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Triple H Weighs In on Rumors of Edge and Paige Returning to The Ring

January 12, 2020 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Triple H WWE Hall of Fame NXT Takeover Image Credit: WWE

– During a media interview promoting today’s NXT UK Takeover: Blackpool II, Triple H addressed rumors of Paige and Edge returning to the ring. Both stars have been rumored to be making their returns, despite Edge denying it (more than once). Paige sparked her own return rumors by teasing that she has more career to go, saying that 2020 “will be a good year for me.”

You can see highlights from Triple H’s comments from his interview with Sportskeeda below:

On the possibility of Paige and Edge returning: “So, with both of them, those would be personal choice for them — No, I shouldn’t say that. Personal choice for part of it, then medical choice for the other part, right. There are — WWE is at a different level. It’s hard to even put that into [context]. There is no other level, almost, from a medical oversight standpoint. Every now and then, I’ll hear somebody else talk about, ‘Oh, their medical,’ or something, and it doesn’t exist. Fact. Just because you have a doctor every now and then doesn’t mean you have a medical protocol, right?

“So, for us, there are certain perimeters. If we believe it’s not in your best interest, we put the human being first, and their long-term health. Life goes on for a long time after this ends. Especially now. The style and the physicality has increased dramatically, so when you get to a point where we’re telling you, medically, ‘Not in your best interest,’ you can do a lot of things to get back to that. If you do, maybe it’s an option but it’s a medical decision. If our medical experts say that they believe this person has done whatever to rehab their situation, and there are multiple situations, they’ve done all of that and are safe to get back into the ring, then we allow it.”

On Daniel Bryan returning after being cleared: “You’ve seen that with Daniel Bryan. None of us ever thought Daniel Bryan was going to step into the ring, at least not for us. And that was a question for him. ‘I can’t do it for you, doesn’t mean I can’t do it for other places.’ But we had a conversation with him about, ‘If medical experts are telling you this isn’t the best thing,’ right? But he worked extraordinarily hard for a very long time to get himself back to a place physically where medical teams, the same people that disqualified him were willing to say, ‘Okay, now I feel like this is a safe return.'”

On wanting to see them come back: “So, if that’s the case, when you’re talking about people as talented as Edge and Paige, who wouldn’t want them to return? I’m a fan, just like everyone else, and, yeah, I’d love to see them step into the ring and compete. More importantly than that, though, I’d like to see them live long and healthy lives. Edge has kids. You know, Paige maybe — she probably has some she doesn’t know of. [laughter] Their health comes first. They’re people first. This is all great but, at the end of the day, it’s not everything.”
