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Matt Hardy Sends Message To Jeff Jarrett Ahead of Wrestlecade Match

November 25, 2022 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Matt Hardy AEW Dark Elevation Image Credit: AEW

Matt Hardy is scheduled to wrestle Jeff Jarrett this Saturday at Wrestlecade tomorrow night in North Carolina. In the latest edition of The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy (via Wrestling Inc), Hardy sent a message to Jarrett and said he still has some resentment for him after a 2015 incident. Jarrett hit him with a guitar shot that split him open, requiring thirty stitches.

When he was asked about the match, Hardy said: “It was shocking to hear. I was like, ‘of course,’ I didn’t expect that … We never had a return singles match after he recklessly sliced me open with that guitar,” Hardy said. “So he got a reprieve, but this Saturday the reprieve ends. Someone is going to get hurt, for sure. Once again, we were on a minimal interaction level. If we have to talk about something, I guess we will. But we don’t send each other Christmas cards, we don’t invite each other’s families over to Thanksgiving dinner or whatever. This match is either going to turn out really bad, and controversial … especially if our wives are around … or, maybe there’s some way we come out of this with some newfound respect.

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Joseph Lee