wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Main Event Report 3.03.15
Championship Roll Call:
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Brock Lesnar
US Champion: Rusev
IC Champion: Bad News Barrett
Unified Diva’s Champion: Nikki Bella
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
411’s WWE Main Event Report 03.03.15
* Tag team, back again, rest of the lyric that I don’t remember. Good day all, Andrew here! Bringing you my very first official 411mania WWE Main Event Report!
* As always, my match times are not exact. One of these days they will figure out a way to make it all possible but until then you must live with my guesstimations and rough internet time bar readings.
Fandango vs. Curtis Axel
AXELMANIA IS IN THE BUILDING! Thinking back, I should have made Curtis Axel my vote for wrestler of the week. His tenure in the 2015 Royal Rumble is absolutely historic. There’s no other way to describe it. Both of these men will be in the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal at Wrestlemania as well. The two lock up and immediately break off. They lockup again and this time Axel gets control and brings Fandango to the mat. Fandango counters out and gets Axel into a grounded hammer lock. The two get up to their feet and Fandango pushes Axel off the ropes who comes back with a shoulder block. The two do the ever so standard leap frog sequence ending in the two trading off arm drags until Fandango is in control with Axel in an armbar on the mat. The two get up to their feet and Fandango hits Axel with an elevated Fireman’s Carry. John Cena is furious. Fandango picks up Axel and whips him off but Axel comes back with a dropkick instead. A backbreaker from Axel is followed up with a second rope fist drop and that is good enough for a one count and nothing more. Axel picks up Fandango and delivers a snapmare. He goes for his combination but Fandango counters with a swift kick to Axel’s face. Axel sells into the corner and the referee checks on him. BUT HAHA HE WAS PLAYING OPOSSUM! Axel comes out of the corner with kicks to Fandango who gets mad and takes him to the mat. The two roll around trading punches and this has turned into a slobberknocker. The two roll into the ropes and the ref breaks it up. Axel goes for a line but Fandango ducks and lays him out with a clothesline. He climbs up to the top but Axel gets to his feet and hip tosses him off the top but Fandango gets to his feet and gets a small package for the win!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Fandango @ 4:05 via Small Package
RATING: A decent contest but nothing really got going here. I really wish they would have taken the reins off and let these two go a little but alas, we got what we got. *1/2
* They recap the John Cena promo from Raw where he tries to enter himself into the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Stephanie not letting John into a battle royal featuring such top tier talent as the Primetime Players and Adam Rose is just silly. Rusev of course also refuses to wrestle John, leaving us with Sad Cena, my least favorite of the Cenas.
Zack Ryder vs. Adam Rose
Ladies and gentlemen, the twitter war comes to a head here on Main Event! Adam Rose has to get his revenge for Zack Ryder calling him a druid! A DRUID! Being the official B Show WWE reporter, I feel like I’m going to become very familiar with Mr. Rose in the coming weeks. I’m fairly sure that Ryder just doesn’t make any sort of TV at all more often than not. The two lock up and Rose gets Ryder into the corner and begins to beat him down. He whips him out and charges but Ryder gets out of there and delivers a flapjack to Rose followed by a big club. Rose powders to the apron and Ryder dropkicks him off! Ryder goes to follow him to the outside but Rose yanks Ryder’s leg and causes him to crash and burn on the apron. Rose throws Ryder back up onto the apron and traps Ryder between the apron and ring skirt and beats on him. He goes for the pin afterwardds and gets a two. Rose hits Ryder with our second backbreaker of the evening and gets another two count. Rose locks on a rear chinlock as the Rosebuds sing his music. Ryder fights up to his feet and gets out with a jawbreaker. He fires off some punches but Rose catches him with a back elbow followed by a uranage into a backbreaker for yet another two. He poses to boos and picks up Ryder. Rose goes for a suplex but Ryder lands on his feet and hits a neckbreaker! Ryder goes up to the second rope and hits a dropkick on Rose! He then hits Rose with a forearm in the corner followed by a Broski Boot attempt where Rose slides out… but is met with a baseball slide for his troubles! Ryder throws Rose back into the ring and goes in after him but Rose catches him with the Party Foul while he’s getting into the ring! And that is the end of that.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Adam Rose @ 3:48 via Party Foul
RATING: It’s sad really. This was better than the last match but once again they were really stifled by a lack of time. There’s no reason to not have a full blown eight minute match here. They even had internet build that people were aware of! Seems silly. *3/4
* They air the Madusa Hall of Fame video package. Even though this is the weirdest class I can remember, I enjoy Madusa/Alundra Blayze as the diva entrant to the HOF this year. A good choice who had a good body of work. But seriously, the picture of Savage, Rikishi, The Bushwhackers, and Arnold is just a confusing image to behold.
