Vampiro Says he Hates The WWE System, Talks the Rosemary/Sexy Star Incident

Vampiro was recently on Steve Austin’s podcast (transcript via wrestlinginc.com), here are the highlights…
On Hating The WWE System: “It’s all about spontaneity. I mean, if you don’t have that, you’re not going to make it. I don’t care. And it irks me beyond belief, the WWE system.” Vampiro continued, “I think it is so wrong that some agent, or some dude who probably never really made it, but was on the cusp, but is a bitter motherf–ker, and he tells you what to do with your character! I’m against it, and I hate it, and it’s probably why I never went to WWE, too rebellious.”
On The Rosemary/Sexy Star Incident: “Do I think [Sexy Star] shot on [Rosemary]?” Vampiro asked. “No. Do I think that she lost her temper? Yes. They beat her up. They beat Sexy Star up on purpose. Watch the match. If anybody knows anything about this business, you can see how there was a lot of heat going in. There was major heat going in. You can see, they really put it to Sexy. And she’s arrogant, just like anybody else in this business, and she lost her cool. If you beat her and slap her around between the three of you for 15 minutes, and you can see her trying to fight back and they shut her down. You know very well sooner or later, the first chance that you get, you’re going to swing. And I watched it and rewatched it. I was there. I think she just lost her temper. Do I think she popped the elbow? No. Do I think she had it on very snug and didn’t let go and she was supposed to, and I think the other girl loosened up just a bit too much and was naive? Yes. Was it an unfortunate circumstance? Of course it is. If it was the boys, there would’ve been a fight. And there almost was in the dressing room. I haven’t seen that, probably, in 15 years. The whole dressing room was ready to go. It got intense out there.”
On Ivelisse Rubbing People The Wrong Way: “If she has something that she believes in, her conviction is so strong. She works with the guys a lot and some of the guys just don’t want to deal with her because she is a girl and I’m against that. If she wants to get in there, she’s a brother or a sister and she’s willing to bleed just like you are, so give her that respect. She won’t back down. She will get mad and get in your face. She’s Puerto Rican. She’s hot-blooded. She’s very beautiful and she’s talented, but boy-oh-boy, will she fight you tooth and nail for the last ounce of whatever it is.” Vamp explained, “she won’t stop and I love that about her, but everybody hates it. That’s what everybody hates about anybody who is rebellious in this business, but she’s doing it for a reason. And I love that about her, that she just doesn’t care what people think. She will tell you what she thinks. I really love that about her.”
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