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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 6.16.23

June 16, 2023 | Posted by Robert Winfree
WWE Smackdown Usos Image Credit: WWE
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Winfree’s WWE Smackdown Review 6.16.23  

Hey there everyone, it’s time for another episode of WWE Smackdown. Tonight the big news is the return of Roman Reigns, after Jey Uso was tempted by Paul Heyman last week only to lose his US title match thanks to Jimmy Uso and Solo Sikoa, now we’re going to have to see where Jey Uso stands in all of this. Elsewhere on the card, Charlotte Flair returned last week and instantly made everything worse. Poochie got a title shot, and it’ll be interesting to see her refusal to sell or put over anyone clash with the general booking and presentation of Bianca Belair, because we all know Asuka is going to get turned into another afterthought. To that end Poochie will talk with Grayson Waller, and I’m sure that wont be painful. AJ Styles and Michin will team up against Scarlett and Karrion Kross, Bobby Lashley might show up, we’ve got Zelina Vega taking on Iyo Sky, and a tag team gauntlet match with the LWO, Brawling Brutes, Street Profits, OC, and Pretty Deadly all fighting and the winners will get a tag team title shot. Anyway that’s the preamble, so let’s get to the action.

We open with a recap of the Jey Uso drama from last week.

Kayla is in the parking lot as the Bloodline arrives. Roman and Solo are here, and Roman declines to answer questions but Paul Heyman is here too. Heyman just sighs and walks away disappointed in Kayla.

To the ring, here come the Street Profits. Guess we’re starting with the gauntlet match.

Match #1: Tag Team Gauntlet Match

We start with the Street Profits (Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins) taking on the Brawling Brutes (Sheamus and Ridge Holland). The other teams are seated around the ring and will jump in as a team is eliminated. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn watch TV in the back at a slightly odd angle. Sheamus and Ford start us off, Sheamus with a power edge and shoulder blocks Ford down. Some rope running then Ford lands a dropkick. Ford calls on Sheamus, and he tries to backhand Sheamus which just annoys Sheamus. Backbreaker from Sheamus and he tags in Ridge. Ridge with a spinning front headlock then a suplex from Ridge. No reaction for anything from Ridge. Ford fights back with strikes, flips out of a back suplex and lands an enziguri. Dawkins tags in and runs over Ridge for a bit, then hits a jumping back elbow. Corner work from Dawkins then a right hand, Ridge with a headbutt and he tags in Sheamus. Brogue Kick from Sheamus and that’ll do it for the Profits.

In come the OC (Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows. Gallows unloads on Sheamus and tags in Anderson to hit a combination back suplex and neckbreaker for a 2 count and send us to break.

Gallows and Sheamus are working as we come back. Sheamus fights out of the corner but eats a kick. Samoan drop from Gallows gets a 2 count. Anderson tags in and starts raking the face of Sheamus. Elbows from Anderson drop Sheamus then Gallows tags back in. A lot of bad camera cuts here. Suplex from Gallows then he grabs a chin lock. Sheamus finally fights back but hitting a powerslam but Anderson gets tagged in and stops the hot tag, but because Sheamus is awesome and Ridge sucks Sheamus just hits a Brogue Kick and pins Anderson.

The LWO (Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde) are in next and hit stereo dives onto Ridge and Sheamus. Back in the ring Wilde with a dropkick and tags in Cruz. Cruz up top, moonsault connects but only a 2 count. Sheamus fights off a double back suplex and makes a tag. Knee from Sheamus, Ridge catches Wilde with a belly to belly suplex, then a Stormbreaker to Cruz and Ridge pins Cruz.

Hit Row (Top Dolla and Ashante the Adonis) are in, Sheamus Brogue Kicks Dolla and Ridge pins him right away. Best use of Hit Row.

Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince and Kit Wilson) are up and try to beg off as we head to break.

