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Jim Ross Discusses A Potential Crossover Between AEW And WWE

June 23, 2024 | Posted by Andrew Ravens
Jim Ross AEW Collision Image Credit: AEW

On a recent episode of his podcast, “Grilling JR,” Jim Ross discussed a wide range of topics including a potential crossover between AEW and WWE. Here are the highlights:

On a potential crossover between AEW and WWE: “It’s hard to see it, but you know, nothing’s impossible apparently. But it’s something I can’t fathom right now. I can’t see — I think WWE will take in boarders and renters for their space. But keeping them permanently might be a stretch. But I think it’s a good idea. The wrestling fans — I’ve said this before on our show here, they like new things. They like change. They like surprises. And there’s not too many great talents that are working. You gotta [find them] wherever you can find them, and they’re willing to — you know, who’s not willing to come to WWE or AEW? Because their work is steady and then pay is good, and they know they’re getting paid.

“So, but I don’t know. I don’t think that — I don’t see extended partnerships. But I hope I’m wrong, because I think it’s good for wrestling when you get new talent in and they’re getting an opportunity. They’re motivated. They’re skilled. It’s good stuff, so I’m enjoying the current climate, Conrad, of pro wrestling. I like the fact these guys are getting a shot to become stars, bigger stars, and develop their game. And give them hope that there’s bigger money down the road if they deliver. At least, I hope so. It’s the same thing, you know, I’m for the wrestling community. And so I want these guys to get every opportunity they can to become stars. And when you become a star, you get the opportunity to work more and earn more money. And I think at the end of the day, quite frankly, without being crass, of course that’s the bottom line. Earning money.”

On WWE having the relationship with TNA to prove they’re not a monopoly: “If you can protect yourself from being accused of being a monopoly. that’s good. And it gets you some new talent. But there are not any of those talents that they’re working with that wouldn’t want to work full time. It’s just, WWE is the mountain for a lot of those guys who are on smaller promotions or are independent guys. It’s the Holy Grail in that respect. And you know, AEW is another great option for these guys. Think about it this way. AEW’s got multiple television shows on viable networks. They have a very wrestler-friendly schedule; I think we can all agree on that. The guys are not getting worked to death, they’re not being treated like circus animals as Bret Hart used to say. And they got a great schedule. And it’s hard to recruit against working where you’re doing primetime television shows the week, as they are on Dynamite and Collision. So it’s always — if you’re a booker, you’re always looking for new. Talented, new. And it’s like Vince’s old deal; ‘JR, I want to go out and hire athletic 10s with the women.’ You know, they gotta be athletic, they gotta be able to put their feet one foot in front of the other. They got to be coordinated, etc, etc. So that’s kind of the formula. Athletic, athletic and new is good. And there’s a lot of good talent out there that just hasn’t either been discovered or are exploited, quite frankly.

“So again, the more talents that are given the opportunity to get on a bigger stage than they’re currently in, to me is a good thing. And I think — and Tony Khan has done a good job of building his roster. I mean you know, AEW’s roster with the acquisition of Mercedes Mone and Okada. You know they’re loaded. They got great stars. And you know, I’m not gonna — the storytelling’s the storytelling. Either you like it, or you don’t like it, but bodies are there that can execute the game plan. And I think that’s really important. So Tony Khan’s relationship with these talents with a New Japan background or some sort of contact with that group is smart. Because all those acquisitions, a couple that I’ve mentioned, just make the roster stronger quite frankly. And I think they’ve had a good solid report going forward, and looks good. I enjoy — you know, I’m going to do some commentary on the next PPV for AEW. And I’m looking forward to it, because there’s always great matchups and talents get the opportunity to stand out. To be stars. And that’s what everybody’s looking for; they want their break. They want to break through with a great match, steal the show so to speak, and rock and roll. But that’s the same thing for everybody. I think that everybody’s looking for their chance to break through and impress people. And that’s what both companies are doing right now.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit the Grilling JR podcast with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Jim Ross, Andrew Ravens