* They recap AJ’s return segment from Raw.
Summer Rae vs. Paige
Paige immediately takes Summer to the mat and gets a couple of quick pin attempts. She shoves Summer into the ropes face first and Summer hits the mat. She picks Summer up and slams her down and gets a 1. Paige then drags Summer through the ropes and hits her knees while on the apron. She goes to set up the PTO but Summer grabs the ropes and pokes the eye to break it up. She hits a big kick to Paige’s face but it’s only a two for Summer. Summer drags Paige to the corner and begins to choke her out. The ref counts her off but then she does the same thing again, except this time on the bottom rope. She pulls Paige out and goes for another pin but again it’s only a two. Summer locks on an arm submission but Paige refuses to submit since she’s so resilient. She turns the submission into a pin but again it’s only good for two. Summer walks around Paige a little and then delivers a standing leg drop. It gets her another two count. She taunts and Paige gets a school boy for two! And then a big ol’ kick from Paige to send Summer to the mat. Both women get to their feet and Paige takes Summer down with a series of short arm clotheslines. She ends the combo with a huge superkick and then locks in the PTO to end it.
OFFICIAL RESULT: Paige @ 4:10 via Paige Tap Out
RATING: Just a solid win for Paige to keep building her and make her look strong. Not an offensive match by any means. *¾
* They recap the Seth Rollins and Jon Stewart segment from Raw on Monday.
* A Big Show hype video airs. I’m not quite sure why they need a Big Show hype video but we’re sure getting one. There’s no text afterwards or anything like that. Just clips of Big Show wrestling and punching out jobbers. Super strange.
The Ascension vs. The Usos
Viktor starts with Jimmy and immediately overpowers him. But Jimmy gets the advantage back early and tags in Jey. The two hit him with a big splash in the corner and Jey gets a one count off of it. Jimmy tags back in and hits a top rope double axehandle to Viktor’s arm. In comes Jey again and he does the same. TEAM WORK! They’re a well oiled Samoan machine. Jey hits the ropes but Viktor lays him out with a line and in comes Konnor. He hits a big line on Jey and gets a two count. Konnor gets Jey into his corner and Viktor tags in. They both lay some stomps in and then Konnor gets tagged in again. Jesus, so many tags! A two count on Jey from all the stomps and Viktor gets tagged in AGAIN. Viktor chokes Jey on the ropes and the referee tags him off. He hits an uppercut and then gets a two count. Viktor then locks Jey in an armbar on the ground. The crowd claps in support of Jey and he gets to his feet. He counters out of the situation with an arm drag. He goes for an enziguri but Viktor ducks. Jey gets a strike but Konnor blind tags and drags Jey out of the ring to the ground. He then plows through Jey on the outside. Back from commercial and Konnor gets tagged in and they’re still isolating Jey here. Konnor punches Jimmy off the apron. Konnor continues to lay into Jey on the mat and goes for a pin but once again it’s only a two. Konnor locks in a chinlock variation and then tags in Viktor. Viktor hits a big fist drop and Jey sells over to the ropes allowing Viktor to choke him until the ref calls him off. Viktor lifts Jey upand throws him into the corner but Jey begins to fight back! But Viktor quickly overpowers him again and continues the onslaught, still only getting a two count however. Viktor locks in a side headlock on the ground as the crowd really starts to get behind Jey. Jey fights up to his feet and spears Viktor into the corner but that allows Konnor to blind tag in. Jey FINALLY gets a flash enziguri and Konnor goes down! Both men make tags and Jimmy is laying everyone out! He hits a whisper in the wind to Viktor and only gets a two! He charges in the corner but Viktor moves out. Jimmy charges again and Viktor lays him out with a huge clothesline for a two count only. Viktor goes for two more covers but still can’t get him for three. Jimmy hits a Samoan Drop! He then hipchecks Viktor in the corner and goes for a pin but Konnor breaks it up. Konnor gets Jimmy into crucifix powerbomb position but Jey breaks it up, drags Konnor to the outside, and superkicks him! Viktor goes for a rollup pin on the distracted Jimmy but Jimmy reverses that into a rollup of his own for two. A superkick immediately follows! Jey tags in and climbs up top! Konnor goes to stop him but we have a flying Jimmy over the top rope! Splash to Viktor! That’s all she wrote!
OFFICIAL RESULT: The Usos @ 7:30 via Top Rope Splash from Jey
RATING: Best match of the show by a large margin. I’m not quite sure what they’re doing with the Ascension, but it’s safe to say they’ve abandoned any sort of big push for them, at least for the time being. However, this was far and away their best match since getting called up from NXT. **1/4