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Pantoja’s NXT 2.0 Review 2.22.22

February 23, 2022 | Posted by Kevin Pantoja
WWE NXT Robert Roode Image Credit: WWE
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Pantoja’s NXT 2.0 Review 2.22.22  

NXT 2.0

February 22nd, 2022 | Capitol Wrestling Center in Orlando, Florida

Bron Breakker kicked things off and I still can’t believe they didn’t just call him a Steiner of some sorts. He talked about how he’ll need a new opponent soon, especially for Stand and Deliver. Dolph Ziggler interrupted to say that he might not be champion by the time that event arrives. He said that Bron was a big star in Orlando but he’s the biggest in the building tonight. Dolph added that Bron was barred from ringside during the main event so he can’t get revenge for the superkick. Really basic opening segment but at least it was fast.

Grayson Waller vs. LA Knight

Commentary said this dates back to Halloween Havoc which is wild to consider. Waller spent a lot of the early portions stalling and running, which played into the restraining order stuff. Knight as a babyface feels odd. They worked through a break and Waller took control, talking trash while getting his offense in. His Bret’s rope elbow drop only got two and he seemed frustrated. The spot where Waller runs from outside, jumps in, and goes for a move looks dumb as hell. He’s hurting his own momentum. Anyway, it backfired here. That got Knight going but then Sanga interfered and Waller did a terrible rollup with tights to steal this in 9:54. That was fine for what it was. Kind of dull but it works to continue the feud. [**]

Backstage, Dakota Kai talked to Wendy Choo to say that she doesn’t want to be friends or partners. Choo didn’t care and walked off even as Dakota said she doesn’t have good history with friends. When Choo left, Dakota seemed to be optimistic.


· Io Shirai/Kay Lee Ray

· Amari Miller/Lash Legend

· Indi Hartwell/Persia Pirotta

· Dakota Kai/Wendy Choo

· Kacy Catanzaro/Kayden Carter

· Ivy Nile/Tatum Paxley

· Cora Jade/Raquel Gonzalez

· Yulisa Leon/Valentina Feroz

We got a vignette of Cora Jade and Raquel Gonzalez training for the cup. Cora was fantastic in these but the writing is rough as nobody talks like these people.

Toxic Attraction, looking incredible, was out at the Toxic Lounge to watch the tournament.

Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals: Amari Miller and Lash Legend vs. Io Shirai and Kay Lee Ray

Well you know who will win this. Legend and Miller got in a couple of moves but this was mostly one-sided. I can’t believe they still have Io Shirai in NXT after wrecking their women’s roster on Raw and Smackdown. Though they also depleted the NXT one for no reason. Io flubbed a springboard move and looked a bit off. The KLR Bomb and moonsault ended this in 2:42. Basically a squash. [NR]

Dante Chen was interviewed and promised revenge on Duke Hudson. I’ve been watching NXT and already forgot who this dude is. Apparently, last month Hudson jumped him twice.

Josh Briggs and Brooks Jensen had a funny little segment trying to film a dating service video for Jensen. Watching Jensen flub his lines made me laugh.

Dante Chen vs. Duke Hudson

Chen jumped Hudson before the bell and worked him over but got pulled shoulder first into the ring post. That evened things out and though Chen got in a few moves, Hudson put him away with the Razor’s Edge in 2:17. [NR]

Carmelo Hayes and Trick Williams came out to brag about Hayes retaining his North American Title last week. Hayes said he doesn’t miss as he beat Cameron Grimes, stole the show, and had the best match, which is everything he said he’d do. Nobody talked about Breakker, Dunne, or the Creeds. He was the talk. Interestingly, Pete Dunne interrupted the proceedings. Basically, he laid out the challenge and it’ll go down next week in a match that sounds awesome. Trick wasn’t interested in accepting but Hayes did. I like that. Trick got jumped by Grimes to start their match. That segment was good.

