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The Gratuitous B-Movie Column: Universal Soldier

December 19, 2018 | Posted by Bryan Kristopowitz

The Gratuitous B-Movie Column Issue #489: Universal Soldier

Van Damme December: Week 3

Hello, everyone, and welcome once again to the internets movie review column that has never been a part of a secret military project to turn believed dead soldiers into damn near unstoppable killing machines because, really, what the hell would I contribute to that project in the first place, The Gratuitous B-Movie Column, and I am your host Bryan Kristopowitz. In this issue, issue number four hundred and eighty-nine, Van Damme December continues with the sci-fi action flick Universal Soldier, which hit movie theatres way back in early July of 1992.

Universal Soldier


Universal Solider, directed by Roland Emmerich, is a movie that I’ve had a love/hate relationship with since I first saw it on opening weekend back in the summer of 1992. Despite being a fan of Jean-Claude Van Damme, I was outraged that Dolph Lundgren, the Punisher, was not only the bad guy but he also got his ass kicked by Van Damme in the movie. I couldn’t believe it. That was something that shouldn’t have happened. How the hell could the guy from Cyborg beat up Frank fucking Castle? It made no sense to me. I saw the movie again a few years later on cable and enjoyed it way more than I did the first time. At that time I was able to accept that Lundgren was playing the villain because someone had to be the villain. And if JCVD was set to be the hero (he was a huge mega star at the time), why not have a guy like Lundgren be his nemesis? It was like Bruce Lee versus Chuck Norris in The Way of the Dragon. Now, twenty-six years later, I can say that, while not perfect, Universal Soldier is a very cool sci-fi action flick with two major action stars leading the way. It’s also a fine example of what those two action stars can do. They can fight, they can be badasses, and they can also act.

Yes, they really can act.

So, in Universal Soldier, Van Damme stars as Luc Deveraux, a U.S. soldier who, after being shot dead by his batshit insane sergeant (Andrew Scott, as played by Dolph Lundgren) in Vietnam back in 1969, is transformed into a kind of super soldier as part of a mega secret government program known as the Universal Soldier. Twenty-three years after being “volunteered” for the program, Deveraux, known in the program as GR44, is sent on various dangerous missions along with the other Universal Soldiers that were “volunteered” for the program. Scott is also part of the UniSol program and is known as GR13. The Universal Soldiers are faster and stronger than a normal/typical soldier and have a healing factor that makes them essentially unkillable by conventional means. Their only real weakness is their body heat. If a UniSol gets too hot, he has to be cooled down or he will die.

So we see the Universal Soldier project in action at the Hoover Dam, taking out a band of terrorists that have taken people hostage. After killing the last terrorist, Deveraux freezes and has a flashback to his last day in Vietnam. This flashback concerns UniSol scientist Woodward (Leon Rippy), but project leader Colonel Perry (the immortal Ed O’Ross) doesn’t care. The Colonel wants all UniSols ready to go at a moment’s notice. Taking one offline because of a flashback is simply unacceptable. The neck injection that wipes a UniSol’s memory, an injection that each UniSol has to take after each mission, should “fix” whatever the heck went wrong with Deveraux.

So then some stuff happens, and Deveraux is sent out again to capture Veronica Roberts (Ally Walker), a TV news reporter that has infiltrated the Universal Soldier desert headquarters and taken pictures. Scott is also sent out, too, to deal with Roberts. In the midst of chasing her down, Scott shoots her cameraman friend in the head, an act that causes Deveraux to have another ‘Nam flashback. As a result of this flashback, Deveraux decides that he needs to get Roberts out of harm’s way, so he scoops her up and tries to drive her away from the UniSol HQ. The Colonel and Woodward try to stop Deveraux by ordering him to stand down, but Roberts destroys Deveraux’s radio, making it impossible for the Colonel or Woodward to give him orders anymore.

Now, while all of that is going on, Scott is also experiencing a series of flashbacks that make him revert back to his last day in Vietnam, when he went full on insane and started killing innocent civilians (and pretty much anyone else who got in his way).

