY BULLDOG try, but Cide ducks and rolls up Steiner for 2. Cide tossed to the floor, Tomko and Steiner argue and Ray rolls up Tomko for 2. Steiner holds Ray and then eats a boot from Tomko. 3D on Tomko for the pin.

WINNERS: Team 3D @ 12:46 via pin

  • Remember to send your thoughts on the show. Include the MATCH and TRASH of the night, and score the PPV from 1-10!
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