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411’s TNA Impact Report 10.21.15
Welcome everyone to 411’s TNA Impact Report! My name is Aaron Scott, your official Impact Reporter. The World Title Series continues as we finish our first round matches. TNA X-Division Champion Tigre Uno will take on the British Sensation Mandrews. Manik faces DJZ. We will see highlights of Group Future Force in action as Jesse Godderz takes on Crimson and Eli Drake faces former stablemate Micah. In addition we will see Group Champions action as Mr. Anderson faces Austin Aries, and in your main event, Ethan Carter III takes on “The Destroyer” Lashley. We will posting interviews from some of the competitors tonight, as well as an updated Leader Board for all 32 competitors scheduled inside the World Title Series. We will also go back to Bound For Glory and show you exactly what happened with footage from the main event that saw Matt Hardy compete against Drew Galloway and Ethan Carter III to take the TNA World Heavyweight Title. Match times are not exact, here’s a preview from TJ Perkins himself, Manik and Josh Matthews with the Tuesday Impact breakdown.
We begin with the promo beginning featuring Josh Matthews and Pope Daddy! as they run down the results of the World Title Series so far. Tonight the X-Division, Champions and Future Force brackets will face off. Here are our current standings via the World Title Series Leader Board:
Drew Galloway – 3
Rockstar Spud – 3
Grado – 0
Bram – 0
Aiden O’Shea
Crazzy Steve
Kenny King
Mahabali Shera
Awesome Kong – 3
Brooke – 3
Gail Kim – 0
Madison Rayne – 0
Lashley – 3
Austin Aries – 1
Ethan Carter III – 1
Mr. Anderson – 0
Matt Hardy – 3
Robbie E – 3
Eddie Edwards – 0
Davey Richards – 0
Eli Drake
Jesse Godderz
Tigre Uno
Abyss – 3
Bobby Roode – 3
James Storm – 0
Eric Young – 0
Austin Aries says EC3 has a good chance to advance because he’s stealing his style and has Tyrus. Mr. Anderson says Lashley advances because no explanation necessary. Lashley says Anderson and him have had many wars and will fight again. Ethan Carter III has a hard query to decipher… he puts over all three opponents kind of, and then says he will clone himself to join himself in the next round.
Austin Aries vs Mr. Anderson
World Title Series Match – Group Champions
Lockup to start, Aries with the hammerlock taken into the head, thrown off and a shoulder from Anderson to knock down Aries, hiptoss reversed and a dropkick from Anderson to register a one count. The fans are split, we have the locku, takedown and swim around into the standing grapple. Split Screen time as Anderson details he and Aries traveling through snow-covered roads to earn their way in, completely confusing Ethan Carter III who doesn’t know what independents are. The other three mock him for getting a free pass. Aries ducks the charge to send Anderson over the side, slams him off the ropes and as Anderson comes in Aries dives off with the missile but gets thrown away to crash and burn. Aries talks about his style being dangerous as sometimes it doesn’t work.
Anderson has the arm and smashes the shoulder to work it over, Aries manages a schoolboy! Anderson escapes and puts Aries down, then wraps the leg for the pin getting one.
Anderson charges and Aries puts him into the ringpost, shoulder first. Thea Trinidad is applauding, Aries with the slingshot over the top to land the elbow into Anderson. Aries fights with rights and lefts, managing to box Anderson against the ropes but it gets reversed and they do battle with forearms! Anderson nails the ribs and shots the throat before landing in the big chop! They fight and charge, both hit the double crossbody in the center of the ring! Thea yells to Austin to get up and we go to break.
Miss with the forearm from Aries get caught by the Anderson swinging neckbreaker. Aries sends him to the ropes, forearms to send him down, whip and the charge, Aries this time sent over, hits the forearm to back float back in and Anderson sent to the apron, Aries hits him off the apron and a suicide dive catches Anderson! Aries to the top as Anderson turns and this time the Missile connects!
Thea approves as Aries points and runs to dive but his caught and taken over with the Finlay Roll! Kickout at two! Anderson waits for the rise and Mic Check maneuvered by Aries who wraps the head, Brainbuster no Anderson has him up and sits the man across the top rope! Anderson peppers Austin with shots, climbs up but Aries manages the ear clap and standing tall- 450! KICKOUT AT TWO!
Anderson and Aries brawl and Anderson with the spinning heel kick! Two! Anderson sitting up top but Aries able to cut him off, he climbs up on the top and locks the head! ANDERSON TAKES HIM OVER HIS SHOULDERS! STEAM ROLLER OFF THE TOP ROPE! ONE TWO NO!!!!
The time limit dangerously running low as Aries blocks the Mic Check! Brainbuster no! Aries avoids it again and DISCUS ELBOW! Anderson up top and Aries hits the running Dropkick! Locks the head and
OFFICIAL RESULT: Austin Aries at 13:56, SUPER Brainbuster
Austin Aries has 4 points, Mr. Anderson is summarily eliminated.
