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Hello, everyone and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, here as always, and we’re motoring our way to Halloween Havoc later this month. That brings us to this week, which will see Bron Breakker kick us off with a match against Javier Bernal as well as a #1 contender’s match for the NXT Tag Team Championships between Edris Enofé & Malik Blade, Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen and The Dyad. In addition, Alba Fyre will take on Jacy Jayne while Stacks and Wes Lee do battle. And finally, Nathan Frazer and Axiom will face off in their last match of their Best of Three series, with a spot in the NXT North American Championship match at Halloween Havoc on the line. That’s the makings for a solid show, all in all.
Here at Thomas HQ, I dove back into Hooptober after my coverage of Fantastic Fest last week while also getting to a couple of new releases. I dug the hell out of the 1954 giant ant invasion film Them!, as well as the 1980s classic Arachnophobia. Smile played like a gateway horror film for people who already like horror and I enjoyed it; the new Hellraiser on Hulu was a lot of fun, while Werewolf By Night was an enjoyable horror diversion in the MCU. On the other hand, I didn’t love 2013’s Djinn which was Tobe Hooper’s final film and had some great stuff going for it, but ultimately fell a little cold due to some narrative shortcuts and an overreliance on predictable tropes.
Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center…and Booker T is officially here. Well, here’s hoping.
Bron Breakker vs. Javier Bernal
JD McDonagh is out here with Javi, so that will surely go well for Bron. Javi talks trash to start and swings, Bron ducks and puts Javi on the match, then picks him up and slams him down two more times. They go for a lockup but Bron grabs him for a wristlock and puts him on the mat. Javi back to his feet, he counters and Bron cartwheels and flips Javi back down. Irish whip reversed, Bron runs Javi over with a clothesline and then sends Javi into the corner, grabbing him out for a belly-to-belly.
Javi manages to get a back elbow, he comes off the ropes and kicks Bron when the champ lowers his head. Vicious attacks by Bernal until the ref pushes him off. Javi shoves Bron’s head and that pisses the champ off! Off the ropes for a shoulder tackle and another, he grabs Javi for a spinebuster! The straps are down! Bron runs in, eats a boot but goes back in and grabs Javi off the top for a bodyslam. Powerslam finishes it.
Winner: Bron Breakker (3:21)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Short but solid for the time it got, Bron was appropriately dominant. Not much more to say here.
McDonagh gets in the ring post-match and faces off with Bron. They talk some trash until ILJA’S MUSIC PLAYS! Dragunov comes out to the ring and all three stare off. JD HEADBUTTS ILJA! He attacks Bron and Ilja charges in — JD moves and Ilja nails Bron! JD bails and Ilja isn’t pleased, but he grabs the title and holds it.
* Alba Fyre vignette when she says she was serious when she said she was more of a visual person which is why she took Mandy for a car ride. She has a title shot against Mandy at Halloween Havoc and says she knows Gigi and Jacy are seeking revenge but she never backs down.
* We get a hype video promoting Axiom vs. Frazer part III tonight. That match is next.
Best Of Three Series Finale
Axiom vs. Nathan Frazer
Lockup to start, Axiom with a waistlock takedown. They go into some counterwrestling, Axiom gets a one-count out of it. Back up and a lockup, headlock by Axiom into a takedown, Frazer gets back to his feet but is taken down again. Irish whip into the corner, Frazer flips out, he comes off the ropes but gets caught by the foot into a drop, Frazer manages to get a cover for a pin attempt, they kick at each other and go up. Frazer off the ropes into an inverted DDT but Axiom counters out and they land in stalemate position.
Test of strength, Axiom drops down and trips Frazer into a pin attempt for two. Back up to their feet with the test of strength, Frazer takes Axiom down for two and then another two-count. Axiom gets up and leaps onto the ropes, slipping to the apron. He snaps Frazer’s arm against the ropes and goes up, Frazer goes up and is pushed into the apron, they both end up on the top rope and tumble hard to the mat as we go into PIP break.
