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Click Here to Join 411’s LIVE TNA Impact Coverage

February 9, 2017 | Posted by Aaron Scott
Impact Wrestling Anthem Media

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Tonight! Lashley defends against Eddie Edwards. The leader of Wolves Nation has always had Lashley’s number with or without Davey Richards. Can Eddie become a two time World Champ? Drew Galloway defends against Mahabali Shera. Aron Rex takes on Robbie E. Trevor Lee celebrates his monumental win. And the Broken Hardys continue their quest to become the greatest of all space and time.

Hello once again, this is Aaron saying welcome everyone to 411’s LIVE Impact Coverage. Join the TNAlisters in The DCC are the comments! Match times are not exact, your card is subject to change, Impact begins now!


Enter The Death Count Council

The DCC are out and Storm says he is here to make sure to beat some ass as that’s their business and business is booming. They promised since Day One to wreak havoc in Impact, causing chaos and that’s why they took out Tyrus and Drake as well as Carter.

Tyrus and Drake make their way out and Tyrus challenges them to a two on three! Drake is hesitant and a huge brawl breaks out!

Eli Drake & Tyrus vs The DCC

JIP as Tyrus is beating down Kingston, and hits the suplex. Eli tags in- he points to everyone to do his signature E LI DRAKE Elbow!

Drake leaps to the top rope, flies over Bram and hits the snap powerslam! Storm gets the distraction and Eli is on Bram with punches! Diving elbow and the forearm across the face, grinding it in.

Suplex to floatover, kickout by the Chesterfield Plague.

Lariatado! Eli no two as Kingston is in, tag out to Tyrus and they set up the double team on Bram. Banzai Drop of sorts and Tyrus stands on Bram for the fun of it.

James Storm gets the upper hand he brawls with Storm who eventually almost hits the superkick! Storm and James face off and Storm fires shot after shot, but no effect! Storm begins the Funkasaurus Dance! Tyrus starts the dance and socks Storm down!

Eli Drake has had enough and walks out on the match, and The DCC have landed the Last Call Superkick! This is over!

OFFICIAL RESULT: The DCC, time unknown, Last Call

We show Lashley vs Edwards from July 21st, title vs title when Lashley defeated young Edwards in the cage to become Impact World Champion and X-Division Champion at the same time.

Brandi Rhodes announces she is heading to the ring to call out Rosemary. It’s your funeral my friend.

Backstage, Allie and Braxton run into each other and awkwardness ensues. Maria walks in and demands Allie go get her coffee. Allie asks coffee coffee or whiskey coffee?

Maria yells at her and after she leaves, Maria once again manipulates Braxton, ordering him to propose to Laurel within the hour. Sutter is stuck.

Brandi calls out the Deathdealer

Brandi Rhodes makes her way out to a grand reaction. She says she has a big problem with another Knockout. She is vile, disgusting, and pure evil. She thinks she’s playing mindgames with her right now. She talks directly to Rosemary.

“Do you want to play games? Or do you want to throw hands? Because baby girl, I’m right here.”

Decay make their way from the back, and Rosemary mocks her innocence.

“We saw such potential in you. Limitless potential. Had you only allowed it to be nourished, by the darkness of the hive, you might have even enjoyed it.”

Rosemary says Decay is everywhere. All three come in close as Rosemary, Crazzy Steve and Abyss corner her. Rosemary says she chooses to fight? They respect it.

Rosemary gets the distraction and wraps Brandi in the Guillotine! MOOSE runs out! He clears the ring of Abyss and Rosemary goes to stare him down! She crawls out backwards as Moose has saved the day. “Moose Nation” plays as Decay now have a new enemy.

Backstage, Spud is here to sing the praises of Aron Rex. He asks about Robbie E. He mocks the way he looks, saying he’s the reason God invented eyelids so we could close them. He says violence isn’t the answer, but he’ll make an exception. Aron feels fabulous. Spud is clearly enjoying himself. What a good hand.

Backstage, Moose threatens Decay. He says anyone messes with Brandi they mess with him. There’s no decaying The Moose. Brandi says she can play games too. She has friends around here. Moose has her back. Mixed Tag Match, she wants it, next week. Moose. Moose. Moose.

Aron Rex vs Robbie E

Spud sings his entrance as “Hallelujah” blasts over across the Impact Zone. Rex asks how we’re doing. He doesn’t think people understand they need to sing his name. Spud is horrible as he sings the man’s name three times as Robbie E’s music cuts him off.

