wrestling / TV Reports

411’s WWE Velocity Report 04.12.03

April 13, 2003 | Posted by Pat Brower

You know the drill; me, Josh Mathews and Ernest “The Cat” Miller are set to take you through another episode of Velocity.

Referee: Brian Hebner

Shannon starts by bowing to Tajiri but then he holds up the “V1” sign to the crowd. Tajiri responds by scratching his head. Lock up. Armbar by Moore. Tajiri rolls thru it and reverses. Moore rolls thru, kips up, reverses and rolls Tajiri up for a near fall. “V1” by Moore again. Slap by Tajiri. Snap mare by Tajiri and a kick to the back. Drop kick to the face by Tajiri and he mocks the “V1” sign. Stomp and a chop by Tajiri. Reversed whip to the corner by Moore. Tarantula by Tajiri. Moore fights out of it and slides out of the ring under Tajiri’s legs. Moore pulls Tajiri off the apron and rolls him back into the ring. 2-count on Tajiri. Irish whip into a back elbow by Moore. Punches to the head by Moore. Red-tail snapper (snap suplex) by Moore for a 2-count. Head lock by Moore. Tajiri fights up and elbows out but Moore drops him by his hair. Leg-hook shoulder roll up by Tajiri for a 2-count. Irish whip by Moore into a thigh kick for a 2-count. Another quick cover by Moore for a 2-count. Kneeling surfboard by Moore. Tajiri powers up. Chops by Moore against the ropes. Reversal and chops by Tajiri. Irish whip by Moore. Handspring back elbow by Tajiri. Reversed Irish whip by Moore. Tajiri hops behind for a waist lock. Moore reverses and runs Tajiri to the ropes. Tajiri hangs on. Moore rolls off and charges into a Tajiri back kick to the face. 2-count on Moore. Tajiri charges at Moore in the corner. Back body lift by Moore but Tajiri lands on the apron and climbs the ropes. Tajiri jumps but Moore hits a boot to the gut and a spinning heel kick. Moore rolls into a cover and grabs the ropes but Brian sees the rope grab and stops the count. Suplex by Moore by Tajiri lands on his feet. Tajiri shoves Moore to the ropes but misses a kick to the head. Moore springboards into a side leg drop for a 2-count. Another “V1” sign and Moore climbs the ropes. Moore misses the Mooregasm and Tajiri hits the Buzzsaw kick for the pin.

WINNER: Yoshihiro Tajiri (4:40)

REACP of the #1 Contender Tournament, round 2. Benoit beat Rhyno with a backslide.

Referee: Mike Sparks

Collyer is about a foot & Ѕ shorter than A-Train. Collyer gets right into A-Train’s face but Albert shoves him away. Lock up and A-Train throws Collyer into the corner. Collyer ducks a clothesline and drop kicks A-Train into the corner. Collyer ducks another clothesline, hits a punch and grabs a head lock. A-Train sends him to the ropes. Collyer avoids a third clothesline attempt by sliding under A-Train’s legs. Drop kick to the knee by Collyer. Enziguri by Collyer for a 2-count. Collyer goes to work on A-Train’s left knee. He twists it, bends it and drops onto it. A-Train eventually shoves Collyer to the ropes and tries for a choke slam. Collyer kicks the knee to break the grip. A reversed Irish whip sees A-Train nail Collyer with a shoulder tackle. Whip across the ring by A-Train. A-Train pounds away on Collyer’s back in the corner. Splash in the corner by A-Train. Knees to the body by A-Train. Short arm clothesline by A-Train. Collyer fights back with European uppercuts but A-Train picks him up into a full body reverse full nelson, stretches him out and drops him. Cover by A-Train but Collyer gets his foot to the ropes. A-Train pounds away at Collyer’s back. Bear hug by A-Train. Collyer finally works his way out and down A-Train’s back. Collyer tries a sunset flip but A-Train blocks it and goes for a leg drop. And misses. Drop kick to the ass by Collyer. A-Train misses another clothesline and turns to charge at Collyer. Collyer gets his boot up. Repeat. A-Train sets Collyer on the top rope. Tornado DDT by Collyer for a 2-count. Vertical suplex by A-Train but Collyer lands on his feet. A-Train misses a clothesline and Collyer hits the ropes. Big boot by A-Train and then comes the Derailer.

WINNER: A-Train (4:32)

After the bell Collyer gets garroted between the bottom 2 ropes by A-Train.

