wrestling / Video Reviews
From The Shelf- Ring of Honor Glory by Honor VIII: The Final Countdown
ROH Glory by Honor VIII: The Final Countdown
New York City, NY
Your hosts are Dave Prazak and Chris Hero.
Rhett Titus vs. Colt Cabana
Cabana spanks Titus to start so Titus attacks. Monkey flip by Cabana and he hits a hip toss. Titus hammers away in the corner but Cabana takes him down for 2. Wishbone by Cabana and Titus comes back with a dropkick for 2. Titus rakes the face of Cabana and he works Cabana over. Punches in the corner by Titus and he hits a second rope double axe handle for 2. Cabana charges in the corner but eats boot and Titus hits the Trust Buster for 2. Knee to the midsection by Titus gets 2. Chinlock by Titus but Cabana fights out and gets the sunset flip for 2. Slam by Titus and he goes up. He leaps but Cabana nails him in the midsection on the way down. Jabs by Cabana and he hits the bionic elbow. Flying Asshole in the corner by Cabana but Titus comes back with another knee to the gut. Titus misses a dropkick and Cabana grabs the Billy Goat’s Curse. Titus gives.
Winner- Colt Cabana ** ( This was typical Cabana comedy stuff, so it was a nice way to get the crowd going to start the show. )
Dark City Fight Club (Jon Davis and Kory Chavis) vs. Up in Smoke (Cheech and Cloudy)
Cheech and Davis start. Davis overpowers Cheech to start and Cheech hits a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. Arm drag and Cheech grabs an arm bar. Tag to Cloudy and they double team Davis for 2. Tag to Cheech and he hits a Thesz press. Chavis nails Cheech from behind, allowing Davis to gain the upperhand. Tag to Chavis and he hits a clothesline. Chavis hammers Cheech on the mat and Davis tags in. Slams by Davis and he hits a backbreaker for 2. Tag to Chavis and he snap mares Cheech into the chinlock. Cheech fights out and Cloudy tags in. Slaps by Cloudy but Davis trucks him to stop that. Leg lariat Hart Attack by the DCFC gets 2. Tag to Davis and the DCFC charge at Cloudy in the corner. Backbreaker/legdrop combo bt the DCFC gets 2 as Cheech saves. Davis hits a delayed suplex and Chavis tags in. Back elbow by Chavis and he hits a knee drop for 2. Tag to Davis and he hits a spinebuster for 2. Tag to Chavis and they go for a double back suplex but Cloudy escapes and tags Cheech. Double crossbody off the top by Cheech and he low bridges Chavis. He trips up Davis and hits a Hilo. Suicide dive to Chavis on the floor and back in, Cheech counters a powerbomb into a faceplant. Tag to Cloudy and he is pressed into a Tornado DDT on Davis. Chavis sends Up in Smoke into each other but they come back with karate chops. Superkick/enzuigiri combo by Up in Smoke and Davis pulls Cloudy to the floor. Cheech dumps Chavis to the floor and he looks to dive but Davis catches him with the Pounce. Davis charges in the corner but eats elbow and Cloudy goes for a hurricanrana but Davis blocks with a powerbomb. Greater Good by DCFC gets 3.
Winner- Dark City Fight Club **1/2 ( This was a solid match, but I think it went way too long and a team the size of the DCFC should obliterate a team like Cheech and Cloudy rather than have a competitive match. It made a few of the one on one portions of the match awkward and unrealistic seeing Davis and Chavis bump for some of Cheech and Cloudy’s spots. )
Kevin Steen and El Generico say tonight is the night. Steen says last night he broke Eddie Edwards’ elbow and tonight they are going to break the American Wolves’ spirit.