Prince and Ridge are working as we come back. Wilson tags in and hits a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Prince tags back in and lands some body blows to Ridge then corner clotheslines. Ridge with elbows as Wade Barrett quotes Queen lyrics. Prince launches Ridge into the corner and clubs Ridge for a bit. Chin lock from Prince, Ridge can be seen talking to Prince because he’s not good at this. Chop block from Prince, then Wilson tags in so Ridge can heave them both up and drop them with a double back body drop. Sheamus wants the hot tag and gets it, then proceeds to run over both Prince and Wilson for a bit, Finlay Roll to Wilson then he slams Prince onto him. Sheamus wants the Brogue Kick again, Wilson avoids it but eats an Alabama Slam and Prince has to break up the pin. Ridge tackles Prince out of the ring but Prince shoves him into the ring steps, sort of. Wilson crawls away from Sheamus but winds up getting some Bodhran beats along with Prince. Sheamus has far too much fun doing that, then picks up Wilson for a Razors Edge but Prince made a blind tag and jumps in with a guillotine leg drop to Sheamus as he tried to pin Wilson and that’ll get the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Pretty Deadly won

Rating: 2.5 stars
Thoughts: Gauntlets can be weird to lay out and run, this one worked more or less alright and letting Sheamus be the ring general for the whole thing was probably a good call. Pretty Deadly losing to Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens seems obvious but they should be able to have some fun in the build and eventual match.

That sends us to break.

Post break Pretty Deadly are still in the ring celebrating but here come Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens with mics. Sami and Owens stay on the entrance stage as the crowd sings Sami’s song. Sami appreciates that, then congratulates Pretty Deadly, who have found mics of their own. They want to know why they’re still there five minutes after the match, and Sami wants them to leave already. Prince thinks that was cute and asks Wilson how their hair still looks better than Sami’s after they wrestled. How dare Sami interrupt Pretty Deadly? Some catchphrases follow, and Wilson promises to celebrate even longer when they win the belts. Owens has just about had enough of this, and Sami asks if he’s hearing this. He is. Sami asks why this isn’t bothering Owens since he’s been going nuclear so often. Owens has been working on his calm, but yes he wants to punch them in their stupid faces. Sami agrees and they charge, Wilson and Prince scamper away from the champions and get behind the invisible barrier that prevents further pursuit.

Roman Reigns is in his locker room with all three of his belts visible. Paul Heyman looks nervous, he has to ask Roman about Jey. Roman hasn’t spoken with Jey, and wants to know why his wise man isn’t doing his job. He orders Heyman to find and talk with Jey.

Back to the ring, here comes Iyo Sky and she’ll take on Zelina Vega after this break.

Post break Zelina Vega heads to the ring, as we get a recap of how this match came about.

Match #2: Iyo Sky w/ Bayley vs. Zelina Vega

Vega offers a handshake to Iyo, Iyo pie faces her. Thesz Press from Vega and we get a trade of trips and lateral covers then Iyo flips out of a head scissors and lands a dropkick. Iyo stomps the arm of Vega and she starts working the arm of Vega. Hammerlock from Iyo, Vega slips free and lands a kick. Bayley on the apron to distract Vega, this goes badly as Bayley distracts the ref, Iyo rolls up Vega for a visual win then gets hot at Bayley and they yell leading to Vega hitting Iyo with a 619 for the pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Zelina Vega won

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: More angle than match, this is just about the ongoing tension between Iyo and Bayley. Iyo is going to break from Bayley at some point and it’s going to be kind of awesome.

Next, a recap of Bianca Belair requesting a rematch and getting Pearce to go along as long as she stayed peaceful during Askua’s title presentation. That fell apart when Poochie returned and got a title shot at Askua’s new WWE Women’s championship. Now Belair is on the warpath and Charlotte is just making everything worse.

In the back Belair talks with Adam Pearce. She wants her rematch, Pearce says her rematch is being discussed but he can’t give an answer tonight. Belair went about this the right way, but if that’s not going to work out then maybe it’s time to do things her way.

The ring is being set up for the Grayson Waller Effect, which will be up after this break.

In the back Iyo Sky and Bayley argue and here’s Shotzi to further stir the pot. Shotzi asks Bayley to put her spot on the line against her in a match, Iyo accepts on Bayley’s behalf. Bayley doesn’t know why Iyo would do that, but Iyo is just trying to help.

