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Matt Cardona on His Torn Pectoral Injury, Says It’s Nothing Compared to Cody Rhodes’ Injury

May 9, 2024 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Matt Cardona AEW Collision Image Credit: AEW

– During a recent edition of Wrestlezone, former WWE Superstar Matt Cardona discussed his recent torn pectoral injury and more. Below are some highlights (via WrestlingInc.com):

Matt Cardona on his torn pectoral injury: “Obviously there’s no good time to get injured in wrestling. I guess in any sport, but this is certainly not a good time. I put out this video, four years since I been released from WWE, all the things I’ve done. And then, boom, same day, I knew — My pec’s torn … Just clotheslining someone over the top rope. S***t happens, right? I felt it right away. And then I was hoping I didn’t need surgery, but I did. And fast forward, it’s been two weeks. The tendon has been repaired. And now it’s just rehab, resting. But Matt Cardona doesn’t rest.”

On how hard it is to get momentum in wrestling: “In wrestling — especially independent wrestling, it’s so hard to gain momentum. But it’s even harder to get it back after you lose it. And I wasn’t just going to take three, four, five, six months off. No way. So I’m still going to be making towns.”

On his torn pec injury compared to what Cody Rhodes had: “Unless your pec looks as bad as Cody’s or worse, you can’t be posting that on social media. Yes, of course, I had bad bruising down my arm, my pec, but like, I can’t even post this because it’s nothing compared to Cody’s.”

As noted, Matt Cardona is currently out of action due to a torn pectoral injury. He recently announced himself as the new GM of GCW.

article topics :

Matt Cardona, Jeffrey Harris