So Deveraux and Roberts travel to a hotel and rent a room so Deveraux can cool down in a bathtub full of ice (Deveraux pushed the truck they stole all the way to the hotel after the truck ran out of gas, an action that caused Deveraux to heat up). The Colonel sends the UniSols to the hotel to capture them. After crashing through multiple walls in order to get out of the hotel while the UniSols shoot the place up, Deveraux and Roberts steal another vehicle and head on down the road. They arrive at a gas station where Deveraux asks Roberts to dig out a tracking chip he believes is in the back of his leg. The UniSols once again track Deveraux and Roberts down, but this time Deveraux is ready for them and he concocts a booby-trap that blows up the gas station and two of the UniSols. Deveraux and Roberts escape once again, and it’s at this point that Scott decides that he’s had enough of the Colonel. Scott shoots the Colonel in the eye and takes command. The Universal Soldiers will now do Sgt. Andrew Scott’s bidding.

The rest of the movie is essentially more of the same, with Deveraux and Roberts running away from the pursuing Universal Soldiers. What makes the second half different than the first is Lundgren’s Andrew Scott. When Scott is taking orders he’s just part of the UniSol team. When Scott is the one in charge, the remaining UniSols under his command seem to develop a new edge that they didn’t have before. They’re always incredibly dangerous killers, but with an unhinged loonbag running the show there’s no one around to hold them back. And that’s what makes them scary, and it’s what makes Andrew Scott even scarier than when he was just some wacked out psycho wearing a necklace made of severed human ears in the jungles of Vietnam. The man has no filter, no force holding him back. And with a team of essentially unkillable super soldiers backing him up, how is Andrew Scott going to be stopped? And what the heck is he going to do to Luc Deveraux when he catches up to him?

When it comes to Deveraux, man, his story is sad as hell. All he wanted to do was go home from the war at the end of his tour, and instead of that he ends up getting shot and killed by Andrew Scott and, almost a quarter century later, ends up part of a super-secret military project. He hasn’t aged in that time, either. He looks exactly the same way he did when he died in 1969. What happened to his family and friends? Deveraux has no idea. That’s depressing.

Now, I’d like to know why it took almost twenty-five years to make the Universal Soldiers viable enough to put out into the field. Five years, I could buy. But twenty-five? I’d also like to know how the Universal Soldier program, which is a branch of the U.S. military, is allowed to operate in the United States and engage in what amounts to police work. I mean, when the UniSols take out the terrorists at the Hoover Dam they’re basically functioning as a SWAT team. And it’s not like they’re operating in secret. Colonel Perry talks to the goddamn news media once the UniSols take out the terrorists, and he says that this operation is the program’s third outing. Third outing? How is any of this legal? Isn’t all of this a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act?

And what, exactly, is Colonel Perry worried about when he goes off on how the UniSol project is “off the books” and so secret that the Pentagon doesn’t know anything about it? How the hell is that even possible? Where did the project people get the money to do the project in the first place? And, again, the Colonel is talking to the fucking news media about the Universal Soldier project. Everyone involved in it is essentially operating out in the open. How would the Pentagon not know about it? How would anyone in the government not know about it?

I’d also like to know how the UniSols, when going after Deveraux, both before Scott takes over and after, were able to keep the media at bay. How could Roberts be the only reporter looking to sneak into the UniSol desert HQ? And how did the media not know about all of the explosions and shit going on in the small towns that the UniSols obliterate while going after Deveraux? Yes, the UniSols do shoot out the phone lines and cell phones were not the thing back then that they are now, but how could they keep all of that shit secret? Shouldn’t there have been a massive media presence damn near everywhere?

The action we see in Universal Soldier is top notch stuff. The shootouts are brutal and overwhelming (the sequence in the hotel, where Deveraux has to break down walls in order to get away because the other UniSols are outside with M60’s destroying the place, is a perfect example of this). The car stunts are exciting. The prison bus/UniSol transport truck chase sequence is freaking insane, especially the way it ends. There’s only one real fight in the movie, at the end, with Deveraux finally facing off against Scott, one-on-one, and it’s pretty good. It isn’t as brutal or hard hitting as you expect it to be, but it gets the job done and features some nice slow motion posing from Van Damme. The big farm machine ending isn’t as gory as I want it to be. It’s not bad, but, really, once you see the wood chipper sequence from Stepfather III, it’s hard to get excited about a “human body sent through a piece of farm machinery and chopped up into extra small bits” scene that isn’t as good or nasty.