We talk about Tigre Uno facing Andrew Everett, Manik and DJZ at the Ultimate X from Bound For Glory. They showcased Andrew Everett’s amazing fall from above the X, as well as Gregory “Shane” Helms coming out on stage to give congratulations to the Champ. Heading to the ring with the arrival of the Champ and Mandrews!
Tigre Uno vs Mandrews
World Title Series Match – Group X-Division
Mandrews gets a chant early on as Tigre takes the leg, Mandrews complaining as Uno has the legs tied and goes for the bow and arrow but Mandrews takes him down and wraps the ankle. Roll from the Champ as Mandrews surprised and both up to a vertical base. Waistlock reversed by Mandrews then Uno, arm trap under to send the man on his shoulders, Uno reverses to bridge and cover, two counts each, cruiserweight special combo five with none of them gaining a three. Thank you Smackdown vs RAW. Mandrews fist bumps, for the fingers, Uno locks and Mandrews swings to headlock, leapfrogs, back under, and takes a chop for his theatrics!
Uno slams the chop in the corner, headlock on the Brit, tripped as Mandrews jumps on him and a standing surfboard taunt before hitting a Standing Moonsault! Mandrews preparing to run and hit the corner dropkick to the seated Champ! Cover gets a two.
Mandrews looking good as Uno kicks him away, wraps the arm around and pulls the legs, the Champ has the man trapped with an elevated Indian Gutwrench Submission! Gutwrench up and down into the Powerbomb! Tigre to the top and LEGDROP OFF THE TOP!! Mandrews to the outside as Uno to the fans- and runs to jam the leaping Baseball slide! Mandrews sent back in and Uno for the cover no a two count only.
Tigre misses the flying dropkick but Mandrews too hurt to capitalize! Uno runs and comes back into a standing dropkick! Uno slips outside! Mandrews signaling- off the ropes and SOMERSAULT PLANCHA TO THE OUTSIDE!!
Mandrews to the fans on the apron, climbs to the top rope and surf taunts again, SHOOTING STAR MISSES! Landed on his feet and Uno with the waistlock pickup to turn the man around and German SUPLEX Into the buckles! SPLIT LEGGED MOONSAULT and that will do it!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Tigre Uno at 6:47, Split Legged Moonsault
Earlier tonight they show Austin Aries defeating Mr. Anderson with the Super Brainbuster! Anderson cannot move on but he can play spoiler. We go to Austin Aries for comments. Aries with Thea say that first they drew with Carter but he’d beat him if they went longer. And he fought a tough battle against a fellow Wisconsin native in Anderson. Aries talks about how he stays motivated and he says he demands it from himself. He’s his biggest fan, and his harshest critic. If he needed any extra edge to dig deep and come out victorious all he needs is Thea Trinidad to prove he won’t give up.
Josh and Pope go over the fact that Austin is now at the top of his group and Anderson is all but eliminated if Lashley defeats EC3.
Ethan Carter III vs Matt Hardy vs Drew Galloway
World Title Match – Special Referee Jeff Hardy – Clips from Bound For Glory 2015
They go back to Bound For Glory as Drew Galloway and Matt Hardy are challenging Ethan Carter III. They both send the man over the side and Matt goes for the plancha but gets taken over in the schoolboy. He avoids it but takes the chops from Drew in the corner. Galloway sends Matt into the corner but eats a back elbow. Matt goes up top and gets stopped as Drew climbs and hits the Side Russian Legsweep off the second. EC3 attacks Drew and takes a headbutt for his troubles. Galloway gets caught with a neckbreaker as Matt stands on the second and dives the elbow into the back of Drew’s neck. Cover and EC3 breaks it.
Carter in the corner and Matt charges Drew, takes the head but gets dropkicked by Carter! Ethan does it to Drew! Matt knocked off the apron and Ethan talking shit to Referee Jeff Hardy! Drew attacks Ethan but gets sent headfirst into the buckles! Carter chops Galloway and Drew gets motivated then tosses Ethan in the corner and slaps away! Drew gets a caught and slammed with a back heel trip, Ethan wearing the man down with the front facelock into the cravate. Drew fights to stand and fires a chop, misses the clotheslines and both crossbody in the center!
Matt runs over both with the lariat! Back elbow to Ethan! Legdrop! Matt to his hometown crowd- kick and Twist of Fate no Ethan runs him through the ropes as both topple to the floor! Ethan and Matt trade shots as Ethan moves and DREW GALLOWAY HITS THE SOMERSAULT PLANCHA TO MATT!!
Ethan sends Drew headfirst into the railing!