To the ring for the Grayson Waller Effect. Waller puts over Charlotte and then introduces her. Poochie is here, and if there’s justice Belair will just jump her on the entrance ramp. There is no justice I guess, Charlotte gets to the ring and gets a mic, God help us. Waller asks about Charlotte’s upcoming title match with Asuka. He brings up Charlotte ending Askua’s undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Charlotte tries to get some kind of reaction from the crowd, no real success. Eventually Waller asks if she’ll become a 15 time champion, Charlotte says 15, 16, doesn’t matter as the only number that matters is Asuka’s and she’s got that one. Charlotte tells Waller to “woo”. Is this intentionally bad? To break up this cringe fest here comes Bianca Belair. Belair gets a mic in the ring and says Charlotte’s accolades are undeniable but Belair lost the title, was told she’d get a rematch, and now somehow Charlotte just jumps the line. Charlotte tries to emote, that goes poorly, and she walks around to face off with Belair and some notable “EST” chants. Charlotte claims not to politic or rewrite the rules, the line starts and ends with her. Who wrote this crap? She brings up not getting a rematch after losing to Rhea Ripley at Mania. Belair tried to do this the right way, she lost and stayed here to earn her shot, not ran away and then whined about it. Maybe Belair should take things into her own hands too. Charlotte objects to the claim she ran, she might have stepped away but 14 times she’s picked herself up and she’s a champion with or without the title. Belair brings up the length of her title run, and she didn’t have to do it 14 times to hit that number. And Poochie can talk about all the things she’s done, the future is Belair ringside for Charlotte’s title shot. Belair is done being patient, done playing nice, and she’s going to take that title back. Decent promo from Belair, while Charlotte seems to be more than a little lost out there.

In the back Paul Heyman finds Jey Uso, and he apologizes for telling Jey the truth last week. He’s sorry Jimmy kicked him in the face last week and cost him the title shot. Jimmy doesn’t miss, he’s got the most accurate kick next to Jey, he meant to kick Roman and he meant to kick Jey. To do that to Jey in front of the whole world, Jey deserves better than Jimmy and Heyman is sorry about all of that. Jey is sorry too, sorry that it’s still either Jey or Heyman in the Bloodline.

Back to the ring, here come AJ Styles and Michin. Their tag team match will be up after this break.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett get their entrance as we come back to the broadcast.

Match #3 – Mixed Tag Team Match: AJ Styles and Michin vs. Karrion Kross and Scarlett

Mixed tag so men vs. men, women vs. women. AJ and Kross start, AJ with a quick flurry of strikes right away. Michin tags in to hit an assisted DDT on Kross. Scarlett comes in and cross chops Michin then hits a modified Flatliner for a 2 count. Strikes from Michin then a German suplex and Kross tags back in. AJ and Michin with kicks to Kross but Scarlett low bridges Michin. AJ hits a Styles Clash on Kross but Scarlett breaks up the pin. Scarlett tempts AJ, but AJ’s married so she slaps him. Michin drags Scarlett out of the ring and hits a facebuster. Back in the ring Kross with a Kross Jacket, AJ’s fading and Kross hits a Kross Hammer then a pumphandle into a spinning Flatliner, almost F5 like, gets the 3 count.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Karrion Kross and Scarlett

Rating: 1.5 stars
Thoughts: Not very good, but I’m blaming them getting so little time more than any of the workers. I feel like they could have done something at least decent but this is being treated like an afterthought and it’s showing.

In the back Heyman returns to Roman’s locker room, Roman asks for an update on Jey and Heyman just shakes his head. Solo menaces Heyman, who exits frame. Solo asks Roman if he needs to handle this, Roman says they’ve still got plenty of time. That sends us to break.

We come back to a video about WWE’s work with the Special Olympics, who are having their world games this year.

In the back Kayla talks with Cameron Grimes, then here’s Baron Corbin to make everything worse. Corbin attacks Grimes and tells him he got lucky before and now his luck has run out.

Back to the ring, here comes Rey Mysterio. Looks like Rey is going to talk, he plays with the crowd and says he’s proud of so much about his career but reforming the LWO has been truly special. He brings out Santos Escobar, and thinks Escobar will win the MITB match. Rey hands his mic to Escobar, and Escobar talks about the importance of timing. He’s worked hard and sacrificed a lot for this opportunity. He’s got something to tell Rey, thank you and I love you. He puts over Rey and says he’s fighting for Rey and all the people out there. LA Knight interrupts this to some decent cheers. Knight heads to the ring and shoves Rey, that leads to Escobar attacking him, setting up a 619 but Knight rolls away and we head to break.

Match #4: Santos Escobar w/ Rey Mysterio vs. LA Knight (Yeah!)

Escobar is starting a comeback to audible boos. Backbreaker from Escobar then a kick and a top rope crossbody for 2. Double knees from Escobar, then he tries a Phantom Driver but Knight slips free and hits a tilt a whirl slam. Elbow drop from Knight gets 2. Escobar lands a kick and tries a Victory Roll by the ropes, Knight tries to use the ropes but Escobar rolls through anyway and gets the clean pin.