Van Damme gives one of his most nuanced performances as Luc Deveraux. He goes from being a sort of cyborg robot to a confused man who can’t figure out just how lost he really is. He’s lost close to twenty-five years of his life and he doesn’t understand the world around him. Watch Deveraux in the diner sequence trying to figure out how to eat food. He has to watch other people eat to see how he’s supposed to hold a fork. When the waitress asks him how he intends to pay for all of the food he’s ordered, Deveraux has no idea what she’s talking about. He tells the waitress, the cook, and all of the dudes who want to beat him up that all he wants to do is eat. You need to pay for food? What kind of shit is that? Van Damme’s facial expressions here are hilarious and touching. The man had range back then. He really did. He still does, but no one saw it back then because he was “just” an action star.

Dolph Lundgren goes full on unhinged as Andrew Scott, which is something he hadn’t done at that point in his career (and he really hasn’t been as unhinged since then). Lundgren is funny, in a wicked, dark humor kind of way, and terrifying when he’s screaming about “gook traitors” and how he has to take them all out. What sort of person was Andrew Scott before Vietnam? Was he a nice guy who was destroyed and then reformed in a bad way in Vietnam, or was he a guy who always had the propensity for sadistic violence and being in the jungle just amplified it? Perhaps that’s something that could be explored one day in a prequel? I’d like to know who Andrew Scott was before he went to Vietnam.

Ally Walker does a great job as the spunky, nosy TV reporter Veronica Roberts. She’s a rule breaker and a maverick, sure, but she also does great work and has a nose for the news. Why the hell would anyone fire her simply because she shows up a little late for the live report? Walker manages to hold her own with Van Damme, which is not easy to do. How did she not become a bigger star after this movie? Yes, Universal Soldier wasn’t a mega blockbuster, but Walker is fabulous in the movie and should have gotten more movie roles. She did have a nice run on the old TV show Profiler a few years after this movie came out, but she deserved more. I like how Roberts has no real sexual chemistry with Deveraux, which is weird to see in an action movie where a male character spends most of his time protecting a female character from harm. Van Damme gets full on butt naked in front of her multiple times. How are they not sleeping together at some point? That hug they have at the very end of the movie? They’re friends. That’s all. Good friends.

Ed O’Ross is a complete asshole as Colonel Perry. He’s mean, he’s dismissive, and based on the way he talks about what sort of program the Universal Soldier program actually is makes me wonder if he’s also corrupt. I think he is. Leon Rippy, as Woodward the scientist, tries to be the conscience of the program but is shot down the second he brings up the military’s “moral obligation” to tell the truth. It’s a damn shame what happens to him. Woodward should have been clearer in his “hold this grenade” instructions. And poor Tico Wells as Garth. Garth is a smart guy, but his bosses treat him like crap. He probably should have found a way to escape the UniSol truck instead of being a hero. I bet that giant fucking needle through the head bit hurt like hell.

Jerry Orbach does an okay job as Dr. Christopher Gregor, one of the scientists that created the Universal Soldier program. He isn’t in the movie for more than a few minutes, but he does manage to add a sense of gravitas to what the UniSol project was all about when it was started (make it much harder for America’s soldiers to die on the battlefield). Orbach apparently has a slightly bigger part in the movie’s deleted scenes.

The great Ralf Moeller shows up as one of the UniSols, GR76, and manages to eat raw meat in one scene, which is absolutely disgusting. Tommy “Tiny” Lister is also one of the UniSols, GR55, but his big scene is dying in a grocery store freezer. Eric Norris and Simon Rhee are the other two UniSols, GR61 and GR86, and their characters get to die in a massive explosion. That’s always cool, especially when that explosion scene ends with people walking around totally engulfed in flames. You just don’t see enough of that kind of thing in movies as far as I’m concerned.

Universal Soldier did spawn two direct-to-cable sequels that appeared on The Movie Channel, Universal Soldier II: Brothers in Arms and Universal Soldier III: Unfinished Business, although Van Damme didn’t appear in either one of them and they’re not considered part of the official franchise. I’ve never seen them, although I’ve wanted to for a long time, just to say that I saw them. Van Damme did show up in an “official” sequel, Universal Soldier: The Return, which has apparently been removed from the official continuity (that’s what Wikipedia claims). I need to review that movie at some point, as I haven’t seen it in years and don’t remember it at all. Universal Soldier: Regeneration is something I have seen and it was awesome (I reviewed it at one point but the review seems to have disappeared from the internets. Maybe I should re-review it one day). Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning is the last movie to date and is something I really do need to review one of these days. Scott Adkins is in it. That’s always a good sign. So, yeah, it looks like, in the big scheme of things, there’s a lot of Universal Soldier out there yet to be reviewed. That’s something to look forward to, right?