We’re back with Axiom locked into a Boston Crab from Frazer, but Axiom counters out into a two-count. He hits a German suplex as he dives through the ropes and goes up top for a crossbody for two! Suplex by Axiom gets another two-count.
Axiom goes up top but gets hit with a dropkick from Frazer and falls to the ropes. Frazer on the apron and flips off, catching Axiom with an inverted DDT! Both men down on the outside, Frazer rolls into the ring, Axiom slides in right at nine and then gets NAILED by Frazer! Frazer up top, goes for a 450 but Axiom catches him right into a gogoplata! Frazer picks him up and Axiom pulls him into a laying abdominal stretch. Frazer gets to the ropes in time.
Frazer goes for a slingshot but gets NAILED with a kick. He leaps over the ropes into Frazer, rolls him in and goes up top but Frazer leaps up for a superplex! He holds on and goes for another suplex but Axiom slips down his back for a submission. Frazer escapes and they trade kicks, Axiom with a BIG clothesline and both men are down!
Both men to their knees and trade shots back and forth. BIG right cross by Axiom, he goes for a backslide but both men’s shoulder’s are down and escape at two. Axiom with a big knee to Frazer, he goes for a superkick but they trade counters until Frazer eventually gets the pin!
Winner: Nathan Frazer (12:53)
Rating: *** 3/4
Thoughts: Fantastic high-flying and technical effort by both men. It wasn’t perfectly clean throughout, but they kept things innovative and exciting. Sure, this was a spotfest but it was a REALLY fun spotfest.
* Ilja is leaving the parking lot and McKenzie asks if the attack was intended for Bron. Ilja says it was a battlefield and Grayon Waller walks up saying Ilja wanted an edge, but Grayson Waller doesn’t need an edge. Ilja asks why Waller is wearing his grandmother’s sunglasses and Waller says that he is still light sensitive. He says Ilja is trying to leave quickly after an “accident” and Ilja says he can stay, implying a match tonight. Waller says it’s all McKenzie’s fault.
* Valentina asks Sanga to be in his corner, and he says he’s always with her. Indi Hartwell walks up and says that may be her corner, but out there is her ring.
* Apollo Crews writes in his journal talking about peoples’ limited perspective and how turning the lens on yourself can show something you don’t like. He says at Halloween Havoc, we’ll see what happens — and we see Chucky in a vision. He says that at Halloween Havoc he leaves Waller in the dark.
Valentina Feroz vs. Indi Hartwell
Lockup to start, Indi backz Ferox into the ropes and shoves her through to the floor. Feroz comes back in into a knee lift and a couple of bodyslams, cover for one. Indi with a reverse chinlock as Veer COMES to ringside. He talks with Sanga and leaves, Sanga looks reluctant but goes with Veer.
Feroz to her feet and fights out but eats a kneelift, Indi picks Feroz up on her shoulder for a back submission. Feroz escapes and gets her own submission with an armbar attempt, but Indi picks her up and slams her down. Feroz grabs Indi still and flips her over for the armbar attempt again but Indi with her foot on the ropes. Feroz charges in for a kneelift, cover for two.
Both women up, Feroz with a jawbreaker. She noticed Sanga is gone and flips Indi over, double knee slam and basement dropkick for two. She charges Indi in the corner and gets put on the apron, Indi up top and pulls Feroz up for a superplex, cover for three.
Winner: Indi Hartwell (3:35)
Rating: **
Thoughts: Solid but unexciting match that was more about Sanga and Veer than the competitors. Very skippable.
Pretty Deadly are up in the elevated stage and congratulate Indi but say they’re fantastic. They’re there to sit back and relax and watch three teams beat the crap out of each other for a shot at them. They run through the teams and say they’re going to crack open a cold one and the sausages are on the grill for the two tastiest snacks in NXT.
