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Sonny Siaki Announces Retirement
Former WCW, TNA and WWE talent Sonny Siaki made the following announcement today:
I just want to say a few things before I close this chapter of my life. The last ten years, I’ve seen, heard, watched, and learned a lot about myself and the wrestling business. Being a professional wrestler has been one of my dreams since I was a kid. I’ve had some of the worse and the absolute best times of my life in wrestling… “If you think you know, you have no idea”.
Being in the wrestling business is the hardest job in the world. You have to be mentally, emotionally, and physically strong to be accepted into it. If you’ve never been a part of the business, you have no clue what we (the boys) deal with. In my opinion, the only good part about being in professional wrestling is being in the ring. This business is about filling up arenas, ratings, and drawing money. Are there politics involved in wrestling? Of course there are; politics are a portion of any job. The creative team and agents in WWE and TNA have been in the business for years, and they’ve seen it all. Opportunities are not given – you got to take what they give you and find a way to turn it into money. You got to take chances and think outside the box in this entertainment industry. Bottom line, if you have the potential to be a profitable asset to WWE or TNA then you’ll be put on TV. The question you have to ask yourself is: How can I make Vince money?, or How can I make Jeff money? For me; Did I ever make it in pro wrestling? My opinion: No… Was it my fault? Yes, because the first seven years of my career, I didn’t get it. I wanted to do what was best for me, not for the match. In the locker room, I was known for being arrogant, cocky, conceited, etc. I took advantage of being a called a pro wrestler. I was VERY selfish… These last three years, the wrestling business became a learning experience. Having good psychology was an adrenaline rush. I started respecting the boys and pro wrestling. Telling a good story in the ring was exciting, wrestling became fun.
Well unfortunately, two years ago while still with WWE, I received some bad news from home. My brother Bernard who’s only 35 yrs old, was diagnosed with Renal Kidney Failure, a situation where one of his kidneys has completely shut down and the other is functioning at 35%. For the past two years Bernard’s rare situation has turned against him. The functioning capability of his one kidney has decreased from 35% to 10%. Bernard seeks dialysis three days a week for 15 hours and lives on a strict diet. Everyday he perseveres with pain, discomfort and more fatigue than one person can usually endure. Bernard works full time just trying to pay his medical bills and on-going medications. We are in the process of providing a kidney transplant at a very high cost for BERNARD SIAKI by raising awareness, fundraisers, and getting people like you involved. Bernard who just by his kindness alone, contributes to a better society. A tender-hearted man, a gregarious friend, a beloved man. He’s the type of person who cares more about other people then himself. I’ve decided to be the Kidney Donor for my brother which means that the doctor says I can no longer wrestle.
From 1998 to 2008, I was under contract with WCW, TNA, and WWE, and want to thank each organizations for giving me the opportunity to live one my dreams. It was a privilege and an honor to work with some of the best talents in the world.
To all the boys with WWE, TNA, ROH , the talent in developmental, all Indy workers, and the divas – I know what you put your bodies through, and from the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best. If you believe in faith, please pray for me and Bernard as we get our surgeries that will potentially save my brother’s life. To all wrestling fans, thank you for your support of pro wrestling. Without you, there would be no Sports Entertainment.
My family have paired with the 1st church of the Nazarene in Wilmington, NC to support Bernard’s transplant activities. The first church of the Nazarene is considered a non-profit organization. This charitable organization union will help us organize our finances with an official treasurer and allow all donators to receive a tax benefit for their contribution to Bernard’s fund. PLEASE HELP US SAVE MY BROTHER’S LIFE at www.savebernardsiaki.org. I greatly appreciate your cooperation and concern for my brother’s life.
Thank you and All the best, Sonny Siaki–please visit www.savebernardsiaki.org & www.myspace.com/savebernardsiaki
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