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Irene’s Impact Wrestling Review 5.27.21

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Tonight is a rather eventful episode of IMPACT, coming off the heels of a Tag Team title change last week where Rhino shockingly cashed in his Call Your Shot trophy to bring the belts to Violent by Design. Japanese wrestling legend, Satoshi Kojima debuts tonight along with the return of Josh Mathews to the commentary booth, filling in for Matt Striker.
*On BTI, Eddie Edwards defeated Sam Beale.
*Excellent video package taking a look at Rhino and his relationship with Violent by Design as well as his former partner, Heath.
Callihan is fed up with Omega and The Good Brothers and stands his ground. He invites them to the ring but Moose’s music hits. Moose reminds Sami that he earned his title shot for Against All Odds. Sami gives him credit but points out that Callis has targeted him rather than Moose, making him the bigger threat. The Good Brothers come out to interrupt. Gallows and Anderson tell Sami to scram as they align themselves with Moose. The feeling isn’t mutual as Moose lays out Gallows and Sami tries to piledrive Anderson. The Good Brothers run backstage to Callis who ensures that he’s still EVP at IMPACT. He grabs the pencil and books The Brothers against Moose and Sami Callihan tonight.
This was a strong showing from everyone, with The Good Brothers looking particularly charismatic. Moose and Callihan teaming up is decent as both have been major players in this era of IMPACT and serve well defending the company.
*Backstage, Gia Miller interviews Callis, questioning if he still has authority to make matches. D’Amore approaches, shocked that he booked a match. D’Amore rolls with it as Callis has to get Omega ready for something.
TJP and Fallah Bahh vs. Josh Alexander and Petey Williams
TJP paid off Fallah Bahh’s debt to Johnny Swinger with his Swinger’s Palace winnings. He subbed Petey Williams for Bahh, who he feels he clicks more. Petey finds himself partnered with X-Division Champ and fellow countryman, Josh Alexander. Fallah batters Josh early but can’t keep up with the speed of the Canadian duo. Fallah floors them with a shoulder, bringing in TJP. TJP backpacks Fallah but they miss a splash as Josh and Petey go off. Josh and Fallah trade shots as Fallah sits on the chest of the champ. Petey and TJ come in with the latter scoring a face wash in the corner. Petey comes back but Josh tags himself in. TJP unloads with kicks before they collide on a double clothesline. Petey falls to his corner and Josh gets the tag. They hit some combo offense before Fallah crossbodies Petey. Josh wears him down with forearms but Fallah hits a Samoan Drop. TJP hits the Mamba splash to score a pinfall over the X-Division Champion.
WINNERS: TJP and Fallah Bahh
This was a good tag team match with some hot action. TJP scoring the win was pretty shocking as he now re-enters the title hunt.
*W. Morrissey is interviewed backstage, ranting about the fake people in the industry. He looks back on the time he had a seizure at an event, where fans opted to take their phones out and record rather than calling 911. Now that he is on his feet, people are trying to be on his team but he rides alone. He points out that Swann saved Willie last week, not because they are friends but because he knew the fans expect it. Morrissey makes it clear that there are no friends in this industry as Rich Swann superkicks him out of nowhere. They brawl and are pulled apart. Great promo here from W. Morrissey.
*Rosemary, Havok, Tenille, and Rachael Ellering are backstage looking for Taylor Wilde. Jordynne Grace approaches as they ask her to fill in. She reluctantly accepts.
Fire n’ Flava, Deonna, Susan, and Kimber Lee vs. Rosemary, Havok. Racahel Ellering, Tenille Dashwood, and Jordynne Grace
Kimber Lee eats some power moves from Havok as she scrambles to Susan for the tag. Rachael comes in to continue the onslaught. Tasha hangs up Grace in the ropes as we head to break. Grace is cornered by the team with the gold. Grace rolls to the corner as Rosemary tags herself in. Tower of Doom floors Rosemary and Susan as the reigns are handed to Rachael and Deonna. Rachael and Grace work together on Deonna. Susan throws her shoe which misfires as the team brawls amongst each other. Deonna is left behind in the ring as Rosemary finishes her off. Rosemary scores a win over the Knockouts Champion.
WINNER: Rosemary
This was a solid match here with Rosemary picking up a huge win. With Rosemary looking strong in the last few weeks, a program with Deonna sounds great.
*Josh is backstage challenging anyone for a shot at his belt, and after TJP pinned him, he has earned his shot. TJP approaches, confirming his interest in a shot. D’Amore comes in and books them in a 60-Minute Iron Man match for BTI next week before IMPACT. Wow.
*Rohit Raju and Jake Something get a nice video package looking at their personal relationship over the years. It’s revealed that they will have a tables match. Excellent video here making me instantly hyped for a match that I had no initial interest in. Rohit is also a gem on the mic.
EY looks back on assembling VBD. Picking Doering from Japan, finding a sick Deaner and healing him, and reviving The War Machine. Their strategy to gain the belts was well thought out and “by design”. EY claims to take over the world as Kojima makes his debut entrance. Kojima enters the ring and stares down Doering. He calls him out for Against All Odds. This was so fantastic and I’m beyond hyped for Kojima vs. Doering.
*Brian Myers is backstage as Sam Beale walks in interrupting. Myers sees potential and vows to make him professional.
*Doering officially accepts the challenge as Deaner and Crazzy Steve beef backstage.
Decay (Black Taurus and Crazzy Steve) vs. Johnny Swinger and Hernandez (Hernandaddy)
Hernandaddy and Swinger look like a natural fit as The Swingman and Steve start it out. Steve outworks Swinger but Hernandez comes in and drops him with a backbreaker. Swinger gets on Hernandaddy’s shoulders but gets scared and falls to a splash on Steve. Taurus throws elbows and tags back to Steve. Steve hits a DDT from the second rope to pin Swinger.
That match wasn’t too special. Fine work but felt a bit lifeless and unimportant. Nothing much here.
*Next week is stacked with Kojima vs. Deaner, Jake Something vs. Rohit Raju, and Josh Alexander vs. TJP on BTI.
Moose and Sami Callihan vs. The Good Brothers (Doc Gallows and Karl Anderson)
Sami grounds Karl before Moose slams him onto The Machine Gun. The Good Brothers are flustered and Moose and Sami argue as we head to break. The Brothers gain control wearing down Sami. Sami gains seperation from Doc and gets the tag to Moose. Moose hits the ropes and takes out Doc with a crossbody. Moose is looking for the spear but Sami tags in. Moose pump kicks Sami, who returns the favor. Karl delivers a spinebuster and tags in the Big LG. Magic Killer is hit as Moose wathces on. After the match, Moose spears Sami.
WINNERS: The Good Brothers
This was a solid, quick main event that told a simple story. Moose and Sami imploded with Moose maintaining his momentum ahead of Against All Odds.