wrestling / TV Reports
411’s Ring of Honor on HDNet Report 5.09.09: Episode VIII – Danielson vs. Black II
411’s Ring of Honor on HDNet Report 5.09.09
-Prazak and THE HOG welcome us the show.
Nigel is in the ring and as they chant STILL WORLD CHAMP, he says that it is nice, but he is the only one that can make the title reality. Being the ROH Champion is like shagging a porn star, you’re proud and brag, but you don’t know how long you can last. He had won title, tore his bicep, got a concussion and had stitches, and the fans turned on him. A fan laughed at him and told him to fuck off and asked when he would lose the title. As long as there is one wanker in the crowd, he will always fight to be the champion. He battled injuries, top contenders and made the ROH Title what it is today. He dares someone to slap him in the face if they think it is not true. Some thank you chants, as well as FUCK YOU Nigel chants. And then in Houston, Geritol Lynn had his shot. Nigel’s arms were destroyed and he didn’t quit. He looked into the crowd, and then realized that no one could doubt him anymore, and he was relived. Lynn hooked the piledriver and beat him clean in the middle of the ring. Lynn is now THE MAN in ROH. And like Flair said, to be the man, you have to beat the man. Flair was synonymous with the world title, because when he lost a title, he stood up and was STILL the man in the ring. And that is what Nigel will do. He will heal up, come back and take his spot in pro wrestling history. He is Nigel McGuinness, and he is in it, to win it.
-Kyle Durden is with Danielson and Black. Black shows his respect for Danielson, and mentions their time limit draw. And then says Danielson cannot beat him. Danielson shares the respect, but the one thing that hasn’t changed is that he is at the top. They respectfully disagree and shake.
-Delirious speak!
McChif and Jimmy Jacobs vs. Daizee Haze and Delirious
Delirious goes bat shit at the beginning and attacks Jacobs, who retreats to the ropes. Jacobs tags in McChif, Haze in and we get some mat wrestling. Back to the feet, good counters by both and a headlock takedown by Haze. Head scissors by McChif, Haze escapes and Haze then gets a head scissors takedown. Back to the headlock, Jacobs tags in and misses a charge, Delirious back in and clotheslines and the STO and rights by Delirious. Hair toss by Delirious, misses the panic attack and then Delirious manages to lock in the cobra stretch. Jacobs escapes, uses the ref as a distraction and gets a back elbow to Delirious. Jacobs in control, tags in McChif and gets the double stomps on the back of Delirious. Jacobs tags back in and rights to Delirious follow. A whip to the corner, head butt by Delirious, and then the top rope clothesline follows. Jacobs grabs the mask so Delirious cannot tag out, but Delirious gets the tag anyway. Haze with the missile dropkick to Jacobs. Rights to McChif, off the ropes and the wrap up lariat by Haze. Neck breaker follows and then the back splash gets 2. Jacobs grabs Haze, but Delirious levels him and knocks him to the floor. Suicide dive by Delirious! Heart punch by Haze, and the mind trip on McChif finishes it.
Winners: Daizee Haze and Delirious @ 5:00 via pin
-We see clips of Claudio vs. Albright from 3 weeks ago. They rematch next week.
-Claudio says making excuses is very American. Next week, he will win again, because he is very European. Albright calls him a very European douche bag, and he promises to kick his ass next week.
The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) w/Shane Hagadorn vs. Leslie Butterscotch and Orange Cassidy
The Wolves rush the ring and the beat down begins. Chops by Richards, to the corner and a corner elbow connects. Edwards back in and chops to Orange. A head butt follows, Richards tags in and we get more chops. Orange manages a roll up but eats a kick from Richards. The Wolves with frequent tags and Edwards with the powerslam. Richards up top and gets the diving head butt and Butterscotch breaks that up. Tag back to Edwards, Orange gets the tag and Butterscotch runs wild until he eats the alarm clock and then the superkick into the German combo and that is all.
Winner: The American Wolves @ 4:00 via pin
-Kyle Durden hits the ring, and the Wolves claim that they just set the table for things to come. They claim that Steen and Generico are avoiding them, but now, the hunt is on.
-Commercial time.
-Kyle Durden is Ric Flair! Flair is thrilled to be there, and when ROH called, he was happy to come. This reminds him of the old days of his career. The company has desire and Ric Flair, and they will rush forward. Flair talks the main event, and says if they want to climb the ladder, they will go out there, and know that only one can climb the ladder. The competition is that good here. Durden and Flair “WOO” together.
-They show clips of Colt Cabana addressing the crowd before the show, and he was stopped by Prince Nana! THE “EM BAH C” IS BACK! Nana bailed as Cabana took out Ernie Osiris.
-Danielson’s new music sucks hard.
Top Contender’s Match: Bryan Danielson vs. Tyler Black
We see Jerry Lynn watching on from the production truck.