REACAP of Piper’s Pit with V. K. McMahon Jr.

REACP of the FBI accusing Nathan Jones of stealing their stuff, into a RECAP of The Undertaker v. John Cena in the #1 Contender Tournament.

Referee: Mike Chioda

Chavo and Nunzio start off. They circle and then lock up. Waist lock by Chavo. Reversal by Nunzio. Chavo escapes with and armdrag into an armbar. Nunzio reverses. Chavo reverses and gets a headlock. Nunzio sends Chavo to the ropes. Chavo returns with a shoulder block. Elbow drop to the back by Chavo. Arm drag by Chavo. Funaki gets the tag and comes in with a double axe handle to the shoulder. Funaki works over the shoulder. Nunzio elbows Funaki in the face. Reversed whip to the corner by Funaki into a bulldog. 2-count on Nunzio. Nunzio crawls to the corner to make a tag, unfortunately it’s the wrong corner and he winds up tagging Chavo. Eddie gets the real tag from Funaki and he uses gestures to tell the FBI to kiss his ass. Eddie stomps on Nunzio. Huge “Eddie” chant from the crowd. Tilt-a-whirl back breaker by Eddie for a 2-count. Poor Nunzio has to take all this abuse. Oh, that’s right, he’s the only member of the FBI with any wrestling ability. Reversed whip to the FBI corner by Eddie. Drop kick by Eddie but Ninzio ducks so he winds up hitting Palumbo instead. Stamboli tags himself in. Drop toehold by Eddie. Snap mare by Eddie. Chavo and Funaki come into the ring and all three hit a triple drop kick on Stamboli. Nunzio distracts Eddie allowing Palumbo to sneak in and hit a super kick, all while Chioda was keeping Chavo and Funaki out of the ring. COMMERCIAL BREAK. When we return to in-ring action, Stamboli and Eddie are trading punches. Palumbo makes the tag and he and Stamboli stomp away at Eddie. Funaki and Chavo try to run in but Chioda stops them. Nunzio takes Eddie outside and power slams him onto the mat. Nunzio rolls Eddie back in and Palumbo gets a 2-count. Punch by Palumbo and he tags Stamboli back in. Double team hip toss catch slam by the FBI. Cover by Stamboli but Chavo breaks it up. Stamboli rams Eddie into the FBI corner and punches away at him. Stamboli distracts Chioda allowing Palumbo and Nunzio to double team Eddie. Ninzio tags back in. Eddie goes for a tag by Nunzio drags him away and drops a knee to the head. Side head lock by Nunzio. Eddie works to his feet and rams Nunzio into the corner. Eddie charges, right into a Nunzio back elbow. Sicilian Slice by Nunzio for a 2-count. Both Funaki and Chavo broke up the count. Stamboli runs in, tags Palumbo and hoists Eddie over his head. Stamboli tosses Eddie into the ropes and Palumbo hits him with a super kick. 2-count by Palumbo. They trade punches. Samoan drop by Palumbo. 2-count on Eddie. Irish whip by Palumbo but Eddie comes back with a Hurricanrana. Nunzio hits Eddie from behind. Palumbo tags Stamboli but Eddie goes wild nailing all 3 FBI members with punches and elbows. Eddie grabs Palumbo’s hand, scales the ropes, leaps onto Stamboli’s shoulders and hits a simultaneous arm drag and head scissors take over on both men. Funaki gets the hot tag. He clotheslines Nunzio, drop kicks Palumbo, clothelines Nunzio again and hits Palumbo with a DDT that Palumbo screwed up so it went from a tornado DDT to just a DDT. Stamboli hits Funaki from behind. Chavo drop kicks Stamboli. Chavo tosses Nunzio out of the ring and hits a plancha onto him. Eddie attacks Stamboli on the outside. Stamboli drops Eddie over the guardrail. Funaki climbs the ropes and tries a cross body on Chuck. Chuck catches him. Stamboli shoves Chavo off the apron. Palumbo hits a back breaker and holds Funaki there as Stamboli hits a top rope leg drop. Together those moves form the Kiss of Death. Nunzio’s the legal man so Stamboli drapes him across Funaki for the pin.

WINNERS: Full Blooded Italians (11:59)

And we’re done for another week. But before I go, here’s a neat little site my friend Erik Tillmans put up. If you like girls punching out guys, check out the BLACK EYE PROJECT, slugga!


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Pat Brower

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