Claudio Castagnoli w/Prince Nana and Ernesto Osiris vs. Kenny Omega
Omega and Castagnoli slap each other with gloves to start and Omega hits an enzuigiri. Castagnoli bails and Omega catches him with a baseball slide. Omega goes for the slingshot moonsault but Castagnoli blocks and tosses him into the barricade. Back in, Omega goes for a hurricanrana but Castagnoli blocks and overpowers Omega. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Castagnoli gets 2. Chops by Omega but Castagnoli ends that with a clothesline. Spin kick by Omega and he goes up. Crossbody off the top by Omega but Castagnoli rolls through into the Samoan Drop for 2. Castagnoli chokes Omega in the ropes and Osiris gets a cheap shot in. Clothesline by Castagnoli gets 2. Elbow drop by Castagnoli gets 1 and he chokes Omega with his boot in the corner. Castagnoli puts Omega on top and hits a hip toss off the top for 2. Arm bar by Castagnoli but Omega fights out. Castagnoli charges but eats boot and Omega hits the leap frog bulldog. Dropkick to the leg by Omega and he hits a leg lariat. Slam by Omega and he hits the springboard moonsault for 2. Claudio escapes the half nelson suplex attempt and Omega hits a hurricanrana. Dragon suplex by Omega and Castagnoli bails. Slingshot twisting pescado to the floor by Omega and he sends Castagnoli into the post. Springboard moonsault press to the floor by Omega. Back in, Omega goes up and hits a crossbody off the top for 2. UFO by Castagnoli gets 2. Castagnoli charges in the coprner but eats boot and he comes back by pressing Omega into the uppercut. Castagnoli goes for the Ricola Bomb but Omega counters into a roll-up for 2. Castagnoli hits another press into the uppercut for 2!!! Castagnoli goes for the Bicycle Kick but Omega catches him with the Hadouken. Reverse hurricanrana by Omega and he goes for Croyt’s Wrath but Castagnoli escapes and goes low. Uppercut by Castagnoli gets 3.
Winner-Claudio Castagnoli ***1/4 ( Took time to get going but the final stretch was hot and was typically great Castagnoli vs. small opponent stuff. )
American Wolves says this was the weekend of war and Edwards says he knew something like his elbow breaking would happen. Edwards says it doesn’t matter and tonight they finish Steen and Generico once and for all.
Bret Hart comes out and says Bret Hart was created in New York City. Bret says wrestling Owen and Curt Hennig as some of his favorite matches in New York and gives a big thank you to the fans of New York. Just a nice little segment for the fans.
Roderick Strong vs. Delirious w/Daizee Haze vs. Sonjay Dutt vs. Grizzly Redwood
Dutt stalks Daizee to start so Delirious attacks him on the floor. In the ring, Strong and Redwood have a test of strength and Redwood breaks with a hurricanrana. Redwood trips up Strong and hits a basement bulldog for 2. He goes for a springboard crossbody but Strong catches him and hits a backbreaker. He tosses Redwood into the corner and exchanges counters with Delirious. Leaping lariat by Delirious and he hits a swinging neckbreaker for 2. Delirious takes Dutt down and hammers him on the mat. Corner forearm by Delirious and he hits some punches in the corner. Dutt breaks with the snake eyes and Redwood rolls Dutt up for 1. Redwood throws some lumberjack chops at Strong and Dutt and Redwood chop blocks Strong on the apron as Strong hit a back suplex on the apron on Delirious. Redwood goes up and dives onto Strong on the floor. Back in, Dutt hits a knee to the back and he steps on the face of Redwood. Shoulders to the gut in the corner by Dutt and he hits a hip check in the corner. Dutt rakes the eyes of Redwood and goes for a suplex but Grizzly counters into a small package for 2. Back elbow by Dutt and he slams Redwood a few times. Dutt goes up but Strong catches him with an enzuigiri. He follows up but so does Delirious which leads to the TOWER OF DOOM~!!!!! Basement lumberjack chop to Dutt and Redwood hits a second rope hurricanrana for 2. Redwood dumps Dutt to the floor and he hits the axe handle to Delirious. 619 by Redwood and he goes up. He leaps but Delirious moves and hits a tilt-a-whirl slam. Leg lariat by Strong and he hits a corner clothesline. Back elbow by Delirious but Strong comes back with a dropkick for 2 as Dutt breaks. They trade chops and Dutt ends that with a superkick. Bulldog into the corner by Dutt and he hits a slingshot guillotine legdrop in the ropes. Dutt springboards in but Delirious catches him with a headbutt to the midsection. Tornado DDT by Redwood to Delirious. Gutwrench Ace Crusher by Strong to Redwood. Tilt-a-whirl headscissors by Dutt to Strong and everyone is down. Forearms by Delirious to Dutt and he clotheslines Dutt to the floor with the momentum bringing him out as well. Strong charges in the corner but misses and he blocks a Tornado DDT attempt by Redwood. He dumps Redwood to the floor and Delirious catches Strong with the release half nelson suplex. Panic Attack by Delirious and he goes up but Dutt dumps him to the floor. He goes up but Strong catches him with an enzuigiri. Strong follows up and Dutt catches him with a super Sliced Bread #2 for 2 as Delirious saves!!! Jawbreaker by Dutt and he backdrops Delirious to the floor. Dutt mocks Daizee which allows Strong to catch him with a backbreaker. Sick Kick by Strong and he hits the Gibson Driver for 3.