* McKenzie asks Cora Jade who Roxy’s opponent next week will be and she says she’s been in touch with people and is having trouble narrowing it down. She says she can’t imagine Roxy is having any luck and McKenzie said Roxy said her DMs are blowing up and will be on Smackdown. Cora doesn’t believe it but asks McKenzie if she has Ronda Rousey’s number.
#1 Contender’s Match
Edris Enofe & Malik Blade vs. Josh Briggs & Brooks Jensen vs. The Dyad
Jensen starts off with Fowler and Blade. They start to brawl and Fowler takes out Blade, then tags in Reid. Whip into the ropes, Jensen manages to kick them in the head and tags in Briggs. They send The Dyad to the outside, hang Blade on the bottom rope and then do the sliding out of the ring uppercut.
Briggs batters Reid and sends him inside, he gets up on the apron and is dropkicked off by Blade. Reid takes Blade down and slides out of the ring so he and Fowler can double team Briggs, dropping him to the floor before a hug with Joe Gacy. Fowler back in the ring and nails Blade, then picks him up for a back suplex drop and cover for one.
Reid is tagged bvack in and he leaps off for a double axehandle to Blade’s back. Big shot to Blade, Red tags in and kicks Reid in the gut. Bodyslam attempt, Blade slips down and trips up Reid, then tags in Enofe. Tandem trip kick by the two to Reid, legdrop by Enofe as Briggs enters the ring. Reid tags in as Fowler is sent out of the ring, Briggs tosses Blade and Enfore and then grabs Reid to throw him onto all three. Jensen asks for the tag and gets it, walks the ropes and dives onto all four men! We’re on break.
We’re back as Jagger Reid kicks at Enofe and Jensen. Fowler tags in and stomps on the two, then continues to batter them before Reid tags back in. Enofe is set on the top rope, Dyad go up top and go for the double superplex but Jensen comes in and grabs them — powerbomb to all three men! Briggs tags in and lays into Reid, Enofe, and then outside to lay out Fowlenr. He charges at Blade, pushes him into the ropes from the outside for a clothesline! Top rope clothesline! Jensen tags in and they trade splashes over and over on Reid and Enofe. Atomic drop and a clothesline to Reid, Jensen covers but Edris breaks it up. Blade tags in and batters the other two, he kicks Jensen in the head and hits a blockbuster. Edris is in for a top rope elbow drop, cover for two but Briggs pushes Blade into him.
Enofe with a front facelock on Jensen but Fowler tags in and attacks. He batters Jensen and slaps him HARD, Fowler runs in but is hit with a knee. They start all coming in for successive shots at each other, Fowler grabs Briggs, Enzuigiri, Jensen backs a save and they take out Dyad but Blade and Edris wipe out Briggs and Jensen! Enofe leaps on The Dyad, Blade dives on Jensen and Briggs. Gacy grabs Enofe and clotheslines him! Enofe rolled in BUT GRIMES CAVE INS GACY! He pulls Fowler out of the ring, Enofe rolls Reid up for the pin!
Winner: Edris Enofe & Malik Blade (12:30)
Rating: *** 1/2
Thoughts: Wild match that carries the chaos well. Edris and Blade winning gives them a Cinderella run; I don’t imagine they’ll win but this will do them some good if handled well.
* McKenzie is backstage with Gigi and Jacy. Jacy says they should be #1 contender for the tag titles but Alba had to jump them in the parking lot. Tonight she gets it back and worse. Gigi says when you mess with their gold, they’ll walk through fire to get them back. Jacy says they have a surprise waiting for Alba just in case.
* Earlier today, Kiana James walked into her office and spoke on the phone about her plans to buy Chase U’s property. She says she’s going to be in the ring with one of the Chase U students tonight and this is one of many acquisitions she’s looking for.
