wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE NXT Report 8.31.10

August 31, 2010 | Posted by Michael Bauer

As always, I am Michael Bauer here with your WWE NXT report.

Welcome to the NXT Season Two Finale!

We open with a view recapping the entire season to date, with plenty of highlights. And SyFy just went out on me, so if I miss anything, I’m sorry. My channel comes back with the three rookies speaking to end the opening highlight video. The opening video was cut short this week though, which I find to be odd.

Cole hypes up the finale and welcomes us to himself and Matthews before we go to Ashley Valence in the ring. She brings out the WWE pros, who take their seats on the stage. The Miz gets his own music for his entrance, since he gets to bring out Alex Riley and hype him up like a good pro would. LayCool then comes out and brings out Kaval, who has been number one for a while. Cole even says that Kaval has all the tools, but not the charisma. Kofi is last and brings out Michael McGillicutty with some dumb as hell rhyming. Striker is in the ring and hypes up the reveal at the end of the night and then highlights the rookies at ringside, introducing them one by one. Striker again hypes the prize to the winner and the pressure of the night. Striker then says the three rookies tonight will face each other in a triple threat match to open up the action. Kaval and Miz start arguing and Kaval shoves down Miz. Kofi and Michael back up Kaval and they end up dumping both The Miz and Riley to the floor.

We then find out about NXT Season Three and it will be all divas. Kelly Kelly is the first pro and her rookie is fun and sassy. Her rookie is Naomi and tells the others to bring their A-game.

Kaval vs. Michael McGillicutty vs. Alex Riley

We are back as the match begins. Michael starts kicking at Kaval. Riley charges and gets back body dropped as Michael holds Kaval in a headlock. Kaval escapes and uses his feet to his advantage, hitting a spinning heel kick for a two count. Kaval stomps away on Riley and then whips Michael off the ropes, but Michael hits a dropkick. Riley back up and he stomps away on Michael. Michael ducks under Riley’s right hand and clotheslines Riley for a two count. Riley starts punching away, but Michael just lifts him up for a backbreaker. Kaval back up and he kicks Michael into the corner. Riley comes over and Kaval throws him into the corner and chops away. Riley grabs Kaval and chops back. Michael back up and he drills Riley in the gut and chops on Kaval. Kaval now chops on Michael and nearly sends him to the floor. Michael blocks a suplex attempt on the apron and lifts Kaval up and over to the floor. Riley charges and knocks Michael down with him as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Riley has Michael in a grounded headlock until Kaval kicks him in the back. Riley with a forearm smashes to both men. Michael grabs the ropes after being whipped across and Riley misses a splash into the ropes. Michael hits a series of clotheslines and a huge splash in the corner. Belly to belly suplex gets a two count as Kaval breaks it up. Kaval gets sent off the ropes, but he leaps off with a springboard back dropkick for a two count. Riley gets caught on the top rope, but shoves off Kaval. Kaval does a cartwheel into an enziguri with Riley on the top rope! Riley hits the floor and Michael drills Kaval. Kaval gets sent out off the rope and spins around to lock in the Dragon Sleeper. Michael gets to the ropes and to the corner. Kaval misses a splash and Michael hits a Fisherman’s Suplex, almost like a Perfect-Plex for two as Riley breaks the pin. Riley gets sent into the announcer’s table by Michael as Miz yells at him. Michael back inside and Kaval connects with a rolling Lyger kick. Kaval goes up top and Riley shoves him off the top rope and rolls into the ring to pin Michael and get the three count. Michael calls it another A-Bomb for A-Ri as Josh and Michael argue for thirty seconds about Riley stealing the match and if it makes him the winner.

Winner: Alex Riley

Alicia Fox is the next pro for season three and her rookie almost as fierce as her. Her rookie is Maxine and expects to be nothing but the best.

Goldust is also a pro for season three. Goldust says that when we are finished with his pro, we will never forget the name of Aksana. I don’t think I can forget that name anyway.

Striker says the first elimination is here, but goes to the five rookies who were eliminated and asks who should win. Titus says that we have left the ninja, a Will Ferrell look a like, and a guy trying to relive high school. Titus says Riley and Eli says the same thing. Lucky says that it doesn’t matter since the show was flushed down the toilet when he was eliminated. Percy Watson goes for Michael and Husky says the same thing. Husky says it was simply that he was born better like himself and Cody Rhodes. Striker says that nobody says Kaval and we find out that Alex Riley was indeed eliminated. Cole calls it a crime, but he isn’t shocked. Miz is livid and being taunted by LayCool and Kofi. Riley says the worst part of the show is listening to Matt Striker. Riley says that he father isn’t a sports entertainer and he didn’t fight in bars to get an internet following. Riley says that 13 weeks ago, nobody knew who he was and if he was a betting man, he would still bet the future on Alex Riley.

We then get to see that the Bella Twins are pros for Season Three and her pro has competed in sports her whole life. The rookie is Jamie Keys, who was the new ring announcer on NXT Season two.

Back from the break and we get the WWE video on their first ever trip to China.

Backstage, we find that Primo is also a pro of a mamacita named A.J. Lee. She says that she represents all the nerds out there.

In the ring, Matt Striker is with Michael and Kaval and has them face one another. Matt gives then each a change to tell each other why the other rookie should be eliminated. Mike says that Kaval should either he spanked or breast fed by his pros. Michael says that it took Kaval 13 years to get this far and that he shouldn’t be able to do anything else. He says Kaval means flute and just runs him down until he gets buzzed. Kaval says the Michael was trained by Harley Race and was set up perfectly to be here. Kaval comes from a hard working family, a kid from New York with a high school diploma. Kaval says that he earned his respect around the world and got to hang in the ring with legends like Eddie Guerrero and says that he earned the right to be the next breakout star. Michael Cole actually says that Kaval did a really good job and Josh Matthews has idea who will win.

Vickie Guerrero is also a pro on NXT Season Three. She says she has a strong, dominant pro named Aloisia. This diva is six foot nine inches tall… Are you kidding me???

Matt Striker overhypes the final reveal and we are finally told that the winner of NXT Season Two is… KAVAL!!! LayCool come running down to the ring in a screaming fury. Michael looks pissed off in the corner as the three celebrate as Michael Cole states that he has to eat his words and he deserved it. Striker asks Michael first about what is going through his mind. Michael just walks around and stares a hole into Kaval before speaking. Kofi is front and center of the pros. Michael doesn’t know what to say and questions how it possibly could be him? He says it is a joke that Kaval would get a title shot on Pay per View and it would suck. He says Kaval is nowhere near his level and his goal was to become a WWE Champion. Michael lost his guaranteed shot at a title, but it will not stop him for becoming a future World Heavyweight Champion and he is still the next generation and the next big thing. He says from this moment on, it will be the genesis of McGillicutty. Kaval is congratulated by Striker and he thanks the entire WWE. All the eliminated rookies rush in from ringside and attacks Kaval. The WWE pros come in and defend Kaval and the rookies fight back pretty damn well. Husky Harris drills Kaval as the pros just watch. Alex Riley and Michael come back and start attacking everyone, whether pro or rookie. In the end, it is Michael, Riley, Husky, and Lucky in the ring to pound on Kaval. Lucky hits his DVD and Husky follows with his senton splash. Alex Riley hits the TKO as Percy and Titus finally re-enter the ring. They hold Kaval up so Titus can drill him with a sitout powerbomb. Michael starts screaming at Kaval that he should have won as LayCool is devastated.

We get the opening highlight video again, with a slightly different ending, now showing Kaval as the winner after Alex and Michael are eliminated. We don’t see a replay of the beat down though.


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Michael Bauer

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