wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWF Smackdown Report 8.2.01
411’s WWF Smackdown! Report
August 2nd, 2001
Taped from DC
Your announcers are Cole and Tazz
Report for 411 by Sean “Beantown” McCluskey
We start things off with a Raw recap of the Rock’s comeback…
Angle is out to kick things off. He gets a nice pop. He talks some trash about Austin, and he talks about losing the WCW title. Geez, Angle is SO a face… I love it.He gets the crowd to start a distorted “USA” chant. Then he says it will stand for “You Submit to Angle!”. Now Angle gets the whole crowd to say the pledge of allegiance. Here comes Lance Storm now with the maple flag. Lance brings up some bad USA stats. Angle issues a challenge to Storm for tonight. Storm tosses the IC title in Kurt’s face, then lands a superkick on Angle.
Austin and Stasiak talk it up in the back. Austin doesn’t know who he is…
The Hardyz w/Lita Vs Chuck Palumbo & Sean O’Haire
Matt has control early on O’Haire with a couple arm drags. Now Jeff is in, and Sean grabs a quick edge, and tags Palumbo in. Back and forth action for a bit, and Jeff lands a cross body for a pin, but Palumbo kicks out. Tag back into Matt now, and he works on Palumbo in the corner. Palumbo avoids Matt and O’Haire lands a clothesline on him. Now a tag into Sean. A couple hair tugs, and then a tag back into Palumbo. Really not much offense in this match right now. Tag back into O’Haire. Sean lands an interesting version of a body slam. O’Haire covers, but only gets a two count. Tag back into Palumbo. Finally Matt lands a reverse DDT to gain a slight advantage. Now both sides make the tag, and Jeff Hardy is a house of fire. All four men are in now, and Jeff quickly sends Palumbo to the outside. Poetry in motion on O’Haire, followed by a Twist Of Fate, and a Swanton. Jeff goes for a cover, but the ref is trying to get Matt out of the ring. Palumbo comes back in, and lands a superkick on Jeff. O’Haire covers, and gets the tre.
Winners: Palumbo & O’Haire
The Rock has entered the building…
E&C, and Jericho make fun of Steph, who apparently has a zit. Steph says they’ll pay for their insults…
DDP talks to a picture of Sara…
Austin grabs some cookies from Stacy Keibler, and Debra has a problem with it. SCSA tries to suck up to her…
Thus ends out pointless 5 minute segment for the night…
US Title Match
Kanyon(c) Vs Kane
Nick Patrick is the ref…
Kane is in control early, and sends Kanyon to the outside. Kane chases Patrick, and it allows Kanyon to gain control. We’re back in the ring now, and Kanyon goes for a cross body, but Kane catches him, and slams him down. Kane goes up and lands the flying clothesline. Kane grabs Kanyon for a choke slam. Kanyon grabs Patrick’s shirt. Now Kane lands the choke slam, and he DQs Kanyon before Kane can get the pin and the title.
Winner by DQ: Kane
Steph sends the Dudleyz and Rhyno to take out Jericho and E&C tonight…
Here’s The Rock. He does his “Finally…” shtick. He says that the reason he came back to the WWF was because of his fans. The Rock says that he will forever be the people’s champion. He says that the other reason he’s back in the WWF is because of SCSA. Rock calls Austin out, and here comes Booker T instead. The crowd chants “you suck towards Booker. Booker says The Rock isn’t in Austin and Booker’s league. Rock asks who the hell he is. Booker goes to tell him, and Rock cuts him off with a “It doesn’t matter…” Booker says it should matter, because he’s challenging The Rock to a match at Summerslam. Rock tells him to come down to the ring right now, but here comes Shane. Shane challenges The Rock to a street fight on Raw! Rock accepts.
Austin preps Lance Storm up for his upcoming match…
The Dudley Boyz and RHYNO Vs Y2J1, Edge, and Christian
Rhyno is in control until Jericho flies at him and takes him down. Quick tag into Christian. Rhyno takes control over Christian, and tags in D-Von. Christian lands a manhattan drop followed by a dropkick. Tag into Edge, and E&C land a double team move. Now the Alliance cheats a bit to regain control. Bubba is in now and taking it to Edge in the corner. Tag back in for D-Von, and they land a flapjack on Edge. Tag into Rhyno. Rhyno tries for a powerbomb, but Edge reverses it, and connects with a spear. Now Jericho tags in, and is a house of fire. Now all hell breaks loose. The Dudleyz go for a flying nut buster, but Jericho rolls Bubba over, and Edge pushes D-Von off the ropes and into Bubba’s jewels. Jericho applies the Walls on D-Von. Rhyno Gores the hell outta Jericho, and D-Von covers up for the win.
Winners: Dudz & Rhyno
Austin and Debra bicker…
Ummm…. Here comes Debra… Right, she’s talking about her cookies… She’s getting fans to taste them… She goes for results, and here comes Austin. Please let this end. Austin gets on Debra’s case. Austin and Debra keep stealing the mic from each other. Debra gets pissed and bashes the cookie tray over Austin’s head! She storms out, and Austin looks upset. Then he gets back to Angle, and he accepts the match for Summerslam!
Regal and Tajiri are wondering where Undertaker is…
Lance Storm Vs Angle Rules!
The two jockey for position early, and Storm gains control with some WOOOOOO chops in the corner. Now Angle fires back with a back body drop. Storm rolls into the Maple Leaf, but Angle avoids that, and applies the Ankle Lock. Storm reaches the ropes. Now Storm lands a snake eyes on Angle. Storm lands a shoulder block, and covers for a two count. Storm lands a suplex, and another cover, but only a two count. Now Storm applies a reverse chinlock. Angle fights his way back up. Both men go for a cross body, and they collide in mid air. Both men are back up (surprise), and Angle takes control. Angle lands a belly to belly suplex. Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but Storm gets out of it, and lands a superkick, sending Angle to the outside. Storm sends Angle into the steps, then talks some trash to Angle. Angle fires back and beats the living piss out of Storm, then sends him back into the ring. Angle lands the Angle Slam. Ankle Lock… Game. Set. Match. Point.
Winner: Kurt Angle
Taker is mad that his match against Booker T isn’t for the title.
Shane and Booker talk… Booker makes it a WCW Title match tonight…
Another 5 minute segment! Nice!!!
WCW Title Match
Booker T(c) w/Shane Vs The Guttytaker w/Sara
Taker starts off quick with a sidewalk slam, and covers for two. Now Undertaker lands a legdrop, and covers again for another two. Undertaker brings it to the outside. Shane distracts Taker, and gives Booker the advantage. We’re back into the ring now, and Booker is working on Taker in the corner. Taker catches Booker’s kick, and back suplexes Booker T. Undertaker goes for old school, but Shane shakes the ropes and hangs Taker on them. Booker kicks Taker to the outside, and Shane goes to work on him. Booker works on Taker outside of the ring for a while, and sends him back into the ring. Now Booker lays the boots to Booker in the corner. Now Undertaker starts fighting back with some punches, and Taker lands a clothesline. Now Booker pulls the ref in the way of a splash by Undertaker. The ref is out. Taker is about to choke slam Booker, but Shane grabs Sara. Taker follows, and he takes out Shane. Now Booker grabs a chair, and Takes out the Undertaker. Here comes The Rock! He takes out Booker T with a Rock Bottom. Taker goes for a cover, but Shane pulls the ref out of the ring and decks him. Now Taker is taken out with the WCW Title by Booker T. Here comes a WCW ref… and Booker covers, but Taker kicks out at two! Here comes WCW, match over…
We fade………
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