Robbie E makes his way out and slides into the ring. Rex ducks out as we begin our match. Robbie E it is announced just had new twins, Cash and Carter! Rex hides outside as Robbie gets pushed back and E catches the wrist, sock to the face and chases him out!

Rex hides behind Spud and tosses him at Robbie to plant the kick into his head! Rex goes in and takes a Thesz Press as Robbie beats him down, then to the corner and does it again! Rex kicks him and misses the clothesline, takes the atomic drop, and Robbie atomic again and runs the man over!

Robbie E and Spud tug on both ends of Rex! Robbie goes for Spud and Aron almost gets the rollup pin! Rex hits the kick and Robbie hulks up! No, rake to the eye and Robbie gets sent outside as Spud chokes him with his frilly jacket.

Robbie is hurting as Rex distracts the Ref, fish hooks to Robbie and Spud tosses the man in. Rex slams the kneelifts and grates at the face, as the fans sing his name! REX MISSES THE KNEE!

Robbie begins to slam the mat, fires up and hits the shots to Rex! Off the side and clothesline! DIVING ELBOW OFF THE SECOND!

Rex almost sends the man outside, Robbie hits the lunging shoulder through the ropes, plancha off the top! Spud has Rex and Robbie and Spud tug on him, Robbie pulling Spud in! Robbie goes to beat up Spud in the corner, and Rex unleashes his loaded rings on Robbie. Knockout punch and that is it.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Aron Rex at 4:56, KO Punch

Backstage, Reby is second guessing Matt’s premoneetion. Jeff says his messages from the Deities have never been wrong. Matt comes in and says they must go into the Zone of Impact.

As Eddie Edwards prepares for his World Title match, his wife, as well as Davey and Angelina are backstage giving him encouragement.

Backstage, Mike Bennett is telling Braxton to be excited. He is going to propose and make Laurel happy. We’re gonna be family! Sutter says no disrespect he doesn’t know how he deals with Maria. Bennett says he knows Sutter will do the right thing. Braxton says yes he will and heads off inspired. Hmmm.

Broken Matt has a PREMONEETION!

Creatures! Jeff and Matt have an announcement to make. Jeff Hardy says Matt has incredible information about their future. Matt says the Expedeetion of Gold has come to him like puzzle pieces. Today it all makes sense.

Matt announces Vanguard 1 has been changed. He will teleport them across the world. The Broken Hardys will travel the World to defeat the best tag teams and take their gold until the Deities decide they are the best of all space and time.

Nero doesn’t understand teleportation and Matt says all they have to do is touch Vanguard 1. And they will be sent to perhaps the Honorable Ring, the ROH. It may take them to the Dastardly MeekMahon show. The fans chant “Delete!” and Matt will become the best of all Space and Time!
Matt ha a premoneetion! They must touch Vanguard 1 and they will be teleported!

They touch Vanguard 1 and THEY TELEPORT TO MEXICO!!

Bueno! The Hardys are in Tijuana!

LASHLEY the walking armageddon has made his way here and he is bouncy in preparation.

Drew Galloway (C) vs Mahabali Shera

Grand Championship Title Match

Rules: Three Falls to a Judges’ Decision

10 Point System

Fight can end by pinfall or submission

Round 1:

Shera and Drew trade power maneuvers as Shera is actually doing okay in the early outing. He nearly gets a pin with a jacknife cover, and Drew takes out the legs on the apron. He sends the man into the railing, and Galloway is fighting harder because he knows Shera is pulling ahead. SHERA hits the Skyhigh but Round Number 1 is over!

Judges: 10,9 Shera, 10,9 Shera, 10,9 Drew

Round 2:

BIG BOOT by Galloway! Drew unloads on Shera with chops in the corner! Suplex is snapped, and Drew Galloway walks around the man and talks shit. Belly to belly on the big man, cover with the wristlock, no.

Drew roars and chops the hell out of Shera. Ducks to take the kick and Shera has a clothesline, a slam and cover with the leg no.

Drew socks the punch, crossbody to the outside, over the ropes, Drew for the shot no, gets the Claymore and FUTURE SHOCK!

OFFICIAL RESULT: Drew Galloway at 2:17 in Round 2, Claymore/Future Shock DDT

Laurel Van Ness is ordering the roadies around, demanding pink lights. Braxton comes in and he wants to talk with her. He says this whole thing is um- Laurel says unexpected? Amazing?

