wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWF Sunday Night Heat Report 03.24.02

March 24, 2002 | Posted by Carlos Mahuad

411’s WWF Sunday Night Heat Report by Carlos Mahuad.
Hosts: Michael Cole and Tazz

The show starts up with a replay of Linda McMahon’s announcement about the “brand extension” (split).

Match #1- The Big Valbowski vs. Lance Storm

The Big Valbowski is now Val Venis’ official name. Venis forces Storm to the corner with punches and follows up with a clothesline. Vertical suplex by Val. Storm attempts a comeback but is thwarted and clotheslined over the top to the outside. He reverses a suplex coming back in and follows up with a ddt. Storm drop a couple of elbows and hits a clothesline for two. Storm with chops in the corner. He reverses an irish whip to the corner and hits a dropkick to the back of Venis’ head. Side Russian legsweep into a submission maneuver for the heel. Venis makes the ropes. Flying shoulderblock from Venis. He drops a knee and hits a modified powerbomb for two. Bulldog by Valbowski. He tires a cobra clutch but has it reversed into a half boston crab. Venis makes the ropes and climbs to the top. He comes down the hard way. Storm strikes up the bad but his superkick misses. Venis goes up top and finishes with the money shot.

Winner- The Big Valbowski

Backstage, The Dudley Boyz confer before a match. Buh-buh thinks about the possibility of the team being separated because of the draft. He realizes that after the draft, nothing will ever be the same. D-Von- “testify my brother, testify”.

Match #2- The Dudley Boyz vs. Kane and The Big Show

The Dudz try to use a two-on-one advantage along with their experience as a tag team to overcome their opponent’s superior size and strength. They isolate TBS and hit a double team belly-to-back suplex, followed by the wazzup drop. “D-Von- Get the table!” D-Von sets the table up outside and they double-team suplex Kane through it. Double-team pancake on Big Show on the inside. D-Von avoids a charge and hooks a sleeper on Big Show. Big Show comes back with a sidewalk slam. Both men are down and both men tag out. Kane comes in and dominates Buh-buh. Spinebuster by the Big Red Machine followed by a sidewalk slam and a big boot on D-Von. He hits a top-rope clothesline on Buh-buh but D-Von breaks the count. They try for 3-D, but Kane blocks. TBS comes in and the faces hit stereo chokeslams on the dudz for the win.

Winner- Kane and The Big Show

Tough Enough 2 Recap

Match #3- Goldust vs. Rikishi

They stare off in the middle of the ring. Goldust hisses at Rikishi and Rikishi responds with a punch. Full armdrag and twist followed by a shoulderblock. Goldust hits a low-blow and mounts the corner to hit some punches. Cross-corner whip followed by stomps- Rikishi comes back with some fists but puts his head down too soon and is kicked. Belly to belly suplex by Rikishi cues the comeback. Big fat legdrop by the big fat guy. Goldie avoids a clothesline and hits a neckbreaker. Rikishi reverses an irish whip and hits superkick. Banzai drop = 123.

Winner- Rikishi

Recap of the Hogan vs. Rock aftermath including the return of Syxx.

Match #4- Rob Van Dam vs. Mr. Perfect for the WWF Intercontinental Championship

Smark heaven! Mr. Perfect foes on oeffense right away with chops. RVD comes back with a shoulderblock in the corner and Perfect bails. Perfect comes back in and hits some rights. Snap-mare sets up his flipping neckbreaker! Perfect with an abdominal stretch. RVD hip-tosses his way out and drops Perfect with a spin-kick. Rolling Thunder gets two. Perfect slams Van Dam off his rolling monkey flip attempt and pins him with his feet on the top rope. The ref catches him though. RVD sets up the ***** with a spin kick and hits the splash for the win.

Winner- RVD

Show over. Really, really good show this week. I’m hyped for the draft.

See ya


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Carlos Mahuad

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