Carter to the fans and tells Hardy he’s watching him. Ethan searches underneath the ring for plunder, he pulls out a table! He sets it up. Ethan drags Drew up on the stairs, lifts him for a powerbomb through the table, Drew counters and locks the head, AIR RAID CRASHES THE CHAMP ON THE STEEL STEPS!!
Drew Galloway screams from the fans and sends Ethan into the ring, he makes the cover and Matt Hardy breaks it up!
Hardy gets taken up but gets caught, inverted DDT no Ethan runs and takes a kick, Matt locks the head and DDT/Inverted DDT on both men! Drew Galloway slammed into EC3 and Matt tries a cover on both, both kickout! Matt for the Twist of Fate shoved into Jeff! Matt with the Side Effect on Ethan!
Jeff gets up and Matt for the backslide on Galloway, kicked out of and Drew hits the Future Shock! Ethan tosses Drew and JUST gets a two on Matt! We go to commercial!
We are back as EC3 has Drew on the table and suplexes Hardy from inside the ring over the top down into Galloway! Cut to Drew in the Tree of Woe as Matt climbs up and Ethan chops the hell out of Drew! Ethan climbs and Matt locks the head, and Galloway sits up to Tower of Doom Hardy and EC3! All three men are laid out as Jeff Hardy looks on!
All three battle on their knees with chops and finally Ethan gets control and hits a Double 1 Percenter on both! Ethan shoves Jeff and tells him to DQ him! He kicks Drew in the balls to force Jeff to throw it out! Ethan Carter III goes outside for a chair to earn the disqualification, and tells Hardy blood is on his hands! Hardy takes the chair and tells Ethan to finish it like a man!
Carter orders Hardy to hit his brother with the chair! He smacks Jeff! HARDY slams the man with the chair and slams the man with the steel! He hits a Twist of Fate as Ethan takes a Yakuza Kick from Drew! Matt hits Galloway with the Twist of Fate! He becomes the new World Heavyweight Champion. Reby Sky hands him their son Maxwell and enters as Hardy brings his dad Gilbert into the ring, and the whole family celebrates as Carter leaves defeated. Carter screams at Dixie and Big, shoving John Gaburick over a table before shouting his Aunt is dead to him and leaving.
They go to Ethan Carter III backstage now as he talks about the travesty. He says what hurt the most is he thought he was in a company that wanted him to succeed. He thought his family was in his corner, but he doesn’t. So he does this for himself. You say his back is up against the wall and that makes him LETHAL. That makes him on the verge of frenzy. That makes him an animal! Lashley the World Title Series is not over until he wins.
Josh and Pope talk about how Group Play works in to become Single Elimination. Josh talks about if you have an advantage perhaps it’s smart to take off. Pope says there’s no time it’s full steam ahead. Josh says is there a group of death, where whoever comes out is sure to win. Pope says bet on those that have been to the top, so the Champions perhaps. When we return from break the stars of the Future Four line up for their first matches in the World Title Series.
Jesse Godderz vs Crimson
World Title Series Match – Group Future Four
They join the match in progress as Godderz crashes into Crimson, full knees to the back and an Adonis Crab to win.
Jesse Godderz has 3 points, Crimson has 0.
Jesse has five reasons why he WILL be the World Champ. Like to hear? Here goes.
Eli Drake vs Micah
World Title Series Match – Group Future Four
They show how Drake and Micah battled all over the Impact Zone and cost each other the match via a double countout on the floor.
Eli Drake has 1 point, Micah has 1 point.
Pope Daddy! and Josh Matthews play Tinder again with the chances of the current competitors. Pope says Lashley will pin Carter in tonight’s main event. Let’s go up to the ring for DJZ versus Manik!
Manik vs DJZ
World Title Series Match – Group X-Division
Both men circle as they talk about Manik’s choice to keep the mask on. Both men tie up as Manik wraps the arm but gets into a standing side headlock from Zema. Fingerlock taken down hammerlock and sending Manik over. DJZ beckons and they lockup as Manik wraps the arm around the man’s neck, DJZ turning inside to send Manik to the corner but takes a shoulder in response. Manik stomps him but gets caught with two armdrags, sends DJZ up and Zema with a falling dropkick!
Manik sends DJZ through the ropes, shoulder into the ringpost! Kicks from Manik, arm twist to step around and wrenching back on the other! Manik keeps Z in control with a top wristlock, keeping the pressure on. Manik snaps the suplex to back suplex! Wraps the arm back and Manik gets a few hits in the ribs but DJZ charges for a flying hurricanrana! Dropkick from Zema! Baseball slide from DJZ! To the top! CROSSBODY from the top into Manik!
Atomic drops and a Dropkick from DJZ! To the apron, misses the slingshot DDT and Manik wraps the cross armbreaker but almost gets pinned, right back into the armbreaker! DJZ for the roll, Oklahoma from Manik gets two!