OFFICIAL RESULT: Santos Escobar won

Rating: 2 stars
Thoughts: The break gutted this, these two can work but the layout here hurt them. I was a little surprised to see Escobar go over but it’s not like this will hurt Knight too badly.

Post match Knight attacks Escobar until Rey shows up to chase him off.

Up next we’ll get whatever we’re going to get from Jey Uso and The Bloodline.

In the back Jey Uso walks around. Jey finds Sami Zayn, Sami just looks at him for a moment then stands and they share a moment but no words. Both men walk in opposite directions.

To the ring, here comes Roman Reigns with all three of his belts along with Paul Heyman and Solo Sikoa. Roman is about to surpass Pedro Morales in title run length, he’ll draw even next week and we all know he’s not losing that belt anytime soon. I guess that all took long enough to send us to another break. OK then.

Commentary runs down next weeks episode.

Roman and company are still in the ring and Roman gets a mic from Heyman. They’ve got 15 minutes left to fill, I have no idea what they’re going to do to fill it all. Roman takes his time before letting Kentucky acknowledge him. Right after that here comes Jey Uso. Jey gets a mic and paces in front of the Bloodline. Audible “Uso” chant for Jey. Roman knows what the fans want, they want answers and he asks Jey again if he’s in or out. Jey asks Roman the same question. He tells Roman it’s either him or Heyman. Roman says when Jey is Tribal Chief he can pick anyone he wants as wise man, Heyman is his. Heyman isn’t the Bloodline’s wise man, or Jimmy’s, or Jey’s, he’s Roman’s. Roman got them to the promised land, but Jey is meant to keep them here. Jey’s supposed to keep them at the top of the mountain, and they’ve spent three years grooming Jey for this position. That’s why Jey is the right hand man, why he’s main event Jey, because Jey is meant to lead. Just not yet. The problem isn’t Heyman, it’s Jimmy. Roman knows, he knows the Usos and their bond, this is interrupted by Jimmy walking to the ring with a mic. Jimmy says the problem is Roman. He claims Roman is just using Jey, and can’t believe Jey is tempted by this garbage. Jey is conflicted as he stands between Roman and Jimmy. Roman reminds Jey they weren’t cheering like this 10 years ago, heck it took them 10 years to get to Mania, but now they’ve main evented. Jimmy’s an anchor, Roman are the wings, Jey should be the next Tribal Chief, but you can’t be a Tribal Chief and a twin at the same time. So let Jimmy beg and plead, Roman could put on a fake mask too, but reality is different. He calls over Heyman and asks who had a problem with Jey being named right hand man, Heyman points at Jimmy. Jey looks over at Jimmy, who’s body language seems to indicate it’s true. Jey asks Jimmy if it’s true. Jimmy admits it is true. Jey resumes pacing, and asks if this whole time Jimmy has doubted him, Jimmy tries to deny it but Jey cuts him off. Jey expected Roman to doubt him, but not Jimmy. Now Jey asks if Jimmy knows what’s best for them both, and brings up that Jimmy’s been the overbearing older brother their whole life. Jey’s been trying to keep up with Jimmy, Mr. prom king, Mr. player of the year, most likely to succeed, well guess what, Jimmy got hurt and Jey stepped up. Jey main evented shows, and the people know that Jey is the right hand man, and it’s because of Roman. So guess what, Jimmy’s out. . . and Jey’s out too, then Jey super kicks Roman. Solo looks shocked and charges but eats a series of superkicks. Jimmy and Jey then double superkick Roman as the Bloodline has fallen and the episode ends.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This was a very up and down show, when it was good it was quite good but man there was a lot of throw away stuff. AJ and Michin vs. Kross and Scarlett might as well have been cut, more or less ditto LA Knight and Santos Escobar. The tag team gauntlet was like most gauntlet matches, and the follow up segment with Pretty Deadly fell a little flat. The entire Grayson Waller Effect had to be intentionally bad right? I mean, I wouldn't put it past Poochie to sandbag on the mic too but it was just bad before Belair showed up. Ultimately I'm calling this Good because the closing segment was exceptional and we had a decent narrative through line all episode to build to it. Jey and Jimmy officially leaving the Bloodline could have been prolonged, and while I think you could have made that work this felt like a good overall call. The only thing I'm getting worried about is who actually dethrones Roman, because the Bloodline crumbling will lead to that but it would be kind of a shame if this run ends via a MITB cash in or something similar. But that's for the future, for now we're getting pretty darn good wrestling TV out of the Bloodline stuff.

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WWE Smackdown, Robert Winfree