wrestling / TV Reports

411’s ECW On Sci-Fi Report 11.21.06

November 21, 2006 | Posted by Ashish

– Video package aired for the Elimination Chamber Weapons Match and Bobby Lashley’s jump to ECW last week.

– Joey Styles and Tazz hyped the Hardy Boyz reunion for later tonight.

– Matt Striker cut a promo in the ring stating that he was going to conduct a wrestling lesson in the ring with Lashley. He said he would annihilate Lashley tonight.

Lashley vs. Matt Striker
Striker retreated to the floor as Lashley hit the ring. Lashley tossed around Striker’s chalkboard and desk as he waited for Striker to get back in the ring. Once he did, Lashley nailed him with a few shoulderblocks and hit two suplexes before planting Striker with a spear and Dominator for the win.
Winner: Lashley

– Highlights of the Jeff Hardy/Johnny Nitro Ladder Match from RAW were shown.

The Hardy Boyz vs. The FBI
Matt started with Guido. Matt took early control and tagged in Jeff who worked over Guido’s arm. A “Hardyz” chant broke out. Hardyz remained in control, focusing on Guido’s arm. Tony Mamaluke tried to get involved but got hit with a double pumphandle suplex. Trinity got involved, tripping Jeff and giving Guido an opening to land some offense. Hardy eventually went for the Whisper of Wind but missed, allowing FBI to take control. FBI managed to land a two count following a double back suplex. Jeff tried to fight back with a jawbreaker on Mamaluke but FBI remained in control until Jeff tagged in Matt who cleaned house. Matt almost pinned Guido following a second rope legdrop but Mamaluke broke it up. The Hardyz took total control with Jeff hitting the Air Hardy off of Matt’s back and Matt hitting the Twist of Fate on Guido. Jeff then hit the Swanton Bomb with Matt scoring the pin for the win.
Winner: The Hardy Boyz

– Paul Heyman confronted Rob Van Dam backstage. Heyman told RVD that he should suspend him for embarassing him last week but that he wasn’t going to do that. What he did end up doing is adding a stipulation to the RVD/Hardcore Holly match for tonight. If RVD loses, Holly gets his spot in the Elimination Chamber at December to Dismember.

– Sabu video package aired.

Kevin Thorn vs. CM Punk
Back and forth early before Thorn grabbed control, landing a two count following a backbreaker. Thorn locked on a chinlock and held off Punk’s comeback attempt, ramming him into the corner and locking on the Boston Crab. Kelly Kelly came out and started cheering for Punk who rolled out of the Boston Crab and managed to lock Thorn in the Anaconda Vice for the win.
Winner: CM Punk

– After the match, Thorn knocked CM Punk out of the ring and Kelly got into a fight with Ariel. Thorn went for Kelly but Punk got back in the ring and attacked Thorn while Kelly attacked Ariel. The faces rid the ring of the heels, raised each other’s hand, and hugged as Mike Knox watched from the entrance.

– Big Show and Paul Heyman cut a promo. Show talked about the Elimination Chamber match and made fun of the fans for chanting “What?” Show said that nobody in ECW has given him a challenge yet and that nobody can beat him. Lashley came out but Heyman told Big Show not to do anything. Show looked like he was about to leave but ended up punching Lashley. Lashley fought back, picked up the ECW TItle belt which Big Show had tried to use on him, and knocked Show out with it. Show had a tantrum ringside while Lashley stood tall in the ring.

– Another Elimination Chamber video aired.

– Test tried to get Hardcore Holly pumped backstage, saying he wanted Holly in the Elimination Chamber with him.

Hardcore Holly vs. Rob Van Dam in an Extreme Rules Match
RVD grabbed early control, hitting the Rolling Thunder which forced Holly to retreat to the floor. RVD continued his attack on the outside, hitting a corkscrew legdrop. After a break, RVD launched Holly into a chair that was wedged into the corner. Holly managed to grab control by smashing him into the chair, then placed the chair on RVD and stomped on it. After a two count, Holly remained on the attack and dropped RVD throat-first onto the chair. Holly remained in near total control, using the chair as well as a belt off the cameraman to beat down RVD. RVD finally fought back by hitting a reverse back kick. The two exchanged shots with RVD winning out, allowing him to hit a clothesline and kick. RVD dropkicked a chair into Holly’s face and hit the Rolling Thunder. RVD eventually nailed Holly with a top-rope superplex onto a chair, followed by the Five Star Frog Splash onto Holly who was covered with a chair for the win.
Winner: Rob Van Dam


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