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Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 3.27.20

March 27, 2020 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Asuke WWE Asuka's WWE Smackdown
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Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 3.27.20  

Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 3.27.20

– Asuka defeated Kayden Carter @ 5:05 via submission [**½]
– Humberto Carrillo vs. Danny Burch @ 8:00 via pin [**¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Asuka vs. Kayden Carter: Asuka just toys with Carter to start, dancing around and not taking her seriously at all. Asuka provides her own commentary as Carter starts to fight back, they trade, shoulder tackle by Asuka and Carter slowly fires back and cradles her for 2. The springboard arm drag connects but Asuka quickly cuts her off with kicks and then dances before slamming Carter to the barricades. Back in as Asuka keeps control, laying the boots to Carter and then choking her out. Asuka grounds things and talks some more shit. Carter fights to her feet and follow with chops, strikes and a dropkick. Asuka cuts her off and the head kick and Asuka lock finishes it. Asuka defeated Kayden Carter @ 5:05 via submission [**½] This was a perfectly solid match, but wildly entertaining thanks to Asuka’s playful shenanigans.

– Back to Smackdown for Gronk’s shitty debut. You can read my full Smackdown review at this link.

– Back to Smackdown for the Reigns vs. Goldberg segment, which according to reports is now off as Reigns opted out of doing the show due to his compromised immune system. You can read my full Smackdown review at this link.

– Back to Raw for Paul Heyman’s promo on Drew McIntyre. You can read my full Raw review at this link.

– They hype the top Mania matches.

Humberto Carrillo vs. Danny Burch: They lockup and work into counters as Burch cradles Carrillo for 2. Carrillo cradles him but Burch escapes until Carrillo grounds him. Burch counters and starts working the arm. Carrillo fights to his feet and counters into a head scissors. Burch escapes, they lockup and Burch takes him down. Carrillo battles back and follows with the springboard high cross for 2. The missile dropkick connects and Burch cuts off the dive. Post break and Burch has things grounded. Carrillo starts to fire back, gets cut off and Burch covers for 2. He follows with uppercuts, and the suplex gets 2. Burch keeps him grounded, Carrillo again fires back and follows with clotheslines and kicks. The standing moonsault follows for 2. Burch counters back with a German and that gets 2. Carrillo now hits the disaster kick and the moonsault finishes it. Humberto Carrillo vs. Danny Burch @ 8:00 via pin [**¾] They got some time and had a really solid and nicely put together match.

– We close by going back to Raw for Randy Orton’s killer promo, accepting Edge’s Mania challenge. You can read my full Raw review at this link.

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 101. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook look back at WrestleMania X7, the Raw the night after and then Kevin Pantoja joins to discuss ECW Guilty as Charged 2001. The show is approximately 138-mimues long.

* Intro
* WWE WrestleMania X7 Review: 7:30
* WWE Monday Night Raw Review 4.02.01: 53:55
* ECW Guilty as Charged 2001 Review: 1:23:27

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of WWE Main Event was a perfectly solid show; Asuka is the best...