Winner- Roderick Strong ***1/4 ( This was a fun action packed match and it was nice to see Dutt playing a dickhead heel to change this up a bit from the typical spot fest these multi man matches tend to be. )
Video package for American Wolves/Steen and Generico airs.
Ladder War for the ROH Tag Team Championships- American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) © w/Shane Hagadorn vs. Kevin Steen and El Generico
Edwards has a cast on his right elbow due to an injury suffered against Kevin Steen the night before. They brawl to start and all four men go to the floor. Steen bites the head of Edwards while Generico suplexes Richards on the floor. Back in, Steen and Generico hammer away on Edwards but Edwards begins to fight back. Back elbow by Steen to Edwards and Generico brings out the first ladder of the match. He nails Davey in the midsection with it and in the ring; he does the same to Edwards. Steen and Generico clothesline Davey in the corner with the ladder and Generico tosses it at Davey. They clothesline Edwards with the ladder and Steen begins to climb. Edwards stops him and he chokes Steen with his boot in the corner. Steen catches Davey with a back suplex onto the ladder. Generico climbs and Eddie nails him with a chair to bring him down. Drop toe hold by Generico to Edwards and Steen drops the ladder onto the back of Edwards. Summersault leg drop onto the ladder by Steen and the ladder is driven into the back of Edwards. Generico goes for the Brainbuster but Davey escapes and the Wolves backdrop Generico onto a ladder. The Wolves double team Steen and they handcuff Steen. Edwards drives the ladder into the midsection of Steen and Hagadorn throws a table into the ring. Davey sets it up in the corner and Generico goes up. He hits a crossbody off the top to Davey and he cleans house. Alarm Clock by Davey and the Wolves hit the superkick/German suplex combo through the table!!! The Wolves double team Steen and Davey wraps a chain around his boot. Davey throws rapid kicks to the head using the chained foot!!! Davey chokes Steen with the chain and Edwards hits a boot to the head. Steen goes low on Davey to come back as Eddie begins to climb. Steen tackles the ladder to bring Edwards down and Generico hits the Yakuza Kick to the Wolves. Generico chases after Hagadorn and he nails Hagadorn when he finally catches him. Generico finds the key to the handcuffs and he frees Steen. Steen stomps away on Davey and Steen and Generico set up some tables in the ring. Generico nails Edwards in the head with a chair and Steen sets up a table on top of a ladder on the outside. Michinoku Driver by Generico to Edwards and Steen spinebusters Edwards onto a ladder. Steen and Generico put the Wolves on the tables and they climb but Davey shoves the ladder over bringing both men down. Davey climbs the ladder but Steen nails him in the back with a chair to bring him down. Davey hits a Tornado DDT on Steen through a table on the floor!!! Generico climbs along with Richards and they fight on top of the ladder. Generico hits a sunset flip powerbomb on Davey through a table off the ladder!!!! Generico climbs again but Edwards follows up. Generico goes for a Brainbuster but Eddie blocks and he BACKDROPS GENERICO OFF THE LADDER THROUGH THE TABLE!!!! Steen swings a chair but misses and Edwards superkicks the chair back into the head of Steen. Hagadorn brings a giant ladder into the ring and Generico DIVES THROUGH THE LADDER AND HITS A SUMMERSAULT PLANCHA ONTO DAVEY ON THE FLOOR!!!! Steen nails Eddie with a chair and he climbs the ladder. Eddie TIPS THE LADDER OVER SENDING STEEN THROUGH THE TABLE AND LADDER ON THE FLOOR!!!!! Eddie climbs and Generico follows up. They fight on top and Eddie throws some head butts. Davey nails Generico in the back with a chair and Eddie grabs the Achilles Lock through the ladder!!! This allows Davey to climb and he grabs the belts!!!
