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Csonka’s NXT UK Review 2.13.20 (Ep. 82)

February 13, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
NXT UK Gallus 21320
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Csonka’s NXT UK Review 2.13.20 (Ep. 82)  

Csonka’s NXT UK Review 2.13.20 (Ep. 82)

– Aoife Valkyrie defeated Amale @ 3:00 via pin [NR]
– Mastiff defeated Saxon Huxley @ 3:00 via pin [NR]
– Joe Coffey defeated Amir Jordan @ 4:55 via pin [**½]
Non-Title Match: Champions Gallus defeated Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch @ 10:50 via pin [***]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Aoife Valkyrie vs. Amale: They lockup and Valkyrie grounds things, and cradles her for 2. Valkyrie keeps things grounded, and another cradle gets 2. Amale cuts her off until Valkyrie hits an elbow off the ropes and covers for 2. She trips her up and the standing moonsault gets 2. Amale battles back, Valkyrie fires up and follows with kicks and a PELE. The spin kick connects and Valkyrie heads up top. The split leg drop finishes it. Aoife Valkyrie defeated Amale @ 3:00 via pin [NR] Valkyrie makes her debut with a win in an oddly booked match that really didn’t really showcase her all that well.

– Alexander Wolfe confronts Travis Banks and calls him a loser. Banks says he’s riding WALTER’s coattails and Wolfe leaves annoyed.

Mastiff vs. Saxon Huxley: They lockup, Mastiff hits a slam and then swats Huxley out of mid-air. He follows with a suplex and grounds things with elbow strikes. He then delivers chops and Huxley fires back with a dropkick. The knee strike follows and Huxley then hits knee strikes. Mastiff cuts him off with a lariat and senton. The sit down splash and German follows. The cannonball finishes it. Mastiff defeated Saxon Huxley @ 3:00 via pin [NR] A fine squash for Mastiff as they look to set him up for WALTER.

– Post match, Mastiff poses like WALTER to send him a message.

– Toni Storm meets with Johnny Saint and wants the I QUIT match with KLR. Scala has her sign the contract, and If she loses, she can no longer challenge for the NXT UK Women’s title.

– The Grizzled Young Veterans arrive and it’s promo time. Gibson does the introduction and says they are the world’s #1. Their mission has been to be looked at as the best tag team of their generation, they became the first NXT UK tag team champions and beat them all. They were screwed by Saint in Cardiff, an d then screwed in the ladder match, and thinks they will be booked in a seven team circus title match. William Regal recognized their talent and delivered in the Dusty Classic. Regal can relate to them, since he’s from Blackpool. He’s from Liverpool and great. But now thy are in York, a town famous for nothing. He continues to run down the fan of York and says they should be competing. He demands they stand up and take pictures because their appearance is worth the price of admission alone. They have conquered all of Europe and will never stop. A fine promo from Gibson, but these guys are in a holding pattern with no real plans in sight.

– Joseph Conners arrives and runs down Tyler Bate. He will beat Tyler Bate next week.

Joe Coffey vs. Amir Jordan: Mark & Wolfgang are at ringside. Joe tosses him around to begin. Jordan counters back but Joe hits a shoulder tackle and runs into a dropkick. Joe cuts him off with an overhead toss and strikes in the corner. Jordan fires back, gets cut off and Joe covers for 2. Joe attacks the injured shoulder of Jordan, delivers strikes and grounds things. Jordan fights to his feet and gets grounded once again. Jordan counters out, fires back and the high cross connects. He follows with a suicide dive, back in and Jordan heads up top. The swanton eats knees and Joe follows with the Glasgow sendoff and lariat for the win. Joe Coffey defeated Amir Jordan @ 4:55 via pin [**½] This was a solid match and win for Joe Coffey as he gets ready for Ilja.

– Post match Joe calls out Ilja and says he’s going to collect on a debt. The Gallus lads will stay on top and his boys will win tonight.

Champions Gallus vs. Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch: Joe is at ringside. Mark and Burch begin, locking up and working to the ropes. They break and lockup as Wolfgang tags in and follows with strikes. Wolfgang grounds things and Mark tags back in as he then grounds things. Burch escapes, tags in Lorcan and they work quick tags and isolate Mark. Burch follows with uppercuts, Wolfgang distracts him as Gallus takes control. Wolfgang tags in and grounds the action. Burch fights to his feet, tags in Lorcan and is quickly cut off as Gallus dumps Burch. Mark grounds Lorcan, tags in Wolfgang and he follows with a senton for 2. He grounds Lorcan, Lorcan fights to his feet and gets cut off as Mark tags back in. He dumps Lorcan, he rolls back in and Mark follows with strikes. Wolfgang follows with more strikes, kicks and Lorcan fires up, delivers chops and lights up Wolfgang until Wolfgang cuts him off and misses the moonsault. Tag to Burch, he runs wild on Gallus and hits an enziguri, German and head butt. It breaks down, Lorcan and mark trade and Lorcan hits a blockbuster. Lorcan is dumped, they cut off Burch until he pulls a crossface. Half crab by Lorcan and Wolfgang escapes to break up both submissions. Wolfgang spears Lorcan to the floor, and the enziguri/powerslam combo finishes it. Champions Gallus defeated Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch @ 10:50 via pin[***] This was a good tag that never got out of second gear with the champions winning.

– Post match, Ilja arrives and brawls with Joe until Gallus beats him down.

NEXT WEEK: Joseph Conners vs. Tyler Bate,

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 90. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook preview NXT Takeover: Portland, review this week’s AEW vs. NXT battle, & hit a quick news roundup. The show is approximately 91-minutes long.

* Intro
* News Roundup (Matt Hardy, Elimination Chamber, NJPW to MSG, WWE Hall of Fame Rumors More): 2:30
* AEW Dynamite (2.12.20) Review: 21:15
* NXT (2.12.20) Review: 44:05
* The head to head comparison: 1:02:45
* NXT Takeover: Portland Preview: 1:07:55

* iTunes
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* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of NXT UK was a show that was solid. They set up Conners vs. Bate, made Toni vs. KLR official, continued teasing Mastiff vs. WALTER and did more build for Joe vs. Ilja. That was the strength of the show as the in-ring was fine, but unspectacular. It was a fine but skippable hour of TV.