Universal Soldier, the very first one, is a cool sci-fi action flick starring two action stars in the prime of their then young movie careers. They both put in great performances, and while some aspects of the story are lacking, the movie rocks. Universal Soldier is an absolute must see for fans of both Van Damme and Lundgren. Highly recommended.

See Universal Soldier. See it, see it, see it.

So what do we have here?

Dead bodies: 41

Explosions: Multiple, big and small.

Nudity?: Yes.

Doobage: Running through the jungle, multiple explosions, exploding soldier, a red flare, an M-16 with a bayonet attached, racism, bullet to the head, grenade hooey, bayonet to the gut, two guys shooting one another at close range, body bag hooey, a giant truck, a hostage situation, terrorists killing people for no reason, double neck snap, wicked kick to the face, more head shots, flashbacks, a big fucking freezer, multiple back of the neck injections, an ice coffin, a station wagon wild flip, another bullet to the head, bullet wound cauterization via car lighter, truck pushing, male nudity, an ice tub, a self-healing bullet wound, total M60 destruction, exploding TV, total wall destruction, car stealing, more nudity, leg cutting, potential penis fondling, exploding gas station, two men on fire, document stealing, attempted strangulation, a sudden stop, guy flying through a car windshield, bullet to the eye, severed ears, even more headshots, serious face punching, more neck breaking, graphic surgery, giant injection needle through the face, food eating, a full on diner brawl, pool table hooey, guy gets thrown through a window, a grenade trick that just doesn’t work, belt stealing, a full on public meltdown, cop killing, a massive police presence, more M60 hooey, more cop killing, a seriously out of control bus, even more grenade hooey, a wild flipping bus, exploding truck, bondage, exploding tractor, double barrel shotgun, multiple chest injections, attempted wood plank hooey, body throwing, head smashing, exploding car, drop kick hooey, impalement, major league arm breaking, total body destruction, and a big hug,

Kim Richards?: None.

Gratuitous: Vietnam, 1969, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Jean-Claude Van Damme finding a guy with his ears cut off, Dolph Lundgren, Dolph Lundgren losing his goddamn mind, Dolph Lundgren making a necklace out of human ears, Dolph Lundgren saying “Do you hear me?” while holding up his necklace of ears, Jean-Claude Van Damme and Dolph Lundgren shooting one another, Michael Jai White (maybe), Ed O’Ross, Hoover Dam, Tiny Lister, multiple Vietnam flashbacks, a hotel clerk shooting his cat with a rubber band, a confused Jean-Claude Van Damme, a water bed, Jean-Claude Van Dame’s ass, Jean-Claude Van Damme walking around naked, Jean-Claude Van Damme watching a documentary about Vietnam on TV, car seat belt hooey, Dolph Lundgren flying through a car windshield, Jean-Claude Van Damme reading out loud the Surgeon General’s Warning on a pack of cigarettes, Jean-Claude Van Damme eating in a diner, Jean-Claude Van Damme eating popcorn, Jerry Orbach, raw meat eating, Louisiana, a final fight, Jean-Claude Van Damme standing up, then running, jumping, and kicking Dolph Lundgren in slow motion, and Jean-Claude Van Damme sending Dolph Lundgren into a piece of farm equipment to be chopped up into a million pieces.