Winners and Still ROH Tag Team Champions- American Wolves ****1/4 ( This was an incredible match to conclude one of ROH’s most underrated feuds. This was the match that made Eddie Edwards in ROH, as he was in no condition to be in the match after his elbow injury and provided an exceptional performance. I loved the tale of two matches here, the first half both teams attempted to hurt each other and the second half was the fight to grab the belts. Just a perfect blend of ladder spots and storytelling to have the feud come full circle. )
Chris Hero w/Shane Hagadorn vs. Eddie Kingston
Kingston attacks to start and he drop toe holds Hero. Exploder suplex by Kingston and Hero bails. Kingston follows out and Hagadorn grabs his leg, allowing Hero to hit a big boot to knock Kingston off the apron. Hero follows out and he sends Kingston into the barricade. Hero sandwiches Kingston between the mats on the floor and Hero hits a back senton off the apron onto Kingston. Back in, Kingston chops away but Hero catches him with an elbow for 2. Hero stomps away on Kingston and he hits a back senton for 2. Hero throws some elbows but Kingston comes back with a backdrop. He charges in the corner but eats boot and Hero covers for 2. Back senton by Hero and he waistlock takedowns Kingston into a basement dropkick. A basement boot by Hero and he throws a running boot from the floor. Back in, Hero covers for 2. They trade forearms and Kingston knocks Hero down with a hard strike. Chops by Hero and Kingston comes back with a release German suplex. They trade chops and Kingston wins that battle. Hard forearm by Hero but Kingston clotheslines Hero to the floor to come back. Suicide dive to the floor by Kingston and he sends Hero into the barricade. Chops by Kingston and he bites the head of Hero. He throws a head butt at Hero and Hero is busted open. He bites the head of Hero again and back in, he hammers the cut of Hero. Hard forearm again by Hero and Kingston comes back with the Urinage. Lariat by Kingston gets 2. Hero blocks a Northern Lights Bomb attempt and catches Kingston with the Blockbuster for 2. Running sit-out powerbomb by Hero gets 2. Head butts by Hero but Kingston comes back with a forearm. Northern Lights Bomb by Kingston gets 2. Release Dragon suplex by Kingston gets 2. Hero catches Kingston with a forearm to the back of the head and he hits the rolling elbow. Death Blow by Hero gets 2. Hero stomps on the head of Kingston and Kingston fights back with chops. Forearms by Hero but Kingston comes back with a head butt. Exploder suplex by Kingston but Hero comes back with a Cravat suplex. Saito suplex by Kingston and both men are down. Kingston grabs Hero’s elbow pad and he backfists Hagadorn with it as he comes in. Hero puts on a golden elbow pad and hits the rolling elbow on Kingston for 3!!!
Winner- Chris Hero ***1/2 ( The crowd was burnt out from the ladder match, so they were much quieter for this match then you would think they would be. It’s unfortunate because this was a great, physical contest with hard strikes and showed the hatred between these two. )
Austin Aries comes out and says he can see the excitement for Austin Aries’ Lucky Lottery. He says there are world champion caliber names in his hat. He pulls a name out of a hat and announces that it is Bret Hart. Aries calls out Bret but he doesn’t come out. He says Bret is a coward which brings out Petey Williams. Petey calls Aries a coward and tells him to put the World Title on the line against him tonight to show how great he really is. Aries says Williams’ name wasn’t in his hat and says he is going to think about it. He nails Petey with the microphone and says Petey has the match.
