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SHIMMER Taping Results: Volumes 29 and 30
411 Reader DJ Brett sent in this report from yesterday’s SHIMMER tapings (Volumes 29 and 30) in Berwyn, IL:
Notes: An interesting show as a lot of younger faces were given the opportunity to shine with the absences of Amazing Kong, Daffney, Ashley Lane, Lexie Fyfe, Wesna Busic, Amber Oneal, and The International Home Wrecking Crew. The show started late as usual but the weather was nice so the wait wasn’t that bad. The Japanese visitors were decent but nothing to write home about unless you REALLY like missile dropkicks because they threw A LOT of them. Also, there was a new female referee for this set of tapings named Carly Ray.
Pre-show SPARKLE matches:
– Jordan McIntyre & Knight Wagner beat ? Dillinger and Green Man
– Anna Manushka beat PJ Tyler
– Leva Bates pinned Shanaynay with a top rope Thesz press
SHIMMER Volume 29:
– “The Rate Tank” Kellie Skater pinned Neveah
*Neveah has now become a brunette and looks MUCH better
– Annie Social & Melanie Cruise lost to Nikki Roxx & Ariel via a Roxx Barbie crusher on
– LuFisto (w/ Peekaboo) made Rachel Summerlynn tap out to a stranglehold
– Mercedes Martinez beat “Jumpin’ Jamilia Craft due to a fisherman’s buster
*Craft is the youngest graduate of the SHIMMER wrestling academy and performed okay but was kinda sloppy
– Allison Danger defeated Rayna Von Tosh
*Tosh is just TERRIBLE. Her gimmick is annoying and she is akward as hell in the ring. These girls are taking on the worst traits of their trainer, Daizee Haze
– A promo of The Canadian Ninjas was shown on the screen and as Danger watched it Portia Perez snuck in through the crowd and attacked her with handcuffs. Nicole Matthews held referee Bryce Remsburg back as Perez MAJORLY messed up Danger. Leva came in to save but Melanie Cruise and Annie Social held her off and launched her into the ringside barrier.
– Sassy Stephie lost to Madison Eagles
– Cat Power was beat by Jessie McKay
*Cat may be getting more serious as the usual cat toys didn’t distract her like they normally do
– Amber Gertner is in the ring and introduces the returning “Dark Angel” Sarah Stock.
Stock said she remembers beating MsChif in the SHIMMER title tournament and wants a shot at her championship. It is announced she will get it on Volume 30. Also announced is The Canadian Ninjas versus Cheerleader Melissa & MsChif for the Tag Titles later on tonight.
– Sarah Del Rey pinned Tenille
*Tenille is now blonde. Funny moment as a member of the audience yelled to Del Rey “She’s not scared of you” and she responded “She should be!”
– Misaki Ohata beat Daizee Haze via a roll-up
*After the match Daizee snapped and turned heel viciously attacking Ohata. Jamilia Craft came down to pull Daizee off of her by talking about “showing respect” and Haze attacked her too. She laid them both out with double chicken wing suplex
– Ayumi Kurihara defeated Tomoka Nakagawa with a hammerlock northern lights suplex
– SHIMMER Tag Team Champions Portia Perez & Nicole Matthews were victorious over the team of SHIMMER Champion MsChif & Cheerleader Melissa after MsChif was superkicked into a german suplex.
*Heels continued the beatdown after the match until Allison Danger made the save and finally got some licks in on Portia Perez
SHIMMER Volume 30:
– Malia Hosaka (with Lexie on a stick) defeated Leva Bates following an implant buster
*Idiots in the crowd once again chanted “USA” to bother Hosaka but once again failed to remember she is from Hawaii
– Annie Social & Melanie Cruise beat Rachel Summerlyn & Jessica James
– Cat Power was hit with a burning hammer and lost to LuFisto
*Power had to be helped from the ring by several referees
– A promo was shown with Daizee Haze saying she taught Jamilia Craft and she disrespected her by trying to stop her beatdown earlier in the night. She made a challenge to Craft and Ohata for later with Tomoka Nakagawa as her partner
– Mercedes Martinez beat Kellie Skater with a chop flurry and a burning hammer
– Ayumi Kurihara defeated Nikki Roxx with The Summerslam ’92 British Bulldog pin
– A MsChif and Cheerleader Melissa promo is shown. Melissa said she is breaking up the tag team to focus on singles and that in their last two tag matches MsChif took the fall each time. Sarah Stock and Madison Eagles interrupt both claiming the SHIMMER title will be theirs soon. MsChif says that whoever wins between her and Stock later tonight will face the winner of the Melissa/Eagles match at a later date with the title on the line
– “Jumpin” Jamilia Craft & Misaki Ohata lost to Daizee Haze & Tomoka Nakagawa when haze pinned Craft
– Nicole Mathhews used a roll of the dice to pin Jessie McKay
*Crowd LOVES Jessie McKay
– Sara Del Rey beat Hiroyo Matsumoto after a falling piledriver
– In A Last Woman Standing match, Portia Perez could not meet the count back up after Allison Danger gave her an old school expulsion on a chair
*This match went all over the Berwyn Eagles Club and even involved some fan’s belt on several occasions. Perez talked major trash about Danger’s daughter throughout which really fired her up. Nicole Matthews brought a chair to the ring for Perez to use but Jennifer Blake appeared out of nowhere and fought Matthews all the way to the back.
– Madison Eagles pinned Cheerleader Melissa with her feet on the ropes
*Eagles had new music and is now a full-on heel
-SHIMMER Champion MsChif pinned “Dark Angel” Sarah Stock after The Desecrator
*Disappointing match that I don’t think even went 10 minutes. The crew came to the ring before the match to tighten the ropes which made sense once the match began as Stock was springing all over the place off of them. Crowd was pretty quiet throughout this one and it is pretty obvious they have to take the title off of MsChif soon because her title reign is getting stale as hell.
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