Penta El Zero Miedo recently aired the second-ever show for Arena del Valle Lucha Libre. Here are the results, courtesy...
Topic: Komander
Komander is the new #1 contender to the ROH World Television title, winning a title shot on this week's ROH...
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that the reason Komander and the Beast Mortos have not been on AEW television is...
In a post on Twitter, AEW CEO Tony Khan announced that Komander has not been cleared and will not be...
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports that Komander may drop his championships in AAA soon due to his obligations with AEW...
What happened...
Last week, Komander was believed to have suffered some sort of injury at an event in Toronto, when he favored...
Post Wrestling reports that recent AEW signing Komander may have suffered an injury during his match for Demand Lucha. The...
As reported last night, Komander is All Elite and has officially signed with AEW. In an interview with Lexy Nair,...
Komander is the latest person to become All Elite, signing a contract with AEW...