Facial slam across the knee from Zema! The Hostile Makeover gets two!
Manik misses the Frogsplash! DJZ to the outside apron, through the ropes misses the Slingshot Tornado DDT, taken across the shoulder by Manik thrown up and KICKED!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Manik at 5:51, Detonation Kick
They show the last time Ethan Carter III and Lashley faced off, involving two Referees. Our main event tonight from 411mania, will be aired next!
And you know what that means…
EC3 vs Lashley
World Title Series Match – Group Champions
If Carter wins this match, he will join Austin Aries at the top of the Leader Board. A Lashley win will not only cement him at the top with 6 points, Mr. Anderson will be eliminated from Group Play.
Carter rolls from the ring as Lashley makes his entrance, staring daggers on the floor. Tyrus is nearby but Carter doesn’t care, as Tyrus has a shot at the Champ in the future. Lashley is ready to go as Ethan rolls back in. The fans chant for both as Lashley and Carter lock up but both men are in the corner, Ethan calling for Referee Earl Hebner to separate them. Ethan goes to the outside as Lashley waits patiently for Carter to reenter.
Circle to start and the collar and elbow again, Carter again begging off in the corner but he shoves Lashley then hides in the ropes to antagonize Lashley even more. The mindgames continue and they run around only to see Ethan again to the apron. He comes in with a kick as Earl distracted his opponent, but Lashley runs him over with a shoulder! Smashes the socks in the corner and running CHARGE puts the shoulder into Ethan Carter III. He does it again into the cross corner! Lashley up and begins a ten count punch on Carter! Huge haymaker and Ethan is on his ass.
HIPTOSS sends Carter flying and misses the charge, leapfrogs Ethan and clotheslines on the rebound! He sends Ethan over the side!
We return from break as Carter and Lashley are brawling on the floor and Ethan sends him into the steps. Lashley rising as Ethan flies off the apron and gets caught then SPINEBUSTERED on the concrete floor! Lashley is all smiles as the fans chant “One More Time!” Lashley rolls Ethan in and Tyrus runs The Destroyer right into the pole!
Ethan climbs out to send Lashley in and cover gets a ONE.
Ethan mounts Lashley and unloads with punches, shin across the throat as he distracts the Ref! Carter wraps the head for the cravate but Lashley fights free, then Ethan sends him through the ropes! Tyrus picks up Lashley and slams him into the floor! Carter distracted the Ref and now mocks the fallen Superstar, coming out to send the man back inside. Ethan wraps the head and signals for the suplex, Lashley reverses!
Ethan catches Lashley in the drop toehold! Headlock on the back, a camel clutch of sorts wrapped in as Lashley wraps the legs, powering to stand and falls back to drop Carter hard! He’s too hurt to get up as Earl counts them down. Both smash fists but Lashley ducks and hits a German! Overhead Belly to Belly! Lashley runs an Avalanche into the corner! Torture Rack and no! Eyes raked and kicked, off the ropes, powerslammed by Lashley! Rolls over and into a rear naked choke!
Tyrus has the boot and puts it on the bottom rope! Ethan survives! Carter for the arm, underhook and sweeps out the leg gets a two count only! Stinger Splash to follow! Two Minute Warning.
Carter on Lashley in the ropes, taken up and POWERBOMB CARRY! Lashley feeling it!
Lashley in, wraps the leg but only gets a two! Lashley sends Ethan into the buckles and up and over, Tyrus with the chair and runs in to take a Spear! Carter with the chair and Lashley grabs it while the Ref is distracted! Ethan kicks the lowblow and hits the 1 Percenter!
OFFICIAL RESULT: Ethan Carter III at 14:44, 1 Percenter
Next week Drew Galloway takes on Grado. James Storm faces Abyss, Matt Hardy faces Robbie E. and Gail Kim takes on Awesome Kong! Here are your updated Leader Board Standings. Thank you so much for joining, my name is Aaron Scott and we will see you here next time from 411mania’s TNA Impact Wrestling Report!
Drew Galloway – 3
Rockstar Spud – 3
Grado – 0
Bram – 0
Aiden O’Shea
Crazzy Steve
Kenny King
Mahabali Shera
Awesome Kong – 3
Brooke – 3
Gail Kim – 0
Madison Rayne – 0
Ethan Carter III – 4
Austin Aries – 4
Lashley – 3
Mr. Anderson – 0
Matt Hardy – 3
Robbie E – 3
Eddie Edwards – 0
Davey Richards – 0
Jesse Godderz – 3
Eli Drake – 1
Micah – 1
Crimson – 0
Tigre Uno – 3
Mandrews – 0
Abyss – 3
Bobby Roode – 3
James Storm – 0
Eric Young – 0
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