Cameron Grimes vs. Trick Williams

Weirdly enough, this was kind of sloppy. Trick isn’t someone I’ve seen a ton of but Grimes is usually pretty crisp in there. Maybe they just don’t know each much yet. Anyway, Grimes seemed to have control for the most part but Trick found ways to turn the tide and get in some decent looking offense. Grimes weathered the storm and won with the Cave In after 5:58. He taunted Hayes afterward as well. [**]

More from Brooks and Jensen with really bad pickup lines. He even said he’s still hung up on Kayden Carter.

Backstage, Bron Breakker and Tommaso Ciampa spoke, saying they want a rubber match at some point.

We got a Nikkita Lyons vignette as she debuts next.

A Chase University vignette saw him talk about intestinal fortitude. It included him yelling at the students about Von Wagner having no balls. He freaked out when a student asked how he’ll beat a big man like Wagner. Chase is great.

Kayla Inlay vs. Nikkita Lyons

Lyons has a great look. If she’s good in the ring, she can dominate and be a star. The problem here was that this wasn’t a dominant performance. They gave Inlay way too much as this needed to be a showcase for Lyons. She was the buzz on Twitter afterward though, so that’s good. Lyons won with a split leg drop in 4:02. Lyons looked good but this booking wasn’t. [*]

Persia Pirotta made out with Duke Hudson in the back until Indi Hartwell told her that was gross. After Persia walked off, Duke said she used to enjoy it and Indi says that was a while ago. Dexter Lumis overheard and walked off sadly. What? Why does NXT keep just randomly making up backstories without explanation?

Robert Stone cut a promo for Von Wagner about Andre Chase. Yes, don’t let Von speak much.

Malcolm Bivens came out with the Dusty Cup winners, the Creed Brothers. Malcolm dissed Imperium for saying they’re top-tier athletes but they aren’t NCAA wrestlers or Dusty Classic winners like the Creed Brothers. Imperium interrupted to “WALTER” chants. They are sick of the disrespect and believe the Creed Brothers won’t ever take their titles. A fight broke out and Gunther got his hands on Bivens. However, Solo Sikoa shockingly came out to stop Gunther and superkicked him. A terrified Bivens gave a shaky thumbs up but had no idea what was going on.

More from Brooks and Jensen, who were joined by Fallon Henley. She set up a profile quickly for him with just a photo and Briggs said he wasted time on the video because it was funny.

We got footage of Joe Gacy and Harland approaching Draco Anthony at the gym. Apparently, Gacy sees potential in him and wants to recruit him.

Women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Quarterfinals: Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley vs. Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter

I love me some Tatum Paxley. Kacy and Kayden now have cannons in their entrance and some more matching outfits. Nile and Tatum were the aggressors, while Kacy and Kayden did the high flying stuff. They won by hitting Paxley with a neckbreaker/450 combo in 3:23. It was fine. After the bell, Nile choked Paxley out. [*½]

Solo Sikoa will face Gunther next week. Bivens told him that he had Gunther where he wanted him but wished him luck. Sikoa said he did what he did for himself, not Bivens.

LA Knight said he wants another shot at Waller.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Tommaso Ciampa

The winner gets a shot at Bron Breakker. These are two guys who can put on good matches most of the time but I’m just not all that interested in either at this point. The early exchanges saw them trade stuff with neither gaining a true upper hand and both guys having their finishers avoided by the other. The bigger offensive shots came a bit later like the Fameasser and Project Ciampa. Speaking of Ciampa, he was throwing a lot of pump knees here. Who does he think he is, Buddy Murphy? Ziggler slowed the pace with a sleeper (what is this, 2010?) but Ciampa fought out. He started in with some shots and then delivered the Air Raid Crash on the apron. Ziggler was out of it but then the cameraman hit Ciampa with the camera. Ziggler added the superkick to win in 15:35. That was a good main event but nothing that blew me away. [***¼]

The cameraman revealed himself to be former NXT Champion Robert Roode. They beat up Ciampa until Breakker made the save. A challenge was laid out for a tag match next week and then Ciampa and Bron beat them up again.

The final score: review Average
The 411
About what I expect from NXT 2.0. We get some stuff that’s fun, a couple of good matches, some lackluster stuff, and some goofy things that don’t work. Ultimately, I liked a bit more than I didn’t this week, so it gets an above average rating.

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NXT 2.0, Kevin Pantoja