Danielson and Black shake, and we’re underway. Slow start as they play the old game of human chess. Danielson works the arm early, but Black with the drop toehold. Back to the feet and they stand off, and then circle. Lock up, side headlock by Danielson, off the ropes and a shoulder block by Danielson. Danielson with the headlock takedown again, to the feet, off the ropes and another shoulder block by Danielson. Danielson with the cocky smile as they lock up in the knuckle lock. Black with the advantage, but Danielson rolls and reverses the pressure. Counters now, and Black kicks Danielson off and they stand off again. Danielson with the takedown, locks up the legs and now applies the Indian deathlock. Black escapes, gets a shoulder block, takedown and face stomp on Danielson, cover for 2 by Black. Lynn continues to watch on as Danielson connects with a dropkick. Kick to the face by Danielson, and then a head butt connects. Danielson works basically to side control and then cranks back on the fingers and wrist of Black. Danielson releases the hold, clinch followed by knee strikes and then a kick drops Black, and Danielson covers for 2. Danielson now works the leg in a modified ankle lock. Danielson transitions to the surfboard attempt, Black counters so Danielson drives the knees to the mat. Leg kicks by Danielson and then into the knee bar and Black scrambles to the ropes. Black with rights, but is taken down again. Kicks by Danielson, and then an uppercut drops Black and covers for 2. Danielson with repeated covers, but Black is resilient and powers out, but eats elbows by Danielson. Black counters a German, but Danielson takes him to the floor. Danielson MISSES the plancha as Black dives into the ring. SWEET senton dive by Black and BOTH men are down on the floor.
10-minutes in now as Black tosses Danielson back into the ring. Black back in with clothesline, neck breaker follows and then charges Danielson, Enziguri and springboard clothesline connect for 2!Lionsault misses, but he gets the standing shooting star for a close 2. Black looked for the buckle bomb, countered and then a whip to the corner, Danielson backflips out and then gets the rolling half crab! SHADES OF LANCE STORM~! Danielson has him center ring, Black struggles and finally gets the ropes. Danielson does not approve. Danielson goes up top, and gets the missile dropkick and kips up! RUNNIGN KNEE STRIKE by Danielson gets 2, that was sick. Kicks by Danielson, forearms follow, body shots as well in the corner. Basement dropkick by Danielson connects and Black is hurting. Danielson looks for the single leg crab, but Black with a roll up for 2. Roll up counters all around the ring, and Black with the rolling Funk pin try! To the feet, forearms by Danielson but Black lands the PELE kick! Both are down, struggling to their feet and up. They stand off and trade shots, kicks by Danielson, but Black with the flapjack. Buckle bomb countered into the triangle choke! Danielson has it locked in, Black looks to tap, but stands and as he tries to powerbomb Danielson, Danielson keeps the hold locked in! Black manages to reach the ropes, and Danielson kicks him in the face. Sets Black up top, follows, elbows by Black, slides out, BUCKLE BOMB! Superkick as well! 1…2…NO! Black drags Danielson to the corner, goes up top, but Danielson is up and TOSSES BLACK INTO THE CROWD~! Danielson WITH THE SPRINGBOARD DIVE ONTO BLACK~! Both men are down and look to be dead. The ref counts, Danielson and Black try to get back in but they brawl at ringside, Black slams Danielson to the barricade, but cannot beat the count as Danielson grabs Black’s leg at the last minute.
Winner: Double Count Out @ 22:00
-Jerry Lynn is shown in the production truck, looking amazed.
* Jerry Lynn (2-0)
* Nigel McGuinness (2-0)
* Claudio Castagnoli (2-0)
* Chris Hero (2-0)
* Erick Stevens (2-0)
* Kevin Steen (1-0)
* Sara Del Rey (1-0)
* Kenny King (1-0)
* Eddie Kingston (1-0)
* Bobby Dempsey (1-0)
* Bryan Danielson (1-0-2)
* Tyler Black (1-0-2)
* Austin Aries (2-1)
* Brent Albright (1-1)
* Delirious (1-1)
* The Necro Butcher (1-1)
* Roderick Strong (0-1)
* “Dirty” Ernie Osiris (0-1)
* Sterling James Keenan (0-1)
* Rhett Titus (0-1)
* Jay Briscoe (0-1)
* Daizee Haze (0-1)
* Eddie Edwards (0-1)
* Orange Cassidy (0-1)
* Sal Rinauro (0-1)
* Brodie Lee (0-2)
* Jimmy Jacobs (0-2)
* Sami Callahan (0-2)
* “Sugarfoot” Alex Payne (0-2)
* Kenny Omega (0-2)
* The Dark City Fight Club (Kory Chavis and Jon Davis) (2-0)
* The American Wolves (Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards) (1-0)
* Daizee Haze and Delirious (1-0)
* Daizee Haze and Neveah (1-0)
* Rhett Titus and Kenny King (1-0)
* Jay Briscoe and Kevin Steen (1-0)
* Leslie Butterscotch and Orange Cassidy (0-1)
* McChif and Jimmy Jacobs (0-1)
* Chris Hero and Eddie Edwards (0-1)
* Sara Del Ray and Sassy Stephie (0-1)
* Grizzley Redwood and Andy “Right Leg” Ridge (0-1)
* Cheech and Cloudy (0-2)
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