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Lacey Evans Reveals WWE Wouldn’t Grant Her a Release, on Plans to Make Her Champion

June 27, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Lacey Evans WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE

– During a recent interview with Carlo Perruzza, former WWE Superstar Lacey Evans (aka Macey Estrella) discussed how she requested her release from WWE, but they would not grant it, instead forcing her to wait out the rest of her contract. Below are some highlights (via Fightful):

Lacey Evans on her WWE contract situation: “I mean it was incredible. I love the WWE, it was awesome. I invested so much money in properties, and I’m doing great. I appreciate everything that I have gotten, knowledge-wise, relationship-wise. But from the beginning of my career, I’ve always wanted a family. I’ve always wanted a big family. I’ve always wanted to be a mom, I’ve always wanted to be a wife, and there was nothing that would ever come between that. Seven years I was with the WWE, and it was coming…I was 33 when I finally got to get out of my, they wouldn’t even let me out of my contract, which was fine. You sign a contract, you give them your word. So I had to wait until it ran out, and it ran out in August.”

On becoming pregnant when she was originally planned to become champion: “I got two babies, and I want more. I’ve always wanted a big family, and so there was nothing that was going to come in between that. The ride to that title shot and the fact that I was going to be champion was awesome, loved it. Unfortunately, I had already discussed with the company that this was my game plan. There was no title shot at that time, there was no TV time at that time. I was eating that amazing catering steak and shrimp, having a good old time. So I asked Vince McMahon!, ‘Hey sir, would now be a time to get knocked up and push out a baby and get back in the ring?’ He gave me his blessing. ‘As long as you come back.’ Absolutely, I’ll come back with a six-pack six weeks post-partum, and I did just that.”

On finding out about the plan when she was becoming pregnant: “But for some reason, Vince McMahon, if you’re out there listening, decided that shortly after that conversation, it might have been three months, that I was going to hold the title. Well sir, surprise mother****er. I got a baby [laughs], so it changed. Then once I had my daughter, I just knew that I wanted to give her a life that was, no offense to WWE, you girls are doing great out there, but this mama, that’s not how I want to raise my kids, especially newborns, breastfeeding and that nurturing, that time is so important, and that lifestyle is crazy. It worked for my three-year-old coming in. That was not how I was going to raise my newborn. So I changed plans and been loving every minute of it.”

Lacey Evans departed from WWE in August 2023.

article topics :

Lacey Evans, WWE, Jeffrey Harris