wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE NXT Report 04.30.13
From Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida
Commentators: Tom Phillips & Brad Maddox
Championship’s roll call: WWE Champion: John Cena… World Champion: Dolph Ziggler… Intercontinental Champion: Wade Barrett… United States Champion: Dean Ambrose… Tag Team Champions: The Shield… NXT Champion: Big E Langston… NXT Tag Team Champions: The Wyatt Family… Diva’s Champion: Kaitlyn
Sawyer Fulton & Travis Tyler vs. The Wyatt Family: Tyler and Harper open the contest and gets pounded down. He chops away on Travis and brings in Rowan for a trio of big slams. He head butts the kid and clubs him down some more. Harper tags in and they quick tag on him and take him apart. Tyler escapes and tags in Fulton who runs right into a big boot. Harper splashes him in the corner and the discus lariat finished Fulton post-haste. 2.5/10 Total domination and short squash for Harper and Rowan. There was a video package for them and Bray on Raw this past week, I guess they got the call up.
Here are your winners… The Wyatt Family via discus lariat
Stephanie McMahon appears (in the back) for a historic announcement for NXT. The announcement is that there is a new NXT women’s championship. The belt looks much better than the Diva’s title. The tournament begins next week.
Emma vs. Audrey Marie: It’s amazing how over Emma is; this matchup is a result from last week’s promo interruption. The match begins but Emma DEMANDS her music start again so she can dance. Marie plows her down with a clothesline and beats her up. Emma come back with a dance and slid under cradle for two. Marie comes back and pounds Emma down; she tries a jackknife cover, Emma does, but Marie bridges up and cradles her for two. Marie gets a gutwrench suplex for two more. Emma tries a backslide and they battle over it until Emma slips free and applies the Dilemma (Tarantula) in the ropes. The dance sets up the running low crossbody in the corner; she snags Marie in the Emma Lock (Muta Lock) for the submission. 4.5/10 Fun match as the NXT fans are really into Emma so she keeps winning, good strategy.
p style=”text-align: justify;”>Here is your winner… Emma via Emma Lock submission
Brandon Traven & Jake Carter vs. Scott Dawson & Garrett Dylan (w/Sylvester Lefort): Dylan and Dawson are like a team of rednecks. Carter and Dawson open the contest; Carter pounds on him in the corner. He tries a suplex but winds up on the apron for Dylan to pull him off. Back in the ring, Dawson hits a reverse elbow and drops a leg. He keeps on Carter and tags in Dylan who pounds away some more. Quick tags abound as they sequester Carter in their corner; Dawson rakes the face and then applies an armtrap chinlock for a while. Lefort, the manager, is sold from Nice, France. Carter finally escapes and tags in Traven. He hits a dropkick but Dylan distracts and Dawson ends the shortest hot tag sequence in WWE history with a clothesline. Dylan tags and a spinebuster sets up a second rope double axe for the pinfall. 4/10 Odd couple (manager-wise) as a new team; NXT needs some tag teams and this team is a good one.
Here are your winners… Scott Dawson & Garrett Dylan via spinebuster/double axe pinfall
Big E Langston vs. Derrick Bateman: Bateman cut all his hair off. This is, I believe his last WWE match, since he was released earlier last week. Bateman attacks at the bell and nails a dropkick in the corner; he continues to pound away but gets flapjacked. Langston hits a Vader Splash and drops the Big Ending for the pinfall. Post-match, Big E keeps the crowd happy with some more Big Endings for the FIVE count. 3/10 Squash for Langston as we head into the battle royal to determine his next contender.
Here is your winner… Big E Langston via Big Ending pinfall
We get a Raw Rebound which focuses on John Cena and Ryback, plus the ending of Cena versus Curtis Axel. For my full Raw review click here.
Corey Graves, Adrian Neville, Bray Wyatt, Yoshi Tatsu, Kassius Ohno, Bo Dallas, Mason Ryan, Sakamoto, Sami Zayn, Briley Pierce, Curtis Hawkins, Alexander Rusev, Baron Corbin, Conor O’Brian, Knuckles Madsen, Mojo Rawley, Dante Dash & Aiden English number one contender’s 18-man battle royal: Big E Langston joins for commentary. Big brawl to open the match. Wyatt and Ohno find each other and fight in the ropes. Ohno winds up on the apron and almost goes out a few times. Sakamoto is the first ELIMINATED by someone, I couldn’t see who. I think it was Ryan; speaking of which, he also ELIMINATES Pierce and Hawkins as well. Ryan adds Rusev to his ELIMINATION list next; they better gang up on him quick. Ohno and Wyatt keep at each other’s throats as the rest of the ring does gang up on Ryan; he fends them all off and ELIMINATES Baron Corbin. Mason goes crazy again and ELIMINATES Madsen, Rawley, Tatsu, Dante Dash and Aiden English all in succession to give Ryan TEN eliminations thus far; he’s the only wrestler to eliminate anyone here. Mason then press-slams Zayn onto the pile on the floor ELIMINATING him too. Ryan catches Neville for a powerbomb but Adrian head scissors him to the floor and finally ELIMINATES Ryan to end the streak. Back from break with O’Brian yelling at Wyatt and then trading blows with him. He knocks him through the middle ropes with a boot. O’Brian then turns to Bray’s brother Dallas with a clothesline in the corner and then one for Neville too. He repeats the spot and then tries Graves but he gets a boot up; Ohno adds a kick and they upend O’Brian to ELIMINATE him. Wyatt sneaks up on them and ELIMINATES Ohno and Graves to make the final three: himself, Neville and Dallas. Wyatt goes after his older brother and squishes him in the corner for Sister Abigail. Wyatt heads to Neville who kills him with a twisting enziguri and then surprises me, ELIMINATING Wyatt from the contest. I pegged Wyatt for the win here. So we’re down to the former tag champions (for one match). Dallas charges and gets low bridged to the floor; he hangs on, dangling, to save off elimination. Bo pulls Neville out as well and they both dangle precariously but neither gets eliminated. They exchange boo/yay blows. Neville almost gets backdropped to the floor twice but saves off. He kicks Bo from the apron and then tries the Red Arrow but Dallas gets the knees up to stun him and finally ELIMINATES Neville to become the number one contender. 6.5/10 I normally like battle royals and this one was pretty entertaining. I don’t get why Dallas one as he isn’t over and the fans have turned on him as well, he has become the John Cena of NXT. I guess feeding him to Big E will perhaps give the fans their satisfaction of Dallas getting humbled and squished by Langston.
Here is your winner… Bo Dallas
OVERALL 5.5/10 Pretty good action-packed show this week with some fun tag matches and a new number one contender. Dallas is the choice as the WWE is insistent on shoving him down our throats, this time they are aware the fans are a bit annoyed with it and are actually turning him heel.
Please follow Marc Elusive on Twitter or like Marc Elusive on Facebook or check out www.marcelusive.net for reviews and recaps (of current WWE and old WWF PPVs, DVDs and VHS tapes) and a little analysis; more of a play-by-play style, like my reviews here. Thank you for all of your support.
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