Alba Fyre vs. Jacy Jayne
Fyre tries for the Alba Bomb early but Jacy rolls through. Jacy fires off with shots and Alba returns them. Irish whip reversed by Alba, who tries Jacy and slides out of the ring to nail her. Gigi distracts Alba for a moment and Jacy takes advantage, punching her hard and then putting her in the corner to stomp her down. Gigi gets a shot in as the ref pushes Jacy away, Jacy with a cannonball in the corner for two.
Jacy with a revese chinlock and talks trash, but Alba escapes and nails Jacy with a hard shot to the jaw. Front suplex drop by Alba and a knee to the face. Alba gets sent into the corner, Jacy with a clothesline and cover for two.
Jacy talks some trash and gets put on ALba’s shoulders for a sitout powerbomb for two. Alba goes up top but Gigi pulls Jacy to safety so Alba dives THROUGH the ropes and wipes out Jacy! She gets Jacy back in, goes for a Alba Bomb but Jacy escapes. Alba takes out Gigi and nails Jacy with the Bomb at last for three.
Winner: Alba Fyre (3:35)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Jacy looked surprisingly competitive here, but Alba was strong in her win. Both women were good here, this was as good as a three and a half minute match could have been.
Alba goes to head to the back but she gets grabbed from the stands! Sonya Deville slams Alba into the bleachers and unmasks, then comes out and beats on Alba. Gigi and Jacy join in for the beatdown as Sonya directs traffic. TA hold Alba for a big kick from Deville, who then rips everything off the commentary booth. They set Alba up — TRIPLE POWERBOMB through the table!
* The Dyad are pissed exiting the building and attack the cameraman. Joe Gacy says that he’s going to eliminate Grimes from the world and he must face the full force of Schism three-on-one because he has nobody to turn to. Grimes will use every ounce of oxygen until he takes his last gasp.
* We get a vignette promoting the partnership and friendship between Zoey Stark and Nikkita Lyons.
* Security and Quincy Elliott are talking about the previous vignette and Quincy heads off, with the other security guys saying that Quincy and Hank Walker have chemistry.
Wes Lee vs. Stacks
We start off and Stacks takes Lee down, but Lee turns it into a rana. Stacks charges and gets sent into the ropes, Lee with another rana and then a dropkick. Stacks charges, Lee grabs him and rolls into a La Magistral cradle for two. Stacks gets Lee in the corner, grabs Lee’s leg and dives through the ropes to legwhip him. Back in and he chopblocks Lee, then hooks the leg and goes all in on punches. Stacks picks Lee up and drops the knee onto his own, then locks in a leglock to work the knee over some more.
Lee fights his way out of the hold and gets to his feet, he lays into Stacks with strikes ands gets Stacks into the corner. Irish whip across the ring, Lee runs in with a Euro uppercut. He moves in but the knee gives out and Stacks nails him with an inverted rack slam for two.
Stacks up top now, Lee is up and nails him. Bodyslam by Lee sends Stacks to the mat, Lee goes up top, spinning senton for three.
Winner: Wes Lee (3:34)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: An extended squash match here, more or less. It was decent, though Stacks is still a little awkward with stuff at times.
Trick Williams attacks Lee after the match, Lee fights back and them Melo attacks from behind. They beat Lee down until Ora Mensah comes in and takes out the heels. Trick goes over the ropes and Mensa charges at Melo, but Trick pulls him to safety. And Lee goes OVER Mensah with a dive onto Melo and Trick!
* Sonya and TA are backstage and McKenzie walks up. Sonya says Mandy is still her best friend and Gigi and Jacy are her girls since they were Mandy’s girls. Sonya says you can’t just abduct the greatest Women’s Champion in NXT and get away with it. Sonya says she’ll be in the ring waiting for Alba next week.