Best lines: “Let’s get the fuck out of here!,” “Sarge, what the hell happened here?,” “You’re just like the others! You just want to leave!,” “Pack’em in ice!,” “We don’t have much time,” “He’s gonna kill me. He’s gonna absolutely kill me,” “They’re eight seconds behind schedule,” “Who the hell are these guys?,” “GR13. All clear,” “These guys have a hell of a mobile home,” “Who the fuck is that?,” “You guys speak English?,” “I’m confused,” “Traitor,” “I thought you were more clever than that, Woodward,” “My tour is over. I just want to go home. But I can’t until you’re safe,” “I need some gas,” “I need to cool down,” “You must return to your room,” “My God! You’re burning up!,” “Hey! This is coming out of your security deposit!,” “Follow me,” “Way to go, Garth,” “Twenty dollar security deposit, huh?,” “What the hell did they do to you?,” “Valet? Do I look like a valet?,” “I want a complete scan of the area,” “At $250 million apiece we can’t afford to lose any of them!,” “Shit! They’re pulling the plug!,” “My name is Sgt. Andrew Scott,” “I’ve relieved Colonel Perry of his command,” “Do you think you can help me?,” “Uh oh. Nap time,” “The food is good. Fucking A it is!,” “I just want to eat,” “How was lunch, huh?,” “Nice necklace. I got one just like it made out of noses,” “See? They’re everywhere!,” “I just want to go home,” “Got you now, boy!,” “Excuse me! You should check on your driver, pal. He don’t look too hot!,” “Do you want to play catch?,” “Are we having fun yet?,” “Get the fuck up, soldier! Get the fuck up!,” “I’m going to take you home,” “Mom? Are you there?,” “Wow! You really have beautiful ears!,” “Scott! The war is over!,” “It’s empty! It’s empty!,” “Well, that’s the spirit, soldier,” “Goodnight, asshole,” “You’re dead, soldier. No, I’m alive,” “You’re discharged, Sarge,” and “Where is he? Around.”

Rating: 8.0/10.0




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Things to Watch Out For This Week: Part 1


The Predator: This was one of my most anticipated movies of 2018 and to say that I was seriously disappointed with it would be a serious understatement. Outside of the look of most of the Predator creatures, just about everything in this movie is wrong. The cast blows, the direction is horrendous, and the script is absolute garbage. Instead of making a serious sequel to the 1987 original and 1990 follow up, The Predator is a haphazard comedy with some lame as fuck science fiction bullshit in it. I can’t believe that Shane Black and Fred Dekker, director and co-writer of the movie, thought this was a good idea and a worthy follow up. Maybe you’ll enjoy it, I don’t know, but I hated it. If this is the movie that Shane Black wanted to make, then Shane Black shouldn’t be allowed to make movies anymore.


Venom: This is a movie that I had zero expectations for. I wasn’t even sure I wanted to see it, as I wasn’t impressed with any of the trailers and the early reviews for it suggested that it was, at best, stupid. Shockingly, I thought it was pretty good. It wasn’t great, but it was fun and had some cool special effects in it. Tom Hardy did a good job playing Eddie Brock and, I assume, Venom via motion capture. And Riz Ahmed did a good job as the creepy villain Carlton Drake. The big hooha mid-credits thing with Woody Harrelson sets up a sequel that, who knows, could end up being worthwhile. I think I’ll go into that movie with zero expectations, too.


Starman Collector’s Edition: This Collector’s Edition comes to use from the fine folks at Shout! Factory/Scream Factory and is a must buy for the commentary track featuring director John Carpenter and star Jeff Bridges. I’m guessing that it’s the same commentary track that was used on a Region 2 DVD over a decade ago, but ever since I read about the existence of that track I’ve wanted to hear it. Carpenter commentary tracks are always a hoot when he was someone else there with him. The ones he’s done with Kurt Russell are awesome. The one he did with Roddy Piper for They Live is a classic. And the one he did with Natasha Henstridge for Ghosts of Mars is something I still love listening to. So the commentary track with Bridges is the only reason I want this Blu-ray. The movie is worth watching, sure, but that commentary track, man.


Do you like Cult TV?


The 1970’s TV thriller Kolchak: The Night Stalker is first up! Check out what I think about the show with the links below!

Issue #1
Issue #2
Issue #3
Issue #4

… and coming soon: Street Hawk!


B-Movie News


Michael Gross has officially signed on for a Tremors 7!: According to this story over at Bloody Disgusting, Tremors franchise star/mainstay Michael Gross recently announced that he has officially signed on for a seventh Tremors movie. Gross didn’t reveal what the seventh movie would be about, exactly, outside of his Burt Gummer character taking on graboids somewhere. Gross did say that “Burt Gummer will begin his hunt for Graboids and other nefarious forms of wildlife in the fall of 2019.” So what the heck does that mean? Will we actually see the seventh movie in the fall of 2019, or will production on part seven begin in the fall of 2019?

