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WWE Reportedly Frustrated With Certain Fans That Ambush Wrestlers For Autographs

March 20, 2023 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WrestleMania 38 WWE Universe Fans Image Credit: WWE

As previously reported, there was an incident several weeks ago in which fans accosted Rey Mysterio for multiple autographs to try and sell the items. The video went viral and featured an unmasked Mysterio, who said that he signed one of the items, but the people filming wanted him to sign everything at 5 AM. They then took to social media to bash Mysterio for not going through with it.

PWInsider reports that WWE and the talent are getting increasingly frustrated with similar incidents, with fans trying to get autographs for many items, which some believe are getting re-sold online. They usually ambush wresters at airports and hotels to get the signatures. A second video was later released where the fans attempted to apologize to Mysterio when he realized they were filming him without permission.

When the Mysterio video leaked, a lot of talents weren’t happy because it tried to slander Mysterio, even though they believe he was right.

This caused talks within the company about similar incidents, including female stars getting stopped by fans. Sometimes, that included fans following them after they got into their cars. WWE is aware of the situation and is said to be “monitoring” it, but are not happy. An official rule has not been given to talents, but some wrestlers have told fans waiting that they were told not to sign toys or trading cards.

A talent noted: “You can tell who’s a family with kids who happen to cross paths with us and who’s stalking the place with 100 items to sign and flip to the next person for a profit.

Several wrestlers said they turned down signing items, but did stop for selfies if fans asked them politely. So many fans showing up often in various cities, waiting for them to leave their flights and hotels is said to be “a nuisance.” A few wrestlers said they don’t mind selfies or a signed 8×10. It was noted that things have been worse since the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, now that more people are likely to be around. Talents believe that the Rey Mysterio situation proves something needs to be done before something serious happens.

article topics :

WWE, Joseph Lee