Sutter drops his stuff and goes to a knee and Laurel freaks out saying yes she’ll marry him! She rushes off and Braxton Sutter is now engaged. Is that how it works? I will never tie my shoe again.

Trevor Lee’s Celebration

Trevor Lee, GS Helms and Andrew Everett make their way out. Lee says he finally beat down DJ Z and took his title for the second time. Helms says he knows a real man must accept his shortcomings. He turns on Andrew and tells him he’s failed him too many times.

Andrew grabs the mic! Everett tells him he’s known him all his life. No disrespect, but he’s wrong. How many times has he had to jump on a grenade. He knows how good Lee is, Lee and Everett have always won gold but without Helms. What if he isn’t the problem- and what if the problem is an old man living off his former glories?

Lee attacks from behind! Helms holds up Everett and KNEE from Trevor Lee!

Jumping Double Stomp from Lee to Everett!

Andrew is out of the Helms Dynasty.

We go to a video of Lashley and Edwards about their upcoming match tonight. Lashley says he will break you down mentally, and beat you up physically. He is the best. Eddie says he poked the bear but he wants Lashley at his best. Lashley stays firm on this being Eddie’s only challenge, Edwards states he is Mr. Anything is Possible.

In Tijuana, the Broken Hardys are walking with the World Tag Team Titles. They want to meet the Champions. Matt signs some kid’s head and he cleanses the man via the Seven Deities and throws his head like a Preacher at Revival. Awesome.

The Hardys are enjoying their fanbase and make their way for the Tag Champions of Mexico. Next week, the Expedition of Gold begins!! They will face Psicosis and Super Crazy!

Lashley vs Eddie Edwards

World Title Match

Alisha Edwards and Angelina Love are in the audience in the front row, as Lashley comes in strong with the power game, but then goes to talk trash to Eddie’s wife and takes a Suicide Dive for his troubles!

Back in the ring Lashley catches Edwards and THROWS him down with a Spinebuster!

Back from commercial and Lashley is stepping on his trachea. Neckbreaker. Lashley mocks the fans. Cover, no. Knee across the throat!

Brian tells him it’s a choke, Lashley doesn’t care. Beatdown in the corner, and the boot across the throat once again. The fans are chanting for Eddie, and huge strike from the palm to Eddie.

Lashley smashes the forearm, runs the lunge into the gut, no takes a clothesline! Eddie begins to try to come back, pushing up amid feelings of pain the internal hurt isn’t enough to keep him moveless.

Eddie off the top for the Rana, LASHLEY catches it and goes to powerbomb! Edwards flips backwards over the ropes and ranas Lashley to the floor! The fans are cheering as are Alisha and Angelina, and Eddie takes a kick but is able to regain control and he hits a Suicide Dive through the ropes once again!

Lashley back in the ring and MISSILE OFF THE TOP from Edwards!

Kickout at two!

Eddie wiling the fans, running forearm strike, Lashley short arms over to the Dominator, Just slammed the man down on his guts. KICKOUT by Edwards.

Lashkey goes around the ring he gets the title and he goes to mock the Lady Wolves. RICHARDS on the apron he yanks the title away!


NOOOO! Almost got him.

Davey Richards is here to support Eddie and Edwads misses the Double Stomp, Lashley sits up top, Eddie with the leaping kick tio the chest, sends him tumbling to the floor!


Lashley sends Eddie inside, he looks to the fans- Davey is trying to get Eddie up,



Davey screams at Eddie it’s all about him! He says Eddie doesn’t believe in him? He doesn’t belong on this team! Davey Richards says it’s about him and Angelina-


Davey nails Eddie with the belt! And LASHLEY SPEARS EDDIE EDWARDS!!

OFFICIAL RESULT: Lashley at 13:48, Spear

Post Match, Angelina Love throws Alisha in. She makes her watch as Davey stomps down Edwards, choking him with his belt. They make out over the bodies of their new enemies, as after nine years, the Wolves have finally come to an end.

Goodnight everyone, thanks for coming. For the 411, this is Aaron saying we appreciate you and hope to see you again next time, for more LIVE Impact Coverage from 411Mania! Look for Larry’s thoughts and sound off on the Official Report. Live your legacy out loud. Peace!

article topics :

GFW Impact, TNA, Aaron Scott