Alex Kane is the latest MLW star to join the Battle Riot VII match...
Topic: Alex Kane

Mr. Thomas has had a heavy association with Alex Kane in MLW, and he recently weighed in on their work...

Eric Bischoff flexed his authority at MLW: One-Shot by "firing" Alex Kane...

Alex Kane says he wishes that there was more attention on the Bomaye Fight Club in MLW than on him...

Kevin Knight joined the Bomaye Fight Club at MLW Pit-Fighters, and Alex Kane recently discussed what Knight brings to the...

Alex Kane speaks...

It's official...

Bobby Fish recently discussed his return to MLW and match with Alex Kane at Intimidation Games...

Bobby Fish battles Alex Kane at MLW Intimidation Games on Thursday, and he recently previewed the bout...

Alex Kane's MLW World Championship reign ended at the hands of Satoshi Kojima at MLW Superfight, and Kane talked about...