* Earlier today, Ivy Nile rolls Roddy Strong in a wheelchair to see the Creeds. Brutus says Kemp will pay for what he did to Roddy, and Julius says he hopes they have more beds in the hospital because that’s where they’ll end up. Roddy apologizes because he brought Damon in. He says he would be fighting by their side but he can’t. He says at Halloween Havoc, he needs just one thing: win! Because it’s Diamond Mine forever. Eesh, Roddy. You’ve had some bad promos before, but that was a new low.
Kiana James vs. Thea Hail
Thea is acting like a rabid gopher before this match. The match is about to start and the bell rings, but Robert Stone has business he needs to talk about because he should be celebrating Von Wagner going to Halloween Havoc because the world is laughing at him because of Thea. She had the audacity to slam her? Thea is laughing. Stone says he’s going to ruin her night and attacks, but gets backdropped. Thea stomps Stone out of the ring and Kiana lies in wait — she hits the 401K for the pin.
Winner: Kiana James (1:19 including Stone’s promo)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Nothing match.
* Tony D’Angelo walks up on crutches and runs Stacks down for losing and his part in Tony’s injury. He says actions have consequences and he’ll feel that because he has a match next week. Stacks asks who and Tony won’t say. He says he loves Stacks but Stacks will know when the music hits.
* Robert Stone is angry backstage and Von Wagner walks up, asking what that was. He says they have less than two weeks until HH so cut the bullshit. He needs Stone locked in.
* Cameron Grimes is asked by McKenzie if he has partners. He says it felt good to do that but there’s no one in NXT that he trusts. He teases someone else outside of WWE. He leaves and Cora Jade says Rhea Ripley got in touch with her and she’s headed to Raw.
Set For Next Week:
– Pick Your Poison matches
– Stacks vs. Opponent of Tony D’Angelo’s choosing
– Sonya Deville vs. Alba Fyre
Ilja Dragunov vs. Grayson Waller
The two lock up to start, Ilja gets backed into the ropes and gets swung at, but Ilja moves and Waller dives to the outside to avoid getting nailed. Back in and Ilja grabs him for a front facelock, grabs Waller’s shoulder and flips him over in a suplex. Ilja with a wristlock, Waller flips out of it and reverses it. He spins Ilja around to the mat and comes off the ropes, but Ilja knocks him down and drops an elbow onto him. Splash in the corner and a waistlock, Grayson desperately tries to avoid it and breaks the hold, going into the ropes. The ref calls for the break and Waller hits a cheap shot to the throat. Leg lariat by Waller and some showboating as we go to PIP break.
We’re back and Waller has Ilja in control, but Dragunov fights his way out. Waller goes for a suplex but Ilja blocks it for a roll-up for two. Waller shoves Ilja into the ropes but Ilja with a big shot and then another LOUD pair of shots to the back. ILja with elbows to Waller, Waller ducks a shot and nails Ilja but Ilja right back with a kick to the head. Ilja picks Waller up for a suplex and gets pumped up. He grabs Waller in a waistlock, Waller elbows the nose of Ilja and takes him out.
Waller goes to the second rope and leaps off for a elbow, cover for two. Waller rains forearms to the back of the neck, he covers for two. Waller getting frustrated now, he locks in a sleeperhold on Ilja but Ilja gets to his feet, backs Waller into the corner and elbows out. Waller comes off into the ropes, spins through and nails a hard lariat! Ilja goes in but Waller with a basement dropkick right into a sleeperhold!
Ilja gets to his feet and manages to flip Waller over. Waller goes to the ropes and leaps over to hang Drgunov on them. He backs down the ramp to get a break, and the Wheel spins for him. He’s distracted but runs into the ring, Ilja hits a couple of suplexes and then a third. Torpedo for the pinfall.
Winner: Ilja Dragunov (11:07)
Rating: ***
Thoughts: Exactly as good as you’d expect. Waller was surprisingly strong here and while the ending with the wheel was goofy, it didn’t hurt thigns too badly.
After, Ilja comes down off the turnbuckle AND GETS SPEARED BY BRON!
And with that, we’re done for the night!