ROH World Championship- Austin Aries © vs. Petey Williams
Williams rolls Aries up for 2 and Aries bails. Aries says he reconsidered his decision and the ref says the match will continue. Back in, Aries hits some arm drags and he goes to work on the arm. Aries misses the basement dropkick and Petey drop toe holds Aries into the ropes. Dropkick to the back by Petey gets 2. Tilt-a-whirl side Russian leg sweep into the crucifix by Petey gets 2. Petey goes for the slingshot inverted lungblower but Aries blocks. He goes for the Hilo but eats knees and Petey goes for the Sharpshooter but Aries quickly makes the ropes to break. Aries bails and Petey hits a baseball slide to Aries. Aries trips up Petey on the apron and he goes up. Axe handle off the top to the floor by Aries and back in, Aries bends Petey against the apron. Slingshot chop to the floor by Aries and back in, he gets 2. Basement back elbow to the back by Aries gets 2 and he pretzels Petey. He rolls him up for 2 and Aries steps on the face of Petey. He goes for the pendulum elbow but Petey trips him and goes for the Sharpshooter. Aries blocks and hits a hard kick to the ribs. Aries sends Petey hard into the corner and hits a knee drop to the back for 2. Aries goes up and hits a front elbow onto Petey for 2. Petey sends Aries into the corner chest first and Petey hits some rights. Jawbreaker by Petey and he hits a corner forearm. Bulldog by Petey gets 2. He goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Aries blocks. Knee to the head by Petey and he hits the slingshot inverted lungblower for 2. Rights by Petey and he hits some punches in the corner. Aries takes him out with a reverse atomic drop into an STO. Pendulum Elbow by Aries gets 2. Aries goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Petey counters into the Sharpshooter. Aries makes the ropes to break. Petey pulls Aries out of the corner and goes for the Canadian Destroyer but Aries counters into the repeated knee breakers. Petey rolls out of a back suplex attempt but Aries catches him in the Figure-4. Petey turns it over so Aries makes the ropes to break. Neckbreaker in the ropes by Aries gets 2. Last Chancery by Aries and he throws some knees at Petey. Aries goes for the Brainbuster but Petey blocks and Aries catches him with the back suplex. Corner dropkick by Aries and he hits the Brainbuster for 2. Aries puts Petey on top and follows up but Petey fights him off. Sunset flip by Petey but Aries rolls through into the basement dropkick. Petey escapes the Brainbuster and hits two enzuigiris. Canadian Destroyer by Petey but Aries grabs the ropes at 2!!! Roll-up by Aries gets 2 and Petey catches him in the Sharpshooter. Aries rolls through and the momentum sends Petey to the floor. Heat Seeking Missile by Aries and he sends Petey into the barricade. Dropkick against the barricade by Aries and he re-enters the ring. Petey makes it back into the ring before the 20 count and Aries grabs the Last Chancery. Petey gets his foot on the ropes to break. Aries puts Petey on top and follows up. Aries goes for the Brainbuster off the top but Petey blocks. CANADIAN DESTROYER OFF THE TOP BY PETEY!!!!!! Aries smartly rolls to the floor before Petey can cover and Petey follows out. Petey tries pick Aries up but Aries rams him into the barricade and hits a Brainbuster on the floor. Aries enters the ring and Petey is counted out!!!
Winner by Count-Out and Still ROH World Champion- Austin Aries ***1/2 ( Man they worked their ass off here to fight off one of the worst crowds for an ROH match I have ever seen. The crowd was more interested in messing with Todd Sinclair than watching the actual wrestling which sucked and took away from what was a pretty good contest. I didn’t mind the finish either as Aries wasn’t the typical ROH Champion and it fit his character to take the cheap victory. )
Eddie Kingston freaks out in the locker room but Julius Smokes tells him to calm down.
JIM CORNETTE COMES OUT!!!! He addresses rumors regarding him and Vince Russo and then tells the story of how he was fired. Cornette says Sarah Palin will lap dance Barack Obama before he ever got behind Vince Russo. Cornette says he is an ROH fan because he is a fan of wrestling. Cornette asks the crowd if they are sick of the things they are seeing on mainstream wrestling and he claims ROH makes stars. Cornette says that a company doesn’t make stars, the fans make stars. He says they are here tonight to say farewell to Danielson and McGuinness, guys who stepped up when Joe, Styles, and Punk left. He says the guys in the back need to step up and Cornette officially announces he is the executive producer of ROH on HDNet. He says ROH will be the best promotion in the world. Austin Aries comes back out and calls what Cornette says a bunch of crap. Aries says the only reason Cornette is here is because he can’t get along with anyone. He calls Vince Russo his bro and Cornette says it looks like he and Aries are going to have a problem, as he doesn’t get along with assholes. Aries says it takes an asshole to know an asshole and he says Cornette is a control freak. Aries says since he has the belt, he calls the shot. He says the sooner Cornette figures that out, they will get along. Cornette says the fans don’t want a cowardly champion and he says Aries has his work cut out for him soon. Aries the only thing Cornette has never been good with it politics and Aries says that is a problem cause he has the power. Aries says he will make Cornette a Triple Crown winner, as he will be fired from WWE, TNA, and ROH.
Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe)
Nick and Mark start. Both men battle for control to start and Nick hits a dropkick. The Bucks take turnjs working on the left arm of Mark and Nick goes for a double stomp but misses and lands on Matt. Spinning heel kick by Mark and Jay tags in. Dropkick by Jay gets 2. Slam by Jay and he hits a leg drop for 2. Jay charges in the corner but misses and Matt tags in. Double hip toss into a double basement dropkick gets 2. Suplex by Matt gets 2. Tag to Mark and he hammers the midsection of Matt in the corner. Matt escapes a suplex attempt and tags Nick. Suplex by Nick gets 2. Tag to Matt and he hits some forearms on Mark. Big boot by Mark and he hits a forearm off the second rope. Tag to Jay and he misses a back elbow. Tag to Nick and Jay chops away. Tag to Matt and he hits some shoulders to the gut in the corner. Tag to Nick and he snap mares Jay into a Hilo from Matt for 2. Tag to Matt and they trade forearms. Matt presses Nick into a clothesline from Jay and Jay hits a big boot to Matt. Tag to Mark and the Briscoes HIP TOSS NICK ONTO MATT ON THE FLOOR!!!! The Briscoes charge at Nick in the corner and hit stereo basement kicks to Nick for 2. Tag to Mark and he hits a Brainbuster for 2. Headscissors by Mark but Nick makes the ropes to break. Tag to Jay and he hits a double stomp to Nick for 2. Sit-out Gordbuster by Jay gets 2 and he goes to the front face lock. Nick fights out but Jay prevents the tag and tags Mark. Belly to belly suplex by Mark gets 2. Elbow drops by Mark and he chokes Nick with his boot. Tag to Jay and the Briscoes hit the double shoulder block. Snap mare and Jay grabs the chinlock. Nick fights out and Jay hits a knee to the gut. Jay charges but eats boot and Nick hits the spinning front kick to Jay. Tag to Matt and he hits a back elbow to Mark. Dropkick by Matt and he hits a German suplex for 2. Jay nails Matt from behind so Nick knocks him off the apron with a springboard dropkick. Spear by Matt and the Bucks hit the standing moonsault/springboard summersault senton for 2. Matt goes for the Tornado DDT but Mark blocks and follows up. Second rope Ace Crusher by Mark gets 2. Superkick by Matt to Mark and Jay hits a spinebuster to Nick. Press into a DVD by Jay gets 2 as Matt saves. Mark dumps Matt to the floor and Briscoes go for the Doomsday Device but Nick counters into a reverse hurricanrana. Missile dropkick by Mark to Nick and he walks into one from Matt. Superkicks by the Bucks but they walk into superkicks from the Briscoes. Everyone is down!!! Slingshot X-Factor by Nick to Jay and he goes up. Mark crotches him and follows up. Matt catches him with a powerbomb into the knees of Nick. Nick with a crossbody to the floor onto Jay on the floor!!! Corkscrew Ace Crusher but Matt and Nick covers for 2. Exploder suplex by Mark to Nick and he hits an enzuigiri to Matt. Tag to Jay and he goes for the Jay Driller but Matt counters into a backbreaker. Jay catches him with the ay Driller for 2 as Nick saves!!! Superkick by Nick to Jay and the Bucks hit More Bang for Your Buck for 3!!!
Winners- Young Bucks ***3/4 ( Again, the crowd was not into this match for a decent majority of it like they should have been. This was a crazy match, with both teams going all out in the finishing stretch and showcasing their best stuff. This was a huge win for the Bucks but unfortunately they didn’t stick around long enough to capitalize on the momentum. )
Video package for Danielson/McGuinness airs.
