The Von Erichs speak...
Topic: Ric Flairs Last Match

Rickey Shane Page was backstage at Ric Flair's Last Match, and he recently recalled encountering Kid Rock backstage...

What does Flair think...

Charlotte Flair gave a recent interview for The TODAY Show and shared some details about her experience watching her father...

Ric Flair is clarifying statements surrounding his last match, saying that he doesn't want to wrestle again...

Tully Blanchard spoke with the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast recently and explained why he didn't watch his...

– Speaking on his To Be The Man podcast, Ric Flair discussed wanting to do his last match again, explaining...

Impact Wrestling has announced that the ‘Ric Flair’s Last Match’ event is now streaming on their Impact+ service. The event...

Steamboat speaks...

Ric Flair is having fun with keeping people guessing about whether he'll do one more match, saying he's retired from...