wrestling / TV Reports
411’s WWE Superstars Report 03.20.15
Championship Roll Call
WWE World Heavyweight Champion: Brock Lesnar
US Champion: Rusev
IC Champion: Bad News Barrett
Unified Diva’s Champion: Nikki Bella
WWE World Tag Team Champions: Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
411’s WWE Superstars Report 03.20.15
* Cold be damned, I will bring you a Superstars recap!
* Match times aren’t exact.
* They air a nice video package about the history of Andre the Giant as a tribute to the man that the Mania match is named after. I recently found out that Bill Simmons’ dream 30 for 30 would be one about Andre. I really hope that this happens someday and that WWE gives him the go ahead to do it. It would be a fascinating documentary.
Adam Rose vs. Jack Swagger
Commentary puts this over as a bit of an Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal preview matchup. Swagger immediately gets behind with a rear waistlock and walks Rose around the ring a little. Rose gets to the ropes and breaks the hold. He then takes over with a few chops and then slams Swagger’s head into the corner. Rose whips Swagger off but Swagger ducks two lines and comes back with a shoulder block. Rose stumbles into the corner and Swagger lays in with a few punches. He then lays in a few knees for good measure. Swagger goes for a line but Rose ducks. Swagger charges him again and Rose dumps him to the outside. He then hits a baseball slide to Swagger on the outside who has tweaked his knee! Rose tosses Swagger back into the ring and lays in a few stomps to the downed Swagger. He drops a few fists and knees and picks Swagger up by the hair. Rose then locks in a good old fashioned abdominal stretch. Swagger breaks off and counters with a hip toss. He charges Rose in the corner but Rose cuts him off and then hits a top rope dropkick for a two count. Rose pushes Swagger around a bit, toying with him, and then hits him with a back mule kick. Rose goes for a line but Swagger ducks and comes back with a low chop block. He fights Rose into the corner and then hits a power slam! He goes for a splash but Rose powders out. Swagger follows him and delivers a big old clothesline on the outside! Swagger throws Rose into the ring and hits the Vader Bomb! Does Swagger call that move the Swagger Slingshot Splash? If not, he totally should. PATRIOT LOCK LOCKED IN AND ROSE TAPS!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Jack Swagger @ 3:54 via Patriot Lock
RATING: Never really got going. I don’t understand why they get such short time limits on Superstars when they’re only airing two matches a show, but they do. Because of this it just never got to fully get developed, but it was a fun contest nonetheless. *1/2
* They recap last week on Superstars when the Lucha Dragons beat the Ascension. We get the rematch tonight in a rare show of Superstars continuity! B-SHOW FEUDS!
* They air the Cena/Rusev angle from two weeks ago on Raw, ending in Cena choking Rusev out and Lana making the match between the two at Wrestlemania official. Can we all agree that this segment is probably the best that John Cena has ever applied the STF?
* The Rusev and John Cena contract signing airs. Do you think that WWE could have tried a little bit harder to get a guy with a convincing accent? Or hell, why not just have Rusev be represented by an American? Maybe that was the point, but JBL’s constant complaining on commentary took away from an otherwise entertaining segment on Raw.
* The Mark Henry/Roman Reigns segment from two weeks ago on Smackdown airs. Mark Henry is a sneaky choice for best mic work in the fed. He consistently kills it with promo work and they should let loose more. There’s a reason that the retirement swerve that lead into the Cena match was one of the best segments of the year.
* The Brock Lesnar sit down interview video package airs. This has been my single favorite piece of Mania build for any match, and it’s because Brock is so convincing as a legitimate force. I could watch him make ridiculous statements and beat people up all day. This is immediately followed by Paul Heyman and Roman Reigns’ raw segment that ultimately only served to advertise Roman’s terrible new t-shirt. One step back and two steps forward. And I’ll save my thoughts on the awful ending of THIS week’s Raw until this week’s Superstars segment. But it did zero to advance the feud, I’ll say that much.
* They air a Lucha Dragons hype video. Get these guys to Raw! I can’t wait to see Kalisto flipping on main roster guys.
* A Bray/Undertaker hype airs followed by a Sheamus return video package.
Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension
Viktor and Kalisto start. The two lock up and Viktor immediately powers Kalisto into the corner. The ref counts him out and Viktor goes to throw Kalisto but he handsprings to his feet. Kalista catches Viktor in a crucifix hold and then swings back around and kicks him in the face. Viktor whips Kalisto and he does his handstand into a headscissors spot. Viktor finally powers Kalisto into the corner and tags in Konor. Kalisto goes for a wheelbarrow sunset flip but Konor picks him up. He whips him off but Kalisto comes in with a low dropkick and tags in Sin Cara. The two go for stereo dives but the Ascension walk away and the Dragons cut themselves off. We go to a commercial break here. Back from commercial and Konor and Sin Cara are still in the ring. Sin Cara is laying in with chops. he goes to whip Konor but Konor doesn’t budge and whips Sin cara into the corner. Sin Cara gets whipped out and dodges Konor but then Konor hits him with a big shoulder block. He tags in Viktor and the two lay the boots to Sin Cara in the corner. Viktor throws Sin Cara to the outside and tosses him hard into the barricade. He picks up Sin Cara and throws him back into the ring for a two count. Viktor locks in a rear chinlock and shakes Sin Cara back and forth. Sin Cara begins to fight to his feet as Kalisto begs for the tag. Sin Cara hits a few punches but Viktor cuts him off and tags in Konor. They beat on Sin Cara in the corner again. Konor hits a standing elbow drop but it’s only good for two. Viktor gets tagged in and chokes Sin Cara on the bottom rope. He gives him a moment to breathe and Sin Cara scrambles for Kalisto but Viktor cuts him off with a crossface variation. Viktor hits Sin Cara with a scoop slam and tags in Konor. Viktor locks in a half crab and Konor hits a standing leg drop for two. He locks on a grounded side headlock as Kalisto continues to cheer his partner on from the apron. Konor tags in Viktor and the two hit Sin Cara with a double team slam for 2 before Kalisto breaks it up. That allows time for Sin cara to get a flash small package for 2. Viktor gets mad and lays the boots to Sin Cara. He gets Sin Cara to the corner and throws a few strikes. Sin Cara begins to fight back against both Ascension members and tags in Kalisto! He comes off the top with a springboard crossbody followed by a springboard corkscrew crossbody! He hits his roll through kick and spike rana for a two! Konor breaks it up and picks up Kalisto for a powerbomb but Kalisto pushes him out and Sin Cara low bridges him to the floor. Sin Cara then hits a suicide dive onto Konor on the floor! Kalisto sets up for a second dive but Viktor cuts him off. He counters a roll through German for the SDS. Sin Cara tags in and hits the high angle Senton for the win!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Lucha Dragons @ 8:28 via High Angle Senton from Sin Cara
RATING: This wasn’t as good as last week’s. It also featured some noticeable sloppiness on both sides. I still enjoyed it and there were but some stuff just wasn’t as crisp as I would have liked. It was still enjoyable and I still like seeing the Lucha Dragons on TV week to week, even if it’s Network exclusive.*3/4
* They air an Orton/Rollins hype video.
* Fujinami’s Hall of Fame video airs. Great Hall of Fame pick. I stand by this decision 100%.
* A second Orton/Rollins hype airs. This one ends with the segment with Sting from Raw, including his WWE Network exclusive sound byte. That’s all we have for Superstars this week, folks!