Nigel McGuinness vs. Bryan Danielson
This is both men’s last night in the company. Full nelson by Nigel to start but Danielson breaks and goes to work on the left arm of Nigel. Dropkick by Danielson and we reach a standstill. Test of strength but Danielson breaks and goes back to the left arm. Nigel takes Danielson down and bends his body against the arm of Danielson. Danielson slaps Nigel for mocking him and he rakes the face of Nigel. He punches Nigel in the ear and he drives Nigel’s knees into the mat. Running kick to the chest by Danielson gets 2. Hammerlock by Danielson but Nigel counters into his own. Danielson grabs the ropes so Nigel kicks him in the arm. Nigel suplexes Danielson using Danielson’s injured arm and he steps onto the arm of Danielson. Nigel charges in the corner but eats boot and Danielson hits an uppercut off the second rope. Knee to the gut by Danielson and he hits a kick to the back for 2. Dropkick by Danielson and he hits an underhook suplex. Danielson goes up and he hits the diving head butt for 2. Uppercuts by Danielson and he charges in the corner but misses. Kick to the back/clothesline combo by Nigel and he puts Danielson on top. He goes for the Tower of London but Danielson rakes the face to block. Nigel follows up and goes for the superplex but Danielson blocks. He fights Nigel off and goes for the missile dropkick but Nigel blocks for 2. Triangle Choke by Danielson but Nigel gets his foot on the ropes to break. Nigel goes for a roll-up but Danielson blocks for 2 which leads to a roll-up exchange sequence for some near falls. Flying elbow strike by Danielson and he hits a corner forearm. He puts Nigel on top and follows up. He goes for the super back suplex but Nigel blocks so Danielson puts him in the tree of woe. Danielson stomps away and hits a baseball slide in the corner. Danielson follows up and hits the super back suplex off the top for 2. Danielson goes for Cattle Mutilation but Nigel powers out into the Tower of London for 2!!! Nigel goes for the Tower of London off the apron but Danielson blocks and shoves Nigel into the front row. Danielson looks to dive but Nigel uses a security guard as a shield so Danielson resists. Nigel goes back to ringside but Danielson catches him with a knee strike off the apron knocking Nigel back into the crowd. Danielson HITS A SPRINGBOARD CROSSBODY INTO THE CROWD ONTO NIGEL!!!! Danielson poses on the barricade, allowing Nigel to shove him into the post. Danielson is busted open and Nigel hits the Tower of London off the apron to the floor. Nigel pulls Danielson into the post a few times and Danielson makes it back into the ring before the twenty count!!! Forearms in the corner by Nigel and he puts Danielson on top. Nigel hits the Tower of London on the apron for 2!!! London Dungeon by Nigel but Danielson makes the ropes to break. Nigel goes for the second rope lariat but misses and Danielson hits the missile dropkick. He charges in the corner but eats boot and Nigel goes for the Tower of London but Danielson blocks. Flying knee strike by Danielson but Nigel comes back with the Jawbreaker Lariat for 2!!! London Dungeon again by Nigel and he puts Danielson against his knees to apply added pressure. Danielson rolls through into the rapid elbows. Nigel counters into the rapid elbows of his own!!! Danielson is starting to get fired up and he throws forearms at Nigel. O’Connor roll by Nigel gets 2 and they throw head butts. Small package by Danielson gets 2. Jawbreaker Lariat by Nigel gets 2 and Danielson catches him in Cattle Mutilation!!! Nigel rolls over for 2 and Danielson hits the rapid elbows. Danielson covers for 2!!! Danielson with the rapid stomps to the head and he grabs the Triangle Choke. Nigel counters into a roll-up for 2 and Danielson throws elbows while maintaining the hold. Nigel passes out!!!
Winner- Bryan Danielson ****1/4 ( What I loved about this was that this wasn’t wrestled like a normal final match in a promotion where they do their signature spots and that’s it. Here, they wrestled as if this was yet another chapter in their feud and brought the intensity, physically, and drama that made their matches in ROH masterpieces. A satisfying final match between these two and is up to the quality of match these two were known for in ROH. )
After the match, the ROH roster and staff surround the ring and give both men a standing ovation. Nigel says tonight is a night he will always remember and he thanks Danielson before kissing the center of the ring. Danielson says lately he hasn’t been having the best matches on the show. It’s been guys like the American Wolves, Roderick Strong, and Austin Aries. He thanks Cary Silkin, Nigel McGuinness, and Todd Sinclair. Danielson says thank you and wants The Final Countdown to be played. A very nice speech and moment for both guys.