I’m just going to venture a guess and say that the seventh movie will start production in the fall of 2019. Unless there’s some plan in place to make the entire movie in the next few months, including the CGI special effects, or the movie has already been completed and this is how the producers are letting us know that there’s another one coming soon.

So, we know that Burt Gummer is coming back. Will Burt’s son Travis, played by Jamie Kennedy, be coming back? Will Don Michael Paul be returning to the director’s chair? He did the last two and kicked major ass with the last one, A Cold Day in Hell? He doesn’t have anything listed on imdb for 2019, at least not right now. I wouldn’t object to his returning. I also wouldn’t object to John Whelpley returning to scripting duties.

And where the heck will the next one take place? South Africa was the setting of the fifth movie. The Arctic Circle was the setting of part 6. Will part 7 head to Australia? Or will the story focus on Perfection, Nevada again?

Well, regardless of what the producers and Universal Pictures Home Entertainment want to do, I’m interested in whatever it is part 7 will be. And I will see it and review it. I am a full on Tremors nerd, after all.

So where do you guys think Tremors 7 should take place? Should the franchise head somewhere new or go back to a place Burt and company have been before? Heck, should there be another sort of prequel like the fourth movie?


Things to Watch Out For This Week: Part 2


Ride: This is apparently some sort of low budget thriller deal about a guy who works for one of those ride sharing services and, one night, ends up having to deal with some nasty bullshit when one of the people he picks up turns out to be batshit insane. Or something like that. It has a good looking cast and a nice look, based on the trailer, and from what I gather it was originally a short film, which you can see on this home video release. Expect to see a full on review for this soon.


Fahrenheit 11/9: Big, fat Michael Moore’s latest documentary, a sort of spiritual sequel to his Fahrenheit 9/11, is both an examination of President Trump (how he got into his office, his policies, etc.) and an examination of Trump’s predecessor, Barrack Obama, and what he and the Democrats did (and didn’t do) in the run-up to the 2016 election. The Trump side of the movie was in all of the advertising for it, but the truly devastating stuff, and the real focus of the movie, is all on the Obama side of things. Liberals and leftists shouldn’t go into this movie expecting two hours of “Trump is evil” and feeling good afterwards. The movie should make liberals and leftists think about what they do to continually fuck things up.


A Very Joe Bob Christmas on Shudder: The great Joe Bob Briggs is back with another four movie, all night marathon on the Shudder streaming service, starting this Friday night at 9pm EST. The only thing we know about the marathon is that it will feature four movies all from the same horror franchise, but the name of that franchise has not been revealed. Some people think Joe Bob will be hosting four movies from the Silent Night, Deadly Night franchise, which would make sense since it’s Christmas time and that franchise is all about horror shit happening at Christmas time. Other people seem to think that the marathon will involve four movies from the Phantasm franchise, as Joe Bob says in the preview for the marathon that the movies “don’t make a lick of sense,” which is what plenty of people have said about the Phantasm movies. Four of them also happen to be on Shudder at the moment, so that’s my pick for the marathon. Just like the “Dinners of Death” marathon, I won’t be able to participate in “A Very Joe Bob Christmas” live as I have other shit going on, but I will definitely check it out on demand when Shudder makes it available. And, shit, I still need to watch the Blood Rage part of the “Dinners with Death” marathon. Anyone else behind on Joe Bob at the moment?


Check out my Widow’s Point set visit report!


Read it here!


Who is the Douchebag of the Week? Go here and find out!


Next Issue: Van Damme December concludes with Black Water co-starring Dolph Lundgren!



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B-movies rule. Always remember that.

Universal Soldier

Jean-Claude Van Damme– Luc Deveraux
Dolph Lundgren– Andrew Scott
Ally Walker– Veronica Roberts
Ed O’Ross– Colonel Perry
Jerry Orbach– Dr. Christopher Gregor
Leon Rippy– Woodward
Tico Wells– Garth
Ralf Moeller– GR76
Tommy “Tiny” Lister– GR55
Simon Rhee– GR61
Eric Norris– GR86

Directed by Roland Emmerich
Screenplay by Dean Devlin, based on a story by Richard Rothstein and Christopher Leitch

Distributed by TriStar Pictures, Live Home Video, Paramount Pictures, Artisan Entertainment, and Lions Gate Films Home Entertainment.

Rated R for graphic violence, language, and some nudity.
Runtime– 102 minutes

Buy it here.