ROH World Championship vs. ROH Pure Championship- Bryan Danielson (ROH) vs. Nigel McGuinness (Pure) from ROH Weekend of Champions Night Two
This match is for both championships and is under Pure Championship rules. Both men look for control early and Danielson grabs a cross arm breaker. Nigel escapes the hold and we reach a standstill. Nigel grabs the head scissors but Danielson escapes and goes to the side headlock. Cravat by Danielson but Nigel escapes and gets a roll-up for 2. Danielson goes back to the side headlock and he hits some uppercuts. Danielson goes back to the cravat but Nigel escapes and they trade forearms. Danielson knocks Nigel down with a hard shot and he goes back to the cravat. Nigel makes the ropes to break and it costs Nigel his first rope break. Nigel throws a cheap shot at Danielson so Danielson throws two closed first which costs him a rope break. Nigel takes Danielson down by the left arm and he throws some kicks to the back. Hammerlock by Nigel and Danielson makes the ropes to break, costing Danielson his second rope break. Danielson attempts the rear naked choke but Nigel escapes and goes to the Anaconda Vice. Danielson escapes and catches Nigel with a dropkick. Nigel takes Danielson down and he goes back to work on the left arm. Hammerlock again by Nigel and Danielson escapes and drives Nigel’s knees into the mat. Nigel takes Danielson down to the mat by the arm again and Danielson comes back with a release German suplex. Danielson escapes a hammerlock attempt and he hits the flying elbow strike. Corner forearm by Danielson and he goes for a suplex but Nigel blocks. Double underhook suplex by Danielson and he goes up. Diving head butt by Danielson gets 2. Crossface Chickenwing by Danielson and Nigel gets his foot on the ropes to break, forcing him to use his second rope break. Danielson slaps Nigel a few times and he charges in the corner but eats elbow. Headstand mule kick by Nigel and he puts Danielson on top. Tower of London by Nigel gets 2 as Danielson puts his foot on the ropes to break. Danielson now has no more rope breaks. Danielson goes up but Nigel crotches him. He goes for the Tower of London but Danielson blocks and grabs Cattle Mutilation!!! Nigel gets his foot on the ropes to break and now Nigel has no more rope breaks. Forearms by Danielson and Nigel suplexes Danielson to the floor!!! Nigel sends Danielson into the barricade and he drives a table into the chest of Danielson. Both men make it back into the ring before the twenty count!!! They trade uppercuts and Danielson catches him with a backslide for 2. Roaring elbow by Danielson but Nigel comes back with the Jawbreaker Lariat. Both men are down!!! Nigel rolls into the cover for 2 as Danielson catches him in Cattle Mutilation!!! Nigel gets his foot on the ropes but he doesn’t have any more rope breaks!!! Nigel instead rolls to the floor to break the hold!!! Suicide dive to the floor by Danielson and Nigel firesaway with forearms on the floor. Danielson dumps Nigel into the crowd and he springboards into the crowd onto Nigel!!!!!! Nigel makes it into the ring and the ref counts twenty. The ref declares that the pure championship changes hand on a count out, so both men keep their belts!!!
Winner by Count-Out and Still ROH Pure Champion- Nigel McGuinness ****1/4 ( I loved the way they played off of the pure rules. They both wrestled a more technical match from the ground and made submission wrestling their priority in order to force rope breaks and build drama for the submissions down the stretch. The finish was a really crappy cop out but it led to their famous Liverpool match. This was an excellent match to kick off one of ROH’s greatest rivalries. )
The 411: This is one of the best ROH shows of 2009. You had the conclusion of the best feud in ROH in 2009 with an awesome ladder war and the final chapter of one of ROH's greatest rivalries along with the farewell of two of the most beloved wrestlers in ROH history. The show is loaded with great wrestling and, if you ignore the crowd's ignorance for a couple of matches, a great atmosphere. This is worth your time to check out, especially if your a Daniel Bryan fan. |
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Final Score: 9